Saturday, January 14, 2006

Cast Adrift By Judge Cashman

The Anchoress calls him a judge Steven Spielberg could love:
     In his “prayer for peace” Steven Spielberg’s film Munich reportedly draws a moral equivalence between Palestinian terrorists and Israel’s response…and he cautions that “fighting back” doesn’t work - it only leads to more violence.
The Associated Press claims that this story was “whipped into a frenzy via Internet blogs” — a snarky aside, showing the growing fear the MSM harbors about the ability of distributive information to change outcomes.

Read the rest at The Neighborhood of God.


Wally Ballou said...

Great Scot - A non-judgemental judge! What next? Seems like a clear case of nonfeasance of duty.

How dare the blogs whip this story into a frenzy? Our MSM keepers know how to handle a story like this - ignore it, so it doesn't interfere with the approved narrative and befuddle the great unwashed.

Anonymous said...

Damn me! For posting such a 'snarky' hit on Munich.

First talk radio...

Then Fox News...

Now the Internet...

What next? The return of Christianity into the public square!

I pray so.

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