Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Canada Goose Redux

Last week I wrote about the depredations of the geese around my workplace, about how a protected species had become an obnoxious pest. Well, yesterday I had my camera with me at work when the geese showed up.

Here is a flock of the actual perps:
We’re taking over.
They had just arrived, so there isn’t much crap visible yet on the sidewalk and parking lot.

Fred and EthelHere’s a closeup of a pair of the evil honkers.

Death to geese! I’m recommending a return to the tradition of the Christmas goose…


shoprat said...

Some people here call them "flying rats." I live in Michigan and the ones in my hometown don't even leave in the winter. They find enough food to stay.

El Jefe Maximo said...

This seems an appropriate place to tell ya'll about my plans for "Moonbat Friday" this coming Friday, the 13th, over at my blog.

It's time to indulge the inner leftist in all of us. For everybody who wants to get out the bong, shout slogans, avoid baths, and indulge the little EuroCommie/North Korean/Cuban propagandist in each of us, Moonbat Friday is for you.

Hope to come up with some truly inspired ravings by Friday (and Friday ONLY), and that some of you stop by.

El Jefe Maximo said...

Postponing the "Moonbat Friday" for a bit...

Would like to go goose hunting though

goesh said...

that one in the front would look so good in a roasting pan!

Pastorius said...

Geese are incredibly annoying. They are one of the few animals that I harbor fantasies of hurting.

Wally Ballou said...

You eat 'em - they're too greasy for me. I had Christmas goose once (as a kid), and it made me gag.

They'd make good cat food, though.

X said...

Goose fat makes a good insulator if you happen to be swimming in cold water. Rare, I know, but any excuse will do eh?

This isn't a problem limited to your side of the atlantic. We get these geese parading up and down the canal that runs through my home town, which was only rebuilt in the last 5 or so years. The path along one sside is virtually unusuable because there are so many of them, and they leave their crap everywhere. Fortunately there aren't *too* many, though they seem to have scared off the swan that used to pay us a visit...

Jesse Clark said...


Try getting your boss to declare a 'Bring Your .22 To Work Day'.

As for geese and the homeless, the other day while driving I took a freeway off-ramp and in the field next to the freeway there was a horde (gaggle?) of a few dozen geese. Standing by the intersection was your typical off-ramp homeless guy with a cardboard sign. The sign read: 'Will Catch You Geese For Money'

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