Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Stakes in Europe

Longtime commenter DP111 — who comments on Gates of Vienna, Fjordman, Little Green Footballs, and other blogs, but has no blog of his own that I know of — is featured today in a post on Fjordman. His remarks are worth reproducing in full; I have edited them for typos. DP111 is British (I think), and the European perspective on the Great Islamic Jihad is a valuable one:
     The long-term goal — and we shouldn’t be squeamish about stating this — is to encourage mass apostasy among Muslims. Apostasy in the widest sense — that is, Muslims either leave Islam or leave infidel lands. The question is how do we arrive at this point rapidly enough and before the demographic imperative leaves no choice for either us, or for potential apostate Muslims. In the first instance, deporting illegal aliens, particularly Muslims, then following it by deporting those who advocate terrorism, will deplete the Islamic base in the West to a sufficient degree, that it is unable to facilitate jihadism in the West as easily.
As Islam is mainly a profit motive political ideology, masquerading as a religion, the pressures on Muslims to change their ideology must also be based on a profit-cum-political basis. Islam has no real philosophical base, and as such, is immune to arguments based on morality or ethics. Thus deportation of the advocates of Islamisation, terror etc will start to demoralise the Islamic base. continues the Islamic base. A number of Muslims will leave of their own accord, or will leave Islam, as they see no future for themselves or their children in a modern society.
What I’m getting here is that we have to give Muslims some incentive to either leave Islam or leave infidel lands. They are unlikely to do either, if what they see is the continuing Islamisation of the West. Why would anyone in their right minds, wish to join what is perceived as the losing side? This to be followed by an insistence that the rules that define a liberal secular democracy have to be adhered to. For instance
1.  The electrically amplified calls of the muezzin are an invasion of the public square as well as an affront to other faiths.
2.  Wearing clothes that signify the oppression of women is a symbol of acceptance of slavery as legitimate. Totally unacceptable.
3.  Teaching Islam in public schools is not acceptable, as the texts violate several; cherished values of the West.
What is being proposed here are certain ideas, none are racist or Islamophobic, bigoted or anti-religious. They are just what defines Western civilisation i.e. rule of law, separation of church and state, equality of sexes etc. As I pointed out, 9/11 and others such massacres were chastisement delivered to the Western donkey to make it move in the right direction. It is the stick and carrots approach. In essence, this what I’m proposing - stick and carrots approach. Generally works. The basic impulse of Islam is to expand into Infidel territory. The territory is not just physical but spiritual and intellectual. Unable to do so, it will collapse quite quickly in historic terms, and thus release the 1.2 billion souls in its enslavement. What more can one ask for.
The other great thing of this approach is, that we are will not be untrue to our own ideas of who and what we are.


unaha-closp said... 1

Nice coherent post, but it does not allow for the most important aspects of Western society - capitalism and growth. Western secularism is a profit motive ideology and Gulf Arabs who sponsor the radical strain of Islam are very wealthy. To deny ourselves ability to profit from their sponsorship and beliefs, act in their pay, will require that we limit our capitalism. To limit our capitalism will be a great constraint on our society.

A better way would be to find a way to profit and limit the spread of Islam. Best solution may be to remove the oil wealth from the hands of the Gulf Arab leader that promotes this form of Islam and place it in the hands of a leader that does not, or take it for ourselves.

Baron Bodissey said... 2

DP111 --

As a matter of coincidence, I'm currently reading The Sword of the Prophet by Serge Trifkovic (a very good book), and I just encountered this passage:

"Marxist-Fascist and Islamist projects have in common the lust for other people's lives and property, and the desire to exercise complete control over their subjects' lives. All three have been justified by a self-refential system of thought and belief that perverts meanings of words, stunts the sense of moral distinctions, and destroys souls."

His analysis is that Islam is a materialistic religion, because your reward is either rape and plunder in this life or rape and plunder in the next, but in either case it's a hedonistic reward.

The whole thing explains why the Left seems to ally so easily with the Great Jihad.

Baron Bodissey said... 3

DP111 --

I agree with everything you say, but I don't think your program is politically feasible under present circumstances. The entrenched interests are much too committed to the status quo.

The biggest problem is the stranglehold that the liberal elites have on the media. If real information about what goes on could be thoroughly discussed, and repeatedly brought to public attention, change would become possible.

That must be our first task, to change the conversation. With the blogs we have a chance to do it. The three most important things are subversion, subversion, and subversion.

Of course, we also need more gutsy journalists like Oriana Fallaci...