Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Interview with David Wood

Michael Coren traveled to the Jessica Mokdad Human Rights Conference in Dearborn last weekend. While he was there he interviewed Dr. David Wood of Acts 17 Apologetics.

We’ve featured the legal persecution of Dr. Wood and his colleagues in this space in the past (see the “Roster of the Silenced” entry at the bottom of this post for details on the case). In his interview with Michael Coren, Dr. Wood talks about the extra-legal persecution that was mounted against him for speaking out about Islam, and against his colleagues for being apostates from Islam who converted to Christianity.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:

From the Roster of the Silenced:

Names: Negreen Mayel, Nabeel Qureshi, Paul Rezkalla, Dr. David Wood

Initial charge: June 18, 2010

Disposition or final date: acquitted September 24, 2010

Offense: Handing out Christian material in a Muslim neighborhood

Statute: Breach of Peace and Failure to Obey a Lawful Order of a Police Officer


Dr. Wood is a former atheist who is currently a Teaching Fellow in Philosophy at Fordham University.

Arrest: The four defendants were arrested on June 18, 2010, for passing out copies of the Gospel of St. John in English and Arabic at the Annual Dearborn Arab Festival in Dearborn Michigan.

Specific Charge: Breach of Peace and Failure to Obey a Lawful Order of a Police Officer. (Videos taken of the arrest did not show any evidence of either of the charges.)

Disposition: After a five day trial, all four were acquitted by a jury on September 24, 2010. The victims have filed a civil suit against the City of Dearborn. Needless to say, they were NOT silenced.


Anonymous said...

ChristianInfidel says:

Fantastic interview! Thank you for posting this. I never knew most of this about Dr. Wood. Michael Coren has done so much to alert the free world. I consider him a great gift from God.

Anonymous said...

A 'Muslim' neighbourhood?

Anonymous said...

Whirlwinder said. . . .

The dhimmi Mayor and police chief of Dearborn are obviously under the influence of the Muslim rabble. That this is happening in America is abominable but, we have not been educated to the perils of Islam here and so, we must put up with this kind of crap for a time. Once educated about Islam, we can then form strategies to deal with the evil if Islam

j_not_a said...

Michael Coren is truly a gem of a Canadian and a true freedom fighter, I've been reading and watching him for several years. A courageous individual (he has been getting death threats for years from muzlums) and still soldiers on. As a Canadian I'm proud of his work. He is a strong supporter of the Ukranian community and has done much to educate on the Ukranian starvation holocaust caused by Stalin in which up to 10 million Ukranians died. I appreciate him bringing this to the publics attention , most people do not know about it. Live long and prosper, Michael.

j_not_a said...

I've been reeadin and watching Michael Coren since 2004 on Canadian tv and newsprint. I am glad he is finaly getting the recognition he deserves, he is truly a Canadian gem and freedom fighter. He has among other things raised conciousness of the Ukranian starvation holocaust by stalin and I am grateful for that. Michael, you rock!

Anonymous said...

I just came across this whilst browsing..WHAT?? This is UNBELIEVABLE ! Great work Michael exposing this !
Americans HAVE to go on MASS PROTESTS to prevent their freedoms eroding even more ! Problem is, as everywhere in the West, the only people with the time to organise/ protest are the welfare recipients, which includes many Muslims ! We are all working! Co-incidence? Never !!Planned for sure decades ago !
WE MUST WAKE UP! Yes I am shouting, this is worth shouting about. It is scary !
Sharia/Stalinism/Naziism has almost taken over, FIGHT IT every way you can. It's David Wood & friends one day, maybe us another day, unless we eradicate this insanity.

Thanks also for this great blog.! Appreciate the work you put into defending our Western freedoms and culture.
I am European and It's bad here too .

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