Monday, April 09, 2012

The Throat-Slitters of Grünerløkka

Cultural Enrichment News

This is another example of a brutal crime in Oslo in which any hint of ethnicity has been carefully cleansed from the Norwegian media report. Once again, I’ll offer to eat my pickelhaube if there turns out to be no cultural enrichment involved.

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer, who translated the report, has this to say about it:

The article doesn’t mention that the perpetrators of this horrific incident were immigrants, but they did threaten her in English, so I think it’s fair to assume that they weren’t Norwegians.

Nor does the article mention anything about the ethnicity of the victim, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she turns out to be ethnic Norwegian. Most of the victims are.

Grünerløkka is a culturally enriched neighbourhood in Oslo.

The translated article from today’s edition of VG Nett:

Rape charge: Victim suffered a 12 cm [5 inch] gash to the throat

Two men have been charged in connection with a brutal assault rape in Grünerløkka in Oslo

The young female victim suffered several knife cuts to the throat and was raped repeatedly.

“Shut up or I will kill you,” [she was told this in English, which would tend to suggest that the perpetrators were foreigners. — translator] she was told by one of the accused when she started crying.

The rape occurred early in the morning on August 28 last year in an apartment complex in Kirkegårdsgata. The young woman had just entered the building when she was assaulted.

Sensitive readers may not want to read the brutal details, which have been placed below the jump.
She had a knife put to her throat and suffered a 12-centimetre gash. The wound was so deep that it needed stitches. After being raped in the stairwell, the woman was brought down to the basement where she was raped again.

Two men aged 23 and 21 years old have been charged with the unusually brutal assault rape. According to the indictment, the 23-year-old was the most active of the two. He has previously refused to cooperate with the police. VG Nett has been unable to get a comment from his defence lawyer, Trygve Staff.

Lived in a shared accommodation

The victim, who is from another part of the country, was visiting friends who were living in a shared apartment in the building. The accused 21-year-old had moved out of the flat just two weeks prior to the rape.

Police have previously reported that it was this information that enabled them to track down the two perpetrators. The pair had broken into the flat and stolen valuables from it on the night of the rape.

“My client does not accept the rape charges,” says Arne Gunnar Aas, the 21-year-old’s defence lawyer.

Drug seizures

The two accused rapists were arrested by police about a month after the incident. In an apartment belonging to one of the men police found almost 900 grams of marijuana and NoK 20,000.

Both men have been charged with storage and distribution of drugs.

Court proceedings against the two will commence in the Oslo City Court on May 2. Four days have been set aside for the case.

For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.


Anonymous said...

European countries need to bring back
the death penalty for these kinds of
acts. When there is also a racial element to the multi-rape,the harshest penalty is called for.

Columnist said...

Reminds me of Marianne Vaatstra.

As a side note, there is a civil war in Syria. This war will only end if Sunni and Shi'a Muslims convert to a third religion.

Anonymous said...

I hope the author will attend the trial and report on it.

Anonymous said...

The Western countries had become totally civilized, so much so, that the death penalty was hardly necessary.

Now, these countries must review their criminal acts and rebuild the lawsystem to meet the new crime requirements introduced with the new demography.

Either, the politicians did not see these requirements, like on the contrary, the people did, or, they saw them, and wanted to sit still letting the chaos develop.

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