Saturday, February 04, 2012

As Norwegian as the King

Ummah Norway

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer has translated an op-ed from Aftenposten containing the latest multicultural wisdom from one of the best and brightest in the Norwegian media.

He notes:

The female author of this piece is obviously suffering from the same delusional fantasies as the rest of the predominantly left-wing Norwegian ‘academy’. She seems to believe that it’s OK to introduce sharia in Norway, provided it happens through ‘democratic means’.

Notice that it’s practically a non-issue for the Norwegian MSM to print articles that defend sharia, the Taliban and Islam. Articles that are highly critical of these issues, on the other hand, are a big no-no.

This is the sad state of affairs in this ‘Bastopian’ (Bastøy-Utopia) la-la land.

The subject of the op-ed, one Arfan Qadeer Bhatti, is reportedly one of the Muslim zealots behind the online video posted last month that threatened the prime minister and other Norwegian officials. In the opinion of the author, Mr. Bhatti has a perfect right to his radical incitements, provided that he doesn’t actually behead anybody or blow something up.

To get a feeling for the shameless double standard at work here, replace Bhatti’s name with “Fjordman” in some of the sentences below. Texts containing the revised wording would never be published in the Norwegian media, and might even invite legal action if they were. Opinions like those of Fjordman are simply unthinkable in Modern Multicultural Norway.

On the other hand, jihad, the Taliban, sharia, the Caliphate, etc. — that’s a different matter. Nothing wrong with those ideas. Our superior, enlightened, progressive tolerance requires that we give them a fair public hearing:

In defence of a fanatical Muslim

The right to be an extreme Muslim should be just as obvious as the right to be an extreme Christian. The freedom to work for societal reforms also applies when the goal is sharia.

By Inger Anne Olsen

With his violent background, his extreme religious views and his spectacular beard, Arfan Qadeer Bhatti has managed in just a few weeks to divide Norwegian Muslim fundamentalists and become a new symbol for everything that may be wrong with Islam.

Perhaps he has violated Norwegian penal codes with his aggressive rhetoric and his alleged role in the publishing of a video that exhibits strong anti-Norwegian Government views, but then again perhaps not. And as long as he stays within the boundaries of the law, no one can stop Arfan Bhatti in his struggle to introduce sharia in Norway. Regardless how much it may displease us.

Gloriously saved

Arfan Bhatti’s personal transformation could have been a pleasing one. In 2002, Bhatti, one of Norway’s most violent men, just released from prison, told us that he had found God and become a devout Muslim. That a prisoner sometimes finds God and is gloriously saved is not uncommon, and such news is normally met with joy.

Bhatti didn’t try to make himself appear more palatable, and he told us that he only felt contempt for traditional Norwegian values.

“I have a lot of hatred inside my head. I am so angry that tears sometimes start to flow when I think of Norwegian authorities,”

the converted Bhatti told Dagbladet ten years ago.

The wayward son

Nor has the return of the wayward son been received with joy in the Muslim community. On the contrary, there is a strong tendency there to denounce him.

Most striking is Abid Raja’s attitude. Raja told Dagbladet yesterday that:

“It would have been better for all of us if he had remained a criminal. Now he’s even more dangerous because now he’s an extremist.”

But the same year that Bhatti’s personal transformation took place; Raja himself suggested that young criminal Muslims should be given the opportunity to serve shorter prison sentences in a mosque, under the supervision and guidance of an Imam. The purpose was to get them on the right path.

And if Bhatti is a dangerous extremist, then he’s still a criminal.

Yet Raja is correct when he says that: One doesn’t become a religious authority just because one grows a beard.

But in the verbal tug of war about what constitutes a good Muslim, and how Islam should be practiced, Bhatti has in a relative short period manage to turn himself and his small group of followers into a marginal phenomenon, from which other fundamentalist Islamist groups are eager to distance themselves. The Islamic Council of Norway, an organization that for many years has been perceived as an enemy of society, is now seen upon as a kind uncle and is considered to be a safe and stable partner for the Norwegian Church.

This development has occurred gradually, but 35 Muslim men in prayer in front of the parliament, and quite possibly under the leadership of Arfan Bhatti and Mohyeldeen Mohammed, have quickly shifted society’s understanding of where the Muslim danger is coming from.

What type of Sharia?

As is true of many other Muslims, Bhatti wants to introduce sharia in Norway. This is utopia. Large parts of sharia collide with the prevailing Norwegian understanding of democracy and justice, nor does there exist a general consensus among Muslims what sharia is and how it should be practiced. Islam is just as fragmented as other religions. And after decades of seemingly paralyzing consensus, Norwegian Muslims have finally started to discuss which branch of Islam they belong to, and how they believe Islam should be practiced. This is a big step forward, although it invariably leads to discord and disagreement.

In this landscape there is no doubt that Arfan Bhatti is an extreme Islamist. One may, of course, dislike this fact intensely, but he has every right to be one, as long as he’s not violent or threatening. Nor does he try to hide, and he uses his own name when he reveals his opinions.

Even a blind hen can find corn, and when Bhatti points out that countries that engage in wars are exposing themselves to danger, he’s not saying anything that we don’t already know. Such statements are only problematic if they are presented as threats.

And this leads us to the problem. Because it’s quite possible that Arfan Bhatti is playing on our fear of the person he used to be and that he has a genuine desire to appear threatening. But Norway as a society should be able to come up with better arguments against extreme Islamist views than ones telling them to move to countries where sharia is practiced, which is exactly how Siv Jensen (The Progress Party) dismisses Bhatti.

Just as Norwegian as the King

Arfan Bhatti was born and raised in Norway to immigrant parents, and thus he is just as Norwegian as the King. Bhatti has strongly divergent views on religion, different from that of most people and different from that of most Norwegian Muslims. But as long as it happens through peaceful means, Bhatti has just as much right to work for the introduction of sharia in Norway as Siv Jensen has the right to work for the introductions of Progress Party policies.

If Norway does not have room for people who advocate the introduction of sharia through democratic means, we should seriously consider recalling our own Christian missionaries, sent out on the mission field with substantial government support.

The right to be a fanatical Muslim should be just as obvious as the right to be a fanatical Christian. The limits are not drawn by what type of society we want to introduce, but by the methods we are willing to adopt.

The worst thing that can happen to any dissident is not to be noticed, and perhaps a shrug of the shoulder is the most effective medicine against fanatical, religious extremists who claim to have seen the light.


Juniper in the Desert said...

no doubt the Norwegian king is happy to be compared to a paki; I certainly view him, his family and the Norwegian establishment as their equal!!

Danko said...

One really gets more and more dizzy while reading the article of this lady. She says: "the introduction of sharia through democratic means". Could anybody inform her that nationalsocialism too was elected through democratic means? Anyway, she says that the introduction of Sharia is an utopia. What's now then? A or B?

"Bhatti, one of Norway’s most violent men, just released from prison, told us that he had found God and become a devout Muslim. That a prisoner sometimes finds God and is gloriously saved is not uncommon, and such news is normally met with joy." - So she mets with joy that there is a new jihadist n Norway.

"Arfan Bhatti is an extreme Islamist. One may, of course, dislike this fact intensely, but he has every right to be one, as long as he’s not violent or threatening." So an extreme islamist is neither violent nor threatening. He has to prove it by killing people.

"The right to be a fanatical Muslim should be just as obvious as the right to be a fanatical Christian." Is there any christian sharia? Was Jesus a warlord? Does the bible preach to kill all non-christians?

My dear God... this lady can be blasted in each and every paragraph...

Anonymous said...

To praise a 7th century savage like Bhatti who would if given the opportunity would slaughter Inger Olsen and her ilk in a heartbeat, is something to behold.

But it's par for the course for these European elites. They seem to be intent on performing some sort of genocide or ghettoizing of Europeans by importing millions of backward and violent Muslims and bankrolling their agenda.

Of course these elites refuse to consider that their collective heads and their children will be the first ones to be be chopped when the Muzzies get numerous enough.

D. Collaric said...

The most important point about all this is, EDUCATION, people should KNOW what Islam is standing for. Sharia? How can people of our tim,e and age still believe this are the laws of the stoned-gawd allah, when it was written centuries after Moohammel became wormfood? These writers could not claim that "Gabriel" the Arch-Angel" visited or that allah spoke to them, to clear up any misunderstandings they might have had.

goethechosemercy said...

She seems to believe that it’s OK to introduce sharia in Norway, provided it happens through ‘democratic means’.

Yeah. The world had a similar belief about the Nazis in 1933. It was all legal, so what's the problem?
Well, Islam, like Nazism, is a package deal, and if you haven't questioned what you're getting, then I suspect you may deserve it . . . madam Olsen.

goethechosemercy said...

She seems to believe that it’s OK to introduce sharia in Norway, provided it happens through ‘democratic means’.

Yeah. The world had a similar belief about the Nazis in 1933. It was all legal, so what's the problem?
Well, Islam, like Nazism, is a package deal, and if you haven't questioned what you're getting, then I suspect you may deserve it . . . madam Olsen.

mace said...

This is another example of the dysfunctions of the muti-culti doctrine. I wonder if there's an element of racism in the rather patronizing tolerance of Islamists, cultural relativism and double standards.

As long as these sociopaths have Third world cultural origins and claim that their particular brand of ideological poison is a religion they're protected and even encouraged by the 'multiculturalists'.

Democracy is not a means to an end, but a condition of society. That is a mistake the Western supporters of the 'Arab Spring' made, democratic elections don't necessarily produce democracy.


Indeed. Few people seem to study history these days. The Germans perhaps, could offer the excuse that no normal citizen could possibly anticipate the depravity of the Nazi regime.

In contrast, we all should understand the the barbarity of Islamist regimes,there are many examples.

Anonymous said...

Bhatti, one of Norway’s most violent men, just released from prison, told us that he had found God and become a devout Muslim. That a prisoner sometimes finds God and is gloriously saved is not uncommon, and such news is normally met with joy.

he found allah the supremacist arabic pedophile terrorist deity.

Arfan Bhatti is an extreme Islamist. One may, of course, dislike this fact intensely, but he has every right to be one, as long as he’s not violent or threatening.

he has the «right» to be an extreme islamist where he came from.

R7 Rocket said...

So this female journalist wants sharia eh? She should prepare for this future by quitting her job and learning how to cook and clean for her husband. She should stay in the kitchen and only speak if her husband allows her to.

Sounds like poetic justice to me for these feminazis.

Anonymous said...

Could anyone provide links to the articles in Norwegian media defending sharia and the taliban?

Vortac said...

GoV should consider putting up a poll for the "Dhimmiest Quote of the Month" or "The Most Obedient Dhimmi of the Year" where all similar statements would be collected, presented and voted for.
In my view, Inger Anne Olsen is a serious contender there, although competition (particularly from Norway) is very tough - just remember that Norwegian mayor few days ago who said "How excellent. This is great. It is extremely exciting" when news reached him that Mohammed is now the most popular name for newborns in his city.

Findalis said...

It couldn't happen to a better people for it. They are practically at the point of ensuring their extinction as a people.

I do hope they do. Along with the stonings, rapes, cutting off of hands, and all the wonderful barbaric practices Muslims impose upon the world.

Anonymous said...

No Finlandis, I still hope the Norwegian people come to their senses and save themselves and their children's future.

Chiu ChunLing said...

I have to draw the line at cheering for the implementation of Sharia. I think...I have a fondness for the idea of a world without existential conflicts. I don't claim to understand the process by which longing for something becomes the delusion that it is therefor necessarily possible, let alone presently enjoyed. Probably there is a moral fault to entertaining pleasant delusions rather than facing harsh realities.

But what I want is for people to see their terrible situation while there is still hope to avoid the abyss that threatens to forever destroy their chances for peace and comfort. If I let myself feel it too much...anyway, if it were possible that some should live sheltered lives by virtue of my efforts to avert the dangers that would threaten them, I would not begrudge them their ease. It would, rather, be something to look on as a sort of reward for my pains.

But I have no such power, to insulate anyone from the consequences of indulging in willful ignorance of the threat posed by totalitarian ideologies. I really wish I did...I wish it were not necessary for everyone that would live in freedom and peace to confront the horrors that those bent on conquest and subjugation would inflict.

It is not possible. My desire that there should be eternal innocence combined with moral good, unstained by knowledge of evil, is a childish fantasy and can never be anything more. But I don't hate anyone for wanting to live out that fantasy. I know that it must not be entertained any more than children should be permitted to think that they can fly off the roof if they wear a red cape. But I don't wish the children to have their legs broken for it.

Chiu Chun-Ling.

Anonymous said...

As if identity was about mathematics!

The Danish Prince and his British wife Maud arrived in Norway in 1905, with their little son Olav, the father of today's king Harald.

The Norwegian people had voted, and chose the monarchy in 1905 when the union with Sweden had come to an end and Norway was finally a free country.

As for Bhatti, he is a pakistani and a muslim. Therein lie oceans of difference.

john in cheshire said...

Norway, you are one sick country.

Honey said...

We really have to fight people like this female journalist.

I think the problem is that for too long anyone who stands up for the perceived underdog has received praise and accolades. Anyone who tries to discuss the implications of multiculturalism, ethnic enclaves, immigration gets vilified and abused.

This journalist feels safe to back up an ex-convict who has become a political islamist and is campaigning for Sharia Law. People like myself would not feel safe to publicly condemn multiculturalism, immigration from third world cultures different from my own, the fear of an ethic enclave developing in the area that I live in etc.,

There is something wrong with that picture.

Anonymous said...

Aftenposten used to be The Conservative Newspaper in Norway only up to a few years back.

Today it has become an extreme far left/pro-islam, edited by a communist marxist-leninist, Hilde Haugsgjerd.

Anonymous said...

On the same day as Olsen's comment, Labor party representative Arild Stokkan Grande "guarantees that there will be no sharia in Norway".

Regarding education, he ignores that sharia is already followed in several areas, pretending there is no sharia in Norway.

Who does he think he's fooling?

Anonymous said...

Olsen's Suitable Young Boy
- Why did you marry him?

Olsen explains in Aftenposten, that she was interrogated by Norwegian police, for two hours when her new husband was to enter the country.

She uses the phrase "En passende ung mann" in her comment, inspired by the Norwegian title of Vikram Seth's novel "A Suitable Young boy"? Seth is of Punjabi origin, as the majority of the Pakistani in Norway.

Anonymous said...

The Stockholm syndrome, must be the explanation.

Are the Pakistanis in Norway from the same clan? Being attached to part of the clan, she would be affiliated to the whole clan.

She was doing a reportage from a female madrasa in Lahore, 2009. Interviewing a Pakistani girl living in Norway, at the time at four year study at the madrasa, dressed in cloth covering any piece of skin, running away when a man was announced entering the madrasa.

When graduating she will start working in her uncle Zulqarnain Sikander Madni's mosque - in Oslo. He says the USA is responsible for 9/11.

Anonymous said...

Inger Anne Olsen, in Lahore, points out that there is a Christian who is cleaning the toilets for the muslims.

The principal of the madrasa points out that he's doing the Christian a favor paying her 3 000 rupies, half of the legal minimum monthly wage.

Olsen has also assured Aftenposten's readers on another occasion, that Qaradawi is like cute Granddad and not the terrible being that we often hear about wanting another Holocaust and so on.

Anonymous said...

2/06/2012 3:12 AM

norway has some of the handsomest men! why did she marry a... yack!

Anonymous said...

We really have to fight people like this female journalist.

all dhimmis!!

Anonymous said...

"norway has some of the handsomest men! why did she marry a... yack!"


- Did you take a look at her picture..?

Anonymous said...

Aftenposten chooses international links, in general

NY Times
The Guardian

Anonymous said...

"- Did you take a look at her picture..?"

an ugly norwegian would still be better!

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