Monday, January 24, 2011

Terror at Domodedovo Airport

Speaking of terror attacks, it appears that one has just occurred at Moscow’s largest and busiest airport. According to the latest reports, a suicide bomber blew himself up in the baggage claim area, killing at least 35 people. The head of the suspected bomber has been recovered, and based on his appearance, he was (surprise!) an Arab.

According to Pravda:

Foreigners injured in Domodedovo terror blast

The Moscow police are investigating the explosion at Domodedovo International Airport. Investigators found the head of an Arab male on the site of the accident. It is not ruled out that it was him, who detonated the bomb.

Since the explosion took place in the arrival hall of the international airport, the list of victims includes people of other nationalities. It has been reported that one of the foreigners, who has been injured in the attack, is a Slovak actress, Zuzana Fialova.

The power of the explosion was equivalent to seven kilos of TNT, investigators said. Experts believe that the Domodedovo explosion may become one of the largest transport terrorist acts in the world. The bomb was filled with damaging agents.

Most likely, the suicide terrorist was standing in the crowd of people in the arrival area of the airport. Investigators have classified the case as ‘terrorist act,’ Vladimir Markin, an official with the Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation said.

Afterwards, the press service of the Federal Customs Service said that the explosion took place in the general admission area, near Asia café, which is situated close to international arrivals area.

The number of those killed and injured in the terrorist act has been growing very fast. According to Interfax, 31 have been killed and 130 injured. According to investigators, “more than 30 have been killed” and “more than 130 have been injured” in the explosion. Disfigured and limbless bodies of the victims were reportedly placed near Gateway No.1 of the airport.

The administration of the airport said that there would be no evacuation. The airport will continue working according to schedule.

UPDATE: The number of victims has climbed to 35.

A video made just after the explosion is available here.


Anonymous said...

Experts believe that the Domodedovo explosion may become one of the largest transport terrorist acts in the world.

Not. Even. Close.

Zenster said...

So long as Russia remains a net terrorism exporter, I cannot summon up a shread of pity for it. Yes, atrocities like Beslan still wrench my heart but Russia's support of Iran's nuclear weapons program and attempts to export such arms as a container-based cruise missile launcher continue to place that nation squarely in the corner of Islamic terrorism.

If any non-Muslim nation is deserving of terrorist attacks, it is Russia. The Soviet Russians bred up modern Islamic terrorism and Putin's direct support of al Qaeda makes him complicit in ALL terrorist acts.

The Kremlin is playing a treacherous double game: while enjoying the West’s support as ally, it secretly supports and manipulates the Al Qaeda through FSB agents of influence.

As Alexander writes: “It is possible to destroy the whole international terrorism tomorrow, along with Russian Mafia. All you need to do is disband the Russian special services.”

urah2222 said...

Zenster -

I SAY we HIRE the Zeks, Skinheads, etc, et. al. to take out the REAL ENIMIES of the West Just as in the Olden Days, when FDR "hired" Admiral Darlan and Churchill "hired" Dzjugashvili/Stalin and his nation.
Were Bin Laden to seek to invade Hell, I certainly would find time to have Lunch with Satan. Dr. Shalit

doxRaven said...

Experts believe that the Domodedovo explosion may become one of the largest transport terrorist acts in the world.

Just some I know of and I am no expert.

Italy: August 1980 Bolognia: 85 dead
US: September 11 attacks: 2,752 dead
Spain: 2004 Madrid Bombing: 191 dead
UK: July 7 2005 London Bombing: 52 dead

Rome&Vienna: Dec1985: 19 dead
Air India 182: June 1985: 329 dead
Pan Am 103: Dec 1988: 270 dead
Korean Air Flight 858: Nov 1987: 115 dead

So I am note sure it'll make it in the top 10.

costin said...

Zenster, excelent interview! Thanks!
You might also like this, if you don't already know it. KGB-Islam Russia: The Real Terror Paym. It's about how Russia didn't really change.

urah2222 said...

Hey Zenster -

I "Grok" your point about "Net Terror" - Russia is, however a valuable ally, once they own the concept of the Cold War being O-V-E-R and that they are now, at best, #1 Junior Partner and that we in the west BEGIN recognizing them AS A partner at whatever level. Dr. Shalit

Richard said...

Putin's policy of supporting Islamic terror groups under the table is coming back to haunt him, this is probably the first of many such attacks planned.

Henrik R Clausen said...

An Arab? Thus probably not the Black Widows this time around.

Religion of Peace again, it seems.

Zenster said...

Dr. Shalit: Russia is, however a valuable ally, once they own the concept of the Cold War being O-V-E-R …

You might as well say:

Islam is, however a valuable ally, once they own the concept of the Jihad being O-V-E-R …

It ain't gonna happen. Russia, it appears, is totally addicted to the convenience of "short cut" methods provided by military and industrial espionage, much like Communist China. Both continue to view triangulation against the West as a more productive form of rivalry rather than compete in the real world of honest Capitalist free markets.

Destabilizing the Middle East Oil Patch keeps petroleum prices artificially high and, thus, props up Russia's politburo with the only functional revenue stream they have … besides vodka production, that is. In the latter case, Russia continues to be its own best customer, which explains a lot about their current state.

Russia will likely require something far worse that just a 9-11 class terrorist atrocity before there can be any hope that they will abandon this current strategy of destabilization. Like their predecessors, the post-Soviet oligarchy has never had any compunction about throwing whatever portion of their population under the wheels just so long as they can continue to fart through silk.

If the Beslan atrocity wasn't able to inspire whatever sea change is needed in Russian strategizing, then I dread to think of what it will take. Probably something nuclear or WMD-related.

Dymphna said...

@ Zenster:

If the Beslan atrocity wasn't able to inspire whatever sea change is needed in Russian strategizing, then I dread to think of what it will take.

That's what I've been saying about us since 9/11.

All governments in the West (we'll leave Russia there for the sake of the discussion even if it is some kind of tertium quid) appear to be terminally sclerotic, maybe even comatose.

Nothing will waken them except a clear and present danger to those holding the reins of power.

Freyja's cats said...

Just a reminder...Here's who the Rus are.

I'm not Russian. But if they are relatives to me, even if distant ones, then I would just as soon have them on my side as not. I'd rather bring them into the fold, than throw stones at them.

I am sorry to hear that this attack happened.

Again, I urge everyone who would like to cure Europe and the European diaspora of its PC/MC infection, to aim their arrows at Marxist-Leninism and its successor ideologies.

Unfortunately, Marxism was a disease to which Mother Russia succumbed. She has been ill since long before Red October. Methinks it would be better to nurse her back to health, than to throw mud at her.

Besides, I'd rather be on friendly terms with Putin and the FSB and SVR, than on their #@*! list.

Anonymous said...

Y'all need to catch up....

Daniel Pipes' site predicts that Russia will be a MUSLIM-majority nation with a MUSLIM army in a few short years....

"Feb. 1, 2009 update: The Tundra Tabloid website points out a 2008 English-language publication of the Finnish Ministry of Defence, Russia of Challenges...(it notes predictions cited in this weblog entry about a majority of military recruits being Muslim in 2015, 20 percent of the population being Muslim in 2020, and the possibility of majority of it being Muslim in 2050)..."

"June 24, 2009 update: Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev addressed a meeting of the Arab League in Cairo that "Islam is an inalienable part of Russian history and culture, given that more than 20 million Russian citizens are among the faithful. Consequently, he said, "Russia does not need to seek friendship with the Muslim world: Our country is an organic part of this world."

Hesperado said...

"Experts believe that the Domodedovo explosion may become one of the largest transport terrorist acts in the world."

I'm not sure what a "transport terrorist act" is...

If memory serves me correctly, Russia has had numerous suicide bombing attacks over the decades -- several passenger planes have been blown up in mid-air; several public places blown up as well (including a rock concert in Moscow when a Muslima blew herself up in order to mass-murder people so she could get to Jenna and serve pomegranate wine to her husband while he's humping a little girl).

A couple of hours of Googling I trust would yield quite a long list of Muslim terror attacks throughout Russia -- of the "transport" variety or otherwise.

Indeed, I'd wager that of all Western countries, Russia has suffered the most quantity-wise. But Russia isn't going to crack down to do what needs to be done. Russia has been infected with PC MC as has the rest of the West (I don't buy the slippery rumors Zenster linked about evil collusion between Russian leaders and al Qaeda: that interview was woefully short on verifiable data).

Spinoneone said...

Dymphna the European governments already have their heads firmly in very deep sand on this issue, leaving their behinds quite exposed.

Hesperado said...

I wrote above:

If memory serves me correctly, Russia has had numerous suicide bombing attacks over the decades...
A couple of hours of Googling I trust would yield quite a long list of Muslim terror attacks throughout Russia...

An indication of this is how one practically unavoidably bumps into various tips of the iceberg of Islamic terror in Russia while reading the news -- such as this buried parenthetical statement by Associated Press on this latest attack:

"[Muslims] have claimed responsibility for an array of attacks in Moscow and elsewhere in Russia, including a double suicide bombing on the capital's subway system in March 2010 that killed 40 people. They also have hit Domodedovo Airport before, with two suicide bombers slipping through its security in 2004 to kill 90 people."

I see that the Russian news media (Pravda) as well as the Russian "experts" they rely on -- who told them (and they dutifully reported) that "Experts believe that the Domodedovo explosion may become one of the largest transport terrorist acts in the world" -- are about as incompetent as are the journalists and "experts" throughout the West.
The Hesperado

Zenster said...

Dymphna: Nothing will waken them except a clear and present danger to those holding the reins of power.

As I’ve already predicted about Europe's leaders; it’ll probably require their own daughters being raped or physical attacks upon themselves before they’ll deign to recognize the threat that they’ve so studiously cultivated in their own backyard.

All that remains to be seen is if those bodily attacks come from haughty Muslims or enraged indigenous Europeans. I regret to predict the same will probably apply to America as well.

Freyja's cats: Besides, I'd rather be on friendly terms with Putin and the FSB and SVR, than on their #@*! list.

You may as well keep a rattlesnake for a pet. There are no “friendly terms” to be had. All you are talking about is feeding the crocodile.

Take Pakistan’s duplicitous ISI, then magnify both its competence plus global reach and you get the FSB. It remains one of the world’s most destabilizing forces and is quite possibly the least likely to be rehabilitated, even beyond Communist China’s Politburo.

Freyja's cats: Methinks it would be better to nurse her back to health, than to throw mud at her.

Exactly how do you propose revitalizing a nation whose very vitals are being leeched white by oligarchic tape worms that do not have the least interest in their own people? We already went through this same cycle with the Cold War and have, essentially, entered into a Cold War II with the entire cast of characters in place.

The only difference is that Russia has successfully inveigled our global community into believing that the old and unchanged wolf in sheep’s clothing is well and truly a newborn Democratic lamb when nothing could be farther from the truth.

Egghead: "June 24, 2009 update: Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev addressed a meeting of the Arab League in Cairo that "Islam is an inalienable part of Russian history and culture, given that more than 20 million Russian citizens are among the faithful. Consequently, he said, "Russia does not need to seek friendship with the Muslim world: Our country is an organic part of this world."

I think Putin’s own words say it best:

Putin Calls Russia Islamic World's Most Reliable Ally

Hesperado: (I don't buy the slippery rumors Zenster linked about evil collusion between Russian leaders and al Qaeda: that interview was woefully short on verifiable data).

Please read Costin’s article. Here is the roughshod Google translation:

The real sponsors of terror. Puppeteers in Moscow

Given Russia’s central role as midwife to Islamic terrorism, it should come as no surprise that Putin, in his continuing role as Russia’s leader and self-proclaimed World's Most Reliable Ally™ of Islam, would also have his fingers in fingers in the al Qaeda pie.

Please read these two articles:

The Communist Roots of Palestinian Terror

The (Russian) Roots of Islamic Terrorism

… then tell me just how unlikely it is that Russia is continuing its well-established pattern of material, instructional and financial support for Islam’s various terrorist wings. I think they are factual enough.

Spinoneone: Dymphna, the European governments already have their heads firmly in very deep sand on this issue, leaving their behinds quite exposed.

You can be just as sure that many of their Muslim masters will find such a prospect very attractive.

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