Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gang Rape in Bendigo

Cultural Enrichment News

This just came in from Australia. As Salome says, “The Mohammed Coefficient is a little difficult to calculate, but appears to be 50% of known data.”

According to ABC:

Seven Face Court Over Bendigo Rape

Four men and three boys have been charged with raping a woman at Bendigo in central Victoria.

Mohammad Zaoli, 21, Aru Gar, 19, and Mohammad El Nour and Akoak Manon, both 18 years old, are each facing 17 offences including counts of rape and assault.

Three boys aged from 14 to 17 have been charged with the same offences.

It is alleged the rape happened in the suburb of Flora Hill on Sunday.

The group faced court in Bendigo briefly this afternoon by video link.

They did not apply for bail.

All seven are due to face court again on Friday.

For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.

Hat tip: Salome.



breaking news

Aussie Tax-Payers Funding 'International Ambassadors for Indonesian Islam!'

now on Ross's Right Angle

Shirl in Oz said...

Amazing that I have to hear my own Australian national news from overseas.


Anonymous said...

Shirl, I noticed it on the ABC's site last night--I also see that it's the top (and most popular) item on the Bendigo Advertiser's site. I don't normally read the Bendigo Advertiser, and I don't expect you do either ;-)

LoveFreedomTruth.Com said...

News to me too. It helps maintain the meme that Australia has done a better job of integrating its Muslims.

We have not. We simply benefited from having more from SE Asia, which traditionally is a more tolerant strain of Islam. Although that is changing with the spread of wahabist thought.

We have failed as abysmally as everywhere else with the component from the Middle East - Thank you former Prime Minister Frazer.


Is long but worth listening to, although readers of this blog will learn little new.

Anonymous said...

"...SE Asia, which traditionally is a more tolerant strain of Islam. Although that is changing with the spread of wahabist thought."

Talk about "memes"...!

Anonymous said...

By the way, I Googled images of the area in Australia where this gang rape happened. It looks like a pleasant, upscale suburban area, not some ghettoish area where Mohammedans may congregate -- though the images may give an inaccurate impression.

Here's the Google page.

Nilk said...

Apparently Flora Hill is one of the nicer parts of town.

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