Thursday, December 02, 2010

Trampling on the Flag

Anti-Semitism is rampant in most Western European countries. Contrary to popular myth, it is not a right-wing phenomenon, but a preoccupation of the Socialist Left aligned with radical Islam, and puts on a false mustache and sunglasses to disguise itself as “anti-Zionism”.

The news story below is about an anti-Israel demonstration in Amsterdam last winter. In it you’ll see a lone demonstrator unfurl an Israeli flag in the midst of a sea of Palestinian flags. Notice what happens to him as a result.

Our Flemish correspondent VH supplied this introduction to the video:

Israeli flag trampled — Ben Kok

The brave Jewish-Christian Pastor Ben Kok shows an Israeli flag during a demonstration by leftists and Muslims against Israel in Amsterdam on January 3, 2010. He is immediately intimidated by a Muslim then and quickly removed by the police in a van. In the turmoil he loses his flag. “The expressions there were anti-Semitic and one-sided,” Ben Kok said afterwards.

Many thanks to VH for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling. I’ve placed the video and a full transcript below the jump:


00:00 At around 13:00, the Museumplein slowly filled with demonstrators.
00:04 But before the event began, first there were some prayers.
00:11 Several thousand people were attracted to the demonstration,
00:14 which was organized by a number of different organizations.
00:17 Yes, what we at least want is to give a clear signal to politics,
00:21 we ask the government to take a clear and unambiguous stand.
00:25 “This is the emergence of a new generation of revolutionary...”
00:37 Sir, why have you taken off your shoe now?
00:40 Out of shame for the government. It made no decision
00:44 to condemn the Israeli attacks.
00:48 I am from Iraq, and I find it very sad for the people in Palestine.
00:54 Among the dozens of Palestinian flags, suddenly an Israeli flag appeared.
00:58 Sir, why do this now?
01:00 I find that Israel also has the right make her voice heard,
01:04 and there are two sides to this sad affair in the Middle East,
01:07 I think it’s a fine country, and that in this country you can make all sides of an issue heard…
01:11 Stop lying, sir! Stop lying, stop lying! What are you trying to do here...
01:16 Stop lying.. Stop lying! Man, you as a human, as human,
01:22 you must simply tell Israel, your friends, to stop killing people.
01:26 That is what you must say. Not say such as .... What you ...
01:31 There was quick intervention in the situation by police and security.
01:36 Only the Israeli flag did have to pay for it.
01:40 Around half past two the protest march went through the inner city.
01:44 And all the way at the front we met an old acquaintance.
01:47 For what is an anti-Israel demonstration without…
01:49 Mrs. Duisenberg [known anti-Semite], on the barricades again?
01:51 Yes yes…
01:55 How’s the order doing?
01:58 It goes well, goes well, yes, sure, goes well.
02:00 Nothing happened? “No no.”
02:03 The demonstration was already over at five.


Blogger said...

"Jewish" is actually just a religion as well, not a race at all ... just as Islam is not a race. Semites is the old word for anyone who came from the east mediterranean area - they are Christians, Zoroastrians, Jews and Muslims. I think we also need to make it clear that Jews are members of a religion, not a race, or we fall into the trap that muslims are setting, by fogging the difference between race and religion in order to stop free speech.

gsw said...

"Contrary to popular myth, it is not a right-wing phenomenon, but a preoccupation of the Socialist Left aligned with radical Islam"

Is any one able to tell me how this myth started?
The "The National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei NSDAP), was never "right wing" in the sense used by Americans and English.

Perhaps we should discourage the use of "left-wing" and "right-wing" since it only serves to confuse and fudge the issue.

Let us instead talk of the socialist-fascism of the Nazis, and the socialist-fascism of the islamic supporters of nazism.

Shirl in Oz said...

Blogger you are way off base in your assumption that Jews are not a race. It's a well proven fact. There has been much research done in this field, which is far too numerous to post here.

I was a researcher involved in the research. It is even possible to identify some of the original 12 tribes of Israel. There are very distinct chromosomes and genetic links.

If you are quoting from Ilan Pappe, which by your tone you are, he has been proven completely incorrect

The term “antisemitism” was coined by Wilhelm Marr in Germany in 1879, in a pamphlet entitled “The Victory of Judaism Over Germanism”. Marr introduced the term antisemitism to make Jew-hatred sound scientific and acceptable. The word "Semitic" really refers to a language group which includes Arabic, Hebrew and Amharic but the term antisemitism refers specifically to hatred of Jews.

Though the manifestation of antisemitism takes many forms, the most widely used definition of contemporary antisemitism is the Working Definition produced in 2005 by the European Union Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), an EU body which monitors racism and antisemitism in EU Member States

According to the EUMC,
Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities. In addition, such manifestations could also target the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. Antisemitism frequently charges Jews with conspiring to harm humanity, and it is often used to blame Jews for ‘why things go wrong’.
Antisemitism is a form of racism directed at Jews, Judaism or the Jewish people. Antisemitism uses antisemitic lies to incite hate and causes many forms of antisemitic activity.

xoggoth said...

Anti semitic attacks in the UK and the rest of Europe always surge when there is fighting in Gaza. Who would have thought the far right would be so concerned about the fate of Palestinians?

Juniper in the Desert said...


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