Thursday, December 02, 2010

Light Posting

CorrespondenceI was out for a good part of the day, and spent much of the rest doing things which have nothing whatsoever to do with this blog. When I returned to my keyboard, a surfeit of backlog awaited me. It’s taken four hours just to go through the emails.

In other words: like Silvio Berlusconi, I’m getting a little behind in my work. I’ll post a couple of videos this evening, but probably not much else.

Y’all may feel free to use this thread to argue peaceably amongst yourselves about whatever you like.


Dymphna said...

Silvio Berlusconi??

So whut wuz ya doing', mate?

IIRC, you told me you were getting your glasses fixed. Hmph.

You 'n Silvio don't need glasses for your "work".

Behind indeed. It's cold shoulder for dinner again tonight, dear.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, been attending some birthday parties like Silvio Berlusconi, maybe ?

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