Saturday, May 08, 2010

Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/8/2010

Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/8/2010The unemployment rate among immigrants to Finland varies according to their ethnic group. Somalis, Afghans, and Iraqis have the highest rate of unemployment — over 50%. The Finnish government and media attribute this problem to discrimination and the inherent racism of the Finns.

In other news, a significant number of psychiatric patients in New Zealand who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder exhibit among their symptoms behaviors and compulsions associated with a fear of global warning.

Thanks to Barry Rubin, C. Cantoni, Gaia, Insubria, JD, Nilk, Steen, TV, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

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Jedilson Bonfim said...

UK: One Teenager in Five Leaving School Unable to Read or Do Maths

Could this have a thing or four hundred to do with the lowering of educational standards across Europe over the last few decades, whose sole purpose is to prevent a "racist" education scandal that, if standards were as high as they used to be, would have been brought about by "asian"/mahoundian students being stuck in first grade until the age of 18?

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said...

In hoc signo vinces

The UK articles in this news feed are so embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Why are Somalis and Iraqis in Finland to begin with? Funny enough, if you want to get rid of them, you just have to stop giving them welfare. The unemployed half would just leave.

Jedilson Bonfim said...

Why are Somalis and Iraqis in Finland to begin with?

Sweden is right next door, and it's been reaping so much cultural enrichment (gang violence, gang rapes, the strain on public services funded with taxes that they DON'T PAY) from the same kind of medieval parasites... Does Finland want to deliberately go down the same path? Or do its leaders simply refuse to see what's going on there and avoid making the same suicidal mistake?

Malcolm said...

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Nicolai Sennels, a Danish psychologist who worked for several years with young criminal Muslims in a Copenhagen prison. He is the author of Among Criminal Muslims. A Psychologist’s Experience from the Copenhagen Municipality. The book will be out in English later this year.

Unknown said...

There is something severely wrong in Europe, in Canada, Somalis meet there death very frequently at the hand of the Hells Angels, Mafia and other gangs. White dominated gangs control everything, the BC Hells Angels are said to be worth in the 10's of billions. In Alberta alone 30 Somalis have been murdered for sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.

That number is huge, the Somali population in Alberta is so small, you could go weeks without seeing any.

Somalis, Muslims control nothing in Canada and never will.

Somali-Canadians from Ontario are being gunned down at an alarming rate in Alberta.

Unknown said...

Just as a secondary note, seems like Somalis, Pakistanis and Muslims in general walked into Europe & UK and took over control of the streets without a fight, pathetic.

Unknown said...

Here's a few quotes:

According to criminal experts, the ‘newbies’ — what the Somali-Canadians are called — are running headlong into other groups, rubbing people the wrong way and triggering turf wars in which they are coming out the losers.

Somali-Canadians are easy targets: they are a small Black minority, the largest African group in Edmonton; they typically don’t carry guns; and they likely don’t know the nuances of the established drug trade, says Cathy Prowse, a former police officer, gang expert and criminal anthropologist at Mount Royal University in Calgary.

Zenster said...

Amanda: In Alberta alone 30 Somalis have been murdered for sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.

That number is huge, the Somali population in Alberta is so small, you could go weeks without seeing any.

If that number is correct, it appears as though I might go even longer now without seeing a Somali in Alberta. Oh, the humanity!

Perhaps all of this has something to do with how poorly pirates fare in a landlocked environment. To date, Somali immigrants seem most inclined to engage in criminal activity and flout the law in general.

Small wonder that more accomplished lawbreakers might take lethal exception to some Third World amateurs mucking about on their turf.

Green Infidel said...

hmmm... aren't immigrants meant to be "filling gaps in the labour market"?

Anonymous said...

Green Infidel, no, that's just some excuse to bring them here. I don't see the Japanese importing them and they're doing just fine with worse demographic problems than us. Just saying. They're pretty expendable.

It's funny, but I keep telling white men in the US to stop working for a month. That would show how useful minorities and women are in the workforce. If the latter would stop working, the economy would probably get better since the dead weight of government jobs would be smaller. lol

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