Thursday, April 01, 2010

Adios, April Fool’s Day…Next Year in Jerusalem?

From a comment left by Findalis on the Nooz post, here is my kind of flash mob:

[If this won't play, just hit the You Tube logo]

And yes, that really is a black Jew in Jerusalem calling the dancers out at the beginning. His name is Marvin.

How do I know this, you ask?
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Here’s one of the comments near the top at the You Tube site:

InfidelRBPWOO Marvin! Nice work, we miss you in st. louis.funny that even in israel your the only black jew i know! XP good luck in the military, come home safe.

Now in St. Louis, Marvin would be lost in the crowd. In Jerusalem, he seems to be the leader of the band…

Too bad all flash mobs can’t be like this one. Sigh…

11 comments: said...

Thank you Baron said...

WOOPS sorry, Dymphna. I must learn to look before I post. Old subtitler's habit.

Anonymous said...

"funny that even in israel your the only black jew i know!"

Actually there are quite a few black Jews in Israel. There are many Ethiopian Jews in my neighborhood. There are some African American basketball players that came to play here and converted. The new rising star in the ultra-orthodox community is an African-American convert. And there's the odd story of a son of a Christian minister in Swaziland who came here to study Hebrew and at some point discovered he had a "Jewish soul" and converted, he's now a rabbi.

Vlad Tepes,

Thank you.

Dymphna said...

InfidelRBP was simply saying that Marvin was the only black Jew in Israel that he knew and we can infer that he is also the only black Jew he knows in Saint Louis.

Dymphna said...

vlad pay no attention to the enthusiastic young woman in the navy blue shirt...I have given the Baron the same instructions.

Y'all should just focus on Marvin.

Anonymous said...

"the enthusiastic young woman in the navy blue shirt..."

Ahh, so that's why the Baron converted :-P
(referring to the other tread)

And yes, I know he said Marvin was the only black Jew *he* knows, but to many people the idea of a black Jew seems odd.

Dymphna said...

to many people the idea of a black Jew seems odd...

To people of a certain age who remember Sammy Davis, Jr. a black Jew isn't unusual.

Besides, everyone on *this* blog is aware of the Ethiopian Jews...

Mad Dog Gazza said...

The Ethiopian Jews were called falashas. Here's some history about them.

filthykafir said...

And can we imagine this event (enthusiastic blue shirt and all) taking place anywhere in the Islamic world? HARAMPH!

Anonymous said...

This happened in my city. But again, when the subway looks like this, you can't expect much. lol

In a way, it's sad that we have new metros. Those are still around on some less used routes. Now they look like this. :P I'm unsure which I like more.

Afonso Henriques said...

This comment is a response to R.V. and I advise all the GoV readers that this comment is really stupid and could be offensive to puritans:

Michael Jackson: I like him a lot more now that he's dead. And I'm really being objective and sincere with no second meanings.

And RV, our suburban trains have been graffited like your metro.
And in the one of the coldeste days of the year, this happened in our Lisbon Metro. I am not against it but I don't see what's the point. And I believe those who do it are severe nutcases.

That day I did caught the metro in the area of the Lisbon University campus but noone did that.

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