Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Bruce Bawer on “Racism” Accusations

The Fjordman Report

The noted blogger Fjordman is filing this report via Gates of Vienna.
For a complete Fjordman blogography, see The Fjordman Files. There is also a multi-index listing here.

As I’ve reported before, Bruce Bawer’s latest book Surrender: Appeasing Islam, Sacrificing Freedom was denounced as “foaming-at-the-mouth racist scribbling” by a hard-Leftist Norwegian writer.

This attack by journalist Marte Michelet from the left-wing newspaper Dagbladet was actually aimed at fellow newspaper Aftenposten, which dared to mention Bawer’s new book at all. Aftenposten then seemingly fought back, but at the same time criticized Bawer’s “weird conspiracy theories.” As Bawer writes on his website, “In short, although Aftenposten’s editors pretended to be standing up to Michelet — criticizing her for using the word ‘Islamophobia’ to bully colleagues into limiting the discussion of important issues — they were, in effect, caving in: Michelet scared them into backing off entirely from Åmås’s praise of me as a defender of liberal values and into embracing her own thoroughly mendacious description of me as a purveyor of conspiracy theories. Congratulations, Marte! Well done.”
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In a conflict between Bruce Bawer and the pro-Islamic, Multicultural newspaper Dagbladet I will always support Mr. Bawer. Ms. Michelet is a former head of the Red Youth, the junior division of Norway’s Communist Party.

I haven’t read his latest book yet, but his previous title While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within was well worth reading. That being said, I notice that in his reply to Dagbladet, Bruce Bawer says that he is not a racist and that he voted for Obama in 2008. While he is certainly entitled to vote for whoever he wants to, when Bawer publishes a book warning against surrendering to and appeasing the forces of Islamic Jihad, his credibility would be even stronger if he didn’t brag about the fact that he voted for Barack Hussein Obama, who is currently surrendering to the forces of Islamic Jihad and appeasing his country’s enemies more than any other President has done in US history, even Dhimmi Carter.

And while I agree with and support Bawer’s fight against the “racist” label the Western Left so frequently employs, his credibility in this case would have been greater had Bawer himself not used the “Nazi” label about parties he happens to disagree with or recently sided with those who denounce other counter-Jihadists as racists and Fascists.


Zenster said...

While he is certainly entitled to vote for whoever he wants to, when Bawer publishes a book warning against surrendering to and appeasing the forces of Islamic Jihad, his credibility would be even stronger if he didn’t brag about the fact that he voted for Barack Hussein Obama, who is currently surrendering to the forces of Islamic Jihad and appeasing his country’s enemies more than any other President has done in US history, even Dhimmi Carter.

Spot on! How anti-jihadists can straddle the Liberal fence is beyond me.

laine said...

Unfortunately Bawer suffers from the usual liberal double standard. He dishes it out but can't take it. He calls people with whom he disagrees nazis or racists but is incensed when the same (leftist) tactic is used on him.

His vote for Obama means he's foolish, thinking he can have his cake and eat it too. He wants Islam's encroachment on his gay havens stopped but votes for the man and party least likely to do so!

He's one up on most gay liberals though. At least he realizes Muslims are not a gay man's best bet for a long and happy life.

It's a wonder liberals' heads don't explode from holding many pairs of diametrically opposed notions simultaneously and always hyper-emotionally.

mace said...


(I'm not commenting on US politics but generally, from a Social Democratic perspective).

Yes we can,easily,resistance to Islamisation is not confined to the Right,however the perception is that the threat is a Right wing delusion,which is a major problem.There are various "lefts" of course, I doubt if the old left would have been sympathetic to Islamic superstitions.

Zenster said...

mace: There are various "lefts" of course, I doubt if the old left would have been sympathetic to Islamic superstitions.

Just to make sure, I'm fairly confident that you are using the terms "left" and "liberal" in their older and more Libertarian sense as opposed to today's Politically Correct and Multiculturalist mentality.

Jedilson Bonfim said...

Baron, in Bruce Bawer's defense, I'd like to say that the campaigning Barack Saddam Hussein Osama never looked as bad as President BSHO has. When it looked like his victory was all but inevitable, I still had hopes that he wouldn't turn out to be as bad as he had the potential to be. That was certainly a baseless hope, since he's been way, way worse than anyone could have anticipated, less than six months into his presidency.

Speaking of candidate vs president Hussein Osama, Robert Spencer published a piece yesterday on how, before the election, anyone who suggested that BSHO was a mahoundian or was going to surrender to mahoundianism was attacked mercilessly in the media by the army of Obamatons. Now that there's no election to be won, BSHO goes around bragging about his "mahoundian roots."

I even remember that, during the Democratic primaries, Hillary Clinton was attacked for saying something like "not that I know of" when asked if BSHO was a mahoundian. Apparently, the Obamatons couldn't have taken anything short of "no, I swear to God and with each of my hands on a Bible that I know, without a shadow of doubt, that BSHO is not a mahoundian" (as though she should have been able to read his mind), and Clinton's answer naturally infuriated those deluded fools.

In retrospect, it's indeed too bad that she couldn't read Hussein's mind. Had she been able to do that, maybe we'd all have a lot fewer things to be concerned about and scared of by now.

Fjordman said...

Jedilson Bonfim: Obama is worse than even I feared, but you could definitely see that he was bad news long before the elections. I disagree with you on that one. I certainly wouldn't brag about voting for him today.

Snouck said...


your sense of humor in defending Bruce Bawer from charges of Godwinism is well appreciated.



Proud Infidel said...

I did my homework on BHO long before the election so I'm not surprised he's been far to the Left as a President from the moderate illusion he created as a candidate. I was anti-Obama long before it was cool.

Sadly, way too many Americans didn't look into the man and now we're stuck with this dogmatic Leftist fool who's determined to remake my country in his Socialist image. And apparently, appease and mollify our enemies, both Islamic and non-Islamic. Even having a few of my friends who voted for Obama tell me I was right all along hasn't made me feel any better.

Watching Eagle said...

Alas, Bruce Bawer would do well to realize that the radical GLBT movement, by attacking free speech of people who disagree with them, has done more to hand "the Reality Borg" the weapons they needed to conquer the west. If a "misunderstood minority" has a "right" not to be disapproved of, can't Islamists use this well?

If GLBT forces suffer under the "Way of Survival", they can know that it was they who destroyed the West's free speech defenses.

Another thought: If you lived as an adult 25 years ago, would you have thought that feminists would be clamoring for the "right" of women to wear a "personal cloaking device" such as the Burqa?

The Left has a consuming obsession with crushing "Western Imperialism". Soon (10-20 years)the GLBT forces will find that PC MC leaders will embrace muslim attitudes about their movement.

ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said...

Having just heard mullah Obamahams speak to the egyptians on tv, I tend to agree with Fjordman that he is a worse president than many feared beforehand. He has been in office little more than hundred days, still I have lost count on how many times he has appeased the muslims. I'm sure he will appease them even more in the coming hundred days or maybe do even worse than that.

Czechmade said...

Obama is simply a compound of various peoples projections. The less evil are less realistic and unstable. So they will be cancelled.

However thinking of long term effects, he might be used by us for discrediting the left for good.

Noone in the West ever raised the question of how far we should denazify bolsheviks. So this task was postponed, we have to de-inter-nazify all of the West at once.

Good chance for a flexible unity project independent of EU and co.

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