Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Arabs Insist They Are Not “White”

This is probably a “dog bites man” story from the LA Times, but here it is, anyway:

[S]everal UCLA student groups — including Arabs, Iranians, Afghanis and Armenians — have launched a campaign to add a Middle Eastern category, with various subgroups, to the University of California admissions application. They hope to emulate the Asian Pacific Coalition’s “Count Me In” campaign, which a few years ago successfully lobbied for the inclusion of 23 ethnic categories on the UC application, including Hmong, Pakistani, Native Hawaiian and Samoan. The UCLA students said having their own ethnic designation has real implications for the Middle Eastern communities. The “white” label can hurt them with universities and companies that use the information to promote diversity, they say.

Here’s what Fjordman (who sent us the link) had to say about all this:
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Notice the indirect admission that it is now a disadvantage to be white, i.e. of European origins, in the United States, which was until a few decades ago 90% white.

A few years back Noel Ignatiev published a book entitled How the Irish Became White. Perhaps the good citizens of the Emerald Isle have regretted their bleach-job, and would now like to regain the status of an oppressed minority.

I’m doomed, though. There’s way too much Anglo-Saxon blood in me for my own good.


ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said...

They can form a hooknose sub-category for all I care. They're not like us, that is for sure.

Avery Bullard said...

This is a positive development. Next census we might get a better idea of how many actual whites live in America.

I guess with Arabs being classified as white that means 3000 people were murdered by white males on 9/11!

Hal K said...

The other day I heard a commercial for a local college on the radio. At the end, it said something like
"... and you will feel right at home in our diverse campus."

According to the rules of political correctness, for some statements "X" you can say "X," but you can't say "not X." Trying to unwrap all of the layers of hypocrisy and white guilt here would take all evening. Suffice it to say that I don't think I will be hearing a commercial for a college any time soon where they say "Hey, if you are white then you will feel right at home in our non-diverse campus."

I know this blog is focused on Europe, but I want to say something about the situation in the U.S. Many of us already know the truth about political correctness chapter and verse. We need some activist organization that we can join and support, the purpose of which would be to represent the interests of whites, or European Americans if you prefer. The only such organizations that exist currently are anti-Semitic and/or too extreme (i.e. separatist). We need some moderate organizations that are willing to say: "We are for white people." That's it. We have to be willing to say that we are for our own kind, and there have to be organizations that are willing to lead the way for us and make the case to the public.

Realizing the truth about political correctness is only the first step, and we have many more steps to take. We have to change our culture.

Unknown said...

How will this Middle Eastern category work? My ancestors left Palestine many generations ago, am I still Middle Eastern? Will there be affirmative action for my youngest daughter (now 10) when she applies to college? Will Christian and Jewish Middle Easterners count?

BTW historically in the US Jews were considered dark,swarthy and a different race. I sunburn with the whitest people but sometimes list my race as "Other"; because of that and to help move beyond race (ie I am sick of dicussing it.)

Profitsbeard said...

They're Semites.

Just like the Jews.

Sure they'll love that designation.

Maybe they'd prefer being called "MOcha"?

quassare said...

Those of you who speak/understand Scandinavish
visit and
find out how Swedish Justice has detoriated to
Soviet standard in consequence of not least
shortage of money due to immigration costs.

Félicie said...

Can Jews tick themselves as Middle Easterns then?

Czechmade said...

"Arabs" are a fiction. For centuries it was something like membership in the communist party of the USSR: Privileges. Something which could make your life better without any effort.

Also finding few drops of German blood in your veins may help you to become a German passport much about "arabs".

Also it is fine to be a "sayeed". One drop of mohammad blood and you can do well.

Tanstaafl said...

Hal K writes:

The only such organizations that exist currently are anti-Semitic and/or too extreme (i.e. separatist). We need some moderate organizations that are willing to say: "We are for white people." That's it. We have to be willing to say that we are for our own kind, and there have to be organizations that are willing to lead the way for us and make the case to the public.

If you're White then the minute you start thinking for "our own kind" you'll be called every name in the book, including "extremist" and "anti-semite". Note the double standard however. It's perfectly acceptable to those same name-callers that jews think and act intensely for their own kind.

Realizing the truth about political correctness is only the first step, and we have many more steps to take. We have to change our culture.

True. Allow me to suggest that your next step is to realize that culture springs primarily from genes, just as web-spinning springs from certain spider genes and dam-building springs from beaver genes. Furthermore, the genes which produce the diseased culture that pathologizes and penalizes anyone for realizing or talking about such things is alien and harmful to your own genes, at least if you happen to be of European stock.

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