Monday, January 12, 2009

More on Amsterdam’s Islamized Township

Earlier today I posted H. Numan’s translation of a brief article about a Muslim township or district proposed for the suburbs of Amsterdam by Ahmed Marcouch.

Our Flemish correspondent VH has translated some additional material on the same topic. Note: some of this is a recapitulation of information found in the earlier post. The wording may differ slightly because this material has a different translator.

First, from Elsevier:

Marcouch wants “Super District” for Muslim community

By Maartje Willems

The Amsterdam district council chairman in Slotervaart, Ahmed Marcouch [PvdA (Labour)], wants to create in Amsterdam “a city in itself” that can be “dedicated to the integration of immigrants.”

Caption [edited]:

Popularity: The Egyptian hate-monger Yusuf Al-Qaradawi is the spiritual and political leader of the Amsterdam district council chairman and Muslim Ahmed Marcouch. [Qaradawi told Hamas leaders recently: “We are behind you to the last breathe, and rest assured that you won"t be abandoned or betrayed as long as you remain holding to your legal rights,” (sic in toto) underscoring that the “tyrant Zionist rulers” won’t achieve victory over Muslims.]

Marcouch still remains one of the heroes of PvdA leader, Minister of Finance and Vice Prime Minister Wouter Bos.
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This is what the free newspaper De Pers writes today, following a letter from Amsterdam city Marcouch to other district council chairman. “A thriving Muslim community may arise with sufficient social capital. The Muslim minority will then be a plus-point,” writes Marcouch.


The “super district” would be in the west of Amsterdam, and must be placed outside the [highway] ring around the city.

The municipality wants to decrease the number of districts in Amsterdam, which is connected with Marcouch’s plan. The PvdA man is enthusiastic about the “super-district,” which in his eyes can compete with Purmerend and Almere [cities close to Amsterdam, home to many native Amsterdam refugees; he adds to that in the newspaper “…and the rise of skyscrapers and extension of the University, and as another newspaper writes: himself as the new Mayor].


Politicians respond negatively to the plan. VVD MP Paul de Krom expects the plan to strengthen the Muslim community, unfortunately. “In a secular society, local officials should not let themselves be guided by their faith.”

PvdA MP Jeroen Dijsselbloem says he does not understand what he means, “Muslim Communities are forming around mosques, not around city boundaries.”

PVV leader Geert Wilders is going to ask questions in Parliament about this initiative of Marcouch.

From the PVV website:

PVV: Islamization desire of Marcouch is extremely perilous — Questions in Parliament

Questions by Members of Parliament Fritsma and Wilders (both PVV) to the Minister of Work, Welfare and Income, on the expressions of OvdA member Marcouch.

1.) Are you aware of the article in the press “Marcouch wants Super District”?
2.) How do you judge the desire of Marcouch to aim for a “thriving Muslim community”?
3.) Do you share the opinion that this Islamization-wish coming from Amsterdam politics is extremely perilous.? If not, why not? If yes: [=do explain]
4.) Can you make sure that the ideas of this wolf in sheep’s clothing Marcouch will never be realized? If not, why not?

VH adds:

One of the city councilors who left the PvdA party after Marcouch pleaded for Islamic education in public schools, Clyde Moerlie, says: “A most peculiar statement. But is fits his frame of thinking. I don’t see much in the one-sided Valhalla that Marcouch wants to create. Probably a district in which civil servants don’t have to shake the hand of a woman and has Islamic teachings in all public schools. We in the PvdA once thought ourselves members of a secular party, but Marcouch most of all sees his duty as a good Muslim to spread Islam.”


Zenster said...

The Amsterdam district council chairman in Slotervaart, Ahmed Marcouch [PvdA (Labour)], wants to create in Amsterdam “a city in itself” that can be “dedicated to the integration of immigrants.”

Now there's a real beaut; “a city in itself” that can be “dedicated to the integration of immigrants.”

Anyone versed in America's immigrant history is already familiar with what I call, "enclave mentality". It bred up such wonders as Chinatown, Little Italy, Japantown, The Latin Quarter and all sorts of other primitive coping mechanisms for early arrivals to America's shores.

The prosperity of American economics frequently mobilized the occupants of these ethnic neighborhoods whereby said denizens filtered out of their metropolitan hives and slowly upgraded the location of their domiciliary abodes. More than just about any other single thing, it was this upward mobility that instigated nearly irreversible assimilation into America's original Melting Pot.

This was Diversity writ large and it was of immense benefit to America in its rise towards becoming the world's preeminent superpower. The modern "diversity" so extolled by PCMC (Politically Correct Multiculturalism), is but a feeble perversion of the original idea.

Given the already notorious propensity of Muslim colonists ... er, immigrants to not assimilate into host societies, the mere thought of concentrating them in an isolated monoculture is astounding in its puerile ignorance.

The Egyptian hate-monger Yusuf Al-Qaradawi is the spiritual and political leader of the Amsterdam district council chairman and Muslim Ahmed Marcouch.

Ah, yes. Good old Yusuf "Beat-Your-Wife-Lightly" Qaradawi. Widely recognized as the ostensible "Pope" of Islam, this is the same maggot who single-handedly scripted the fatwa that sanctified bomb vest attacks as halal. It speaks volumes that district council chairman Marcouch looks for inspiration from this particular specimen of elite Islamic filth.

As I noted in another comment, the Parisian Banlieues have provided indisputable proof of how foolish it is to think that Muslims will "trickle down" into a host culture. Car-B-Ques, gang rapes and No-Go-Zones are all that can be expected from such Islamic cesspits. Anyone foolish to think otherwise should be forced to move into one of these hellholes for a yearlong lease.


I hope that the Dutch do not let them get away with this,it is the thin end of the wedge,what next automony?thier own police force?sharia law?and all the while bleeding the wealth from Holland,it will spread street by street until all of the dutch are pushed out to the margins,thriving communities? only if some-one else is paying,because the muslims have been over-indulged in every way and now they see the public purse as thier own private property.The same is happening in all western countries,in England a large proportion of our council taxes are spent on muslim ghettoes,since they are all on the dole and do not pay any.

Czechmade said...

More funny than Prof. Muhammad Sven


The sex with donkey and the consequences (in Yemen)

305Husker said...

If the Muslims want their own suburb, the Dutch shouldn't foot the bill for their infrastructure. No Dutch water, no Dutch electricity, no Dutch food supply...then see how much the shitty little Scumlims enjoy it.

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