Monday, January 05, 2009

“A Child for a Child”

Another translation from the Dutch by VH, this one taken from Het Laaste Nieuws, about the plight of Jews in Antwerp:

Antwerp Jewish community received death threats

In recent days the Jewish community in Antwerp received a dozen death threats from Islamists. This is according to Michael Freilich, editor of Joods Actueel. On the weblog of his monthly magazine comments appeared from an anonymous person who declared that he was willing to sacrifice himself for the suffering Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. This has been reported to the police and the prosecutor and will result in an investigation.

“A Child for a Child”

The Jewish community preferred to keep the death threats quiet. After it became known today that strangers tried to set fire to a Jewish home where 12 children live, the Antwerp Jews found it time to go public with the news.
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In the comments on the Internet the anonymous writer says he will not hesitate to commit a suicide attack. “You are no longer secure anywhere. I know where to find you guys. A Child for a Child”, he wrote. After that, a lot of other anti-Semitic slogans followed in his text.

Anticipating tensions

According to Michael Freilich, nervousness is increasing within the Jewish community. A peace prayer scheduled for tonight in Antwerp has already been organized under heavy police protection. According to Freilich, the Arabic European League (AEL) is largely responsible for the tensions between Muslims and Jews in Antwerp. He wants the police and the city to tighten up their actions against anti-Semitic slogans that were chanted during the demonstrations the past week [Vlaams Belang wants the same and is going to question the Mayor and Chief of Police over this]. He hopes that the prosecutor will quickly find the suspect behind the IP address.


Anonymous said...

I didn't realise what bad shape Antwerp was in. This is absolutely absurd.

heroyalwhyness said...

Now invert this mentality by example: Mumbai

Suppose an imam and one of his pregnant wives were to be tortured, sodomized and then killed?

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