Monday, January 05, 2009

Another Arson Attack Against the Jews in Helsingborg

There’s been another arson attack on the Jewish congregation in Helsingborg, Sweden, almost certainly a reaction to events in Gaza. Reinhard of FOMI has translated an article from Helsingborgs Dagblad, and notes that Helsingborg has one of the highest concentrations of Muslims in Sweden:

Shortly before 9 p.m. Monday night the fire services were called to a fire in the premises of the Jewish congregation at Springpostgränd in Helsingborg. The fire is suspected to be arson, and witnesses saw two people sitting next to the building shortly before a large fire erupted. The fire services were able to extinguish the fire rapidly.

Helsingborg. According to Lennart Nilsson at the rescue services in Helsingborg, it is probably a case of some form of firebomb being thrown in, but the fire was limited to a small part of the premises. It is not clear what damages the fire caused. No one was injured.

Tonight’s fire was the second in these premises in four days. The last fire occurred on the evening of January 2nd.

Hat tip: Steen.

[Nothing follows]


Zerosumgame said...

I am sure that Sweden's ruling Marxist elite (yeah, I know, the government is officially with a right-of-center party, but the left still basically runs the culture and media) nod their heads approvingly at this attack and smile.

A few more attacks like this, and Sweden will be like it was prior to 1774 -- Judenrein. Which is what they want.

babs said...

They might secretly want Judenrein but what they will get is non productive Islamo Fascists...
The day will come when they will long for the Juden... (It will be too late)

Zerosumgame said...


I don't know what it is about most Europeans, but the minute they hear the word "Jew", they become blood-thirsty, irrational, self-destructive savages.

Europe eagerly destroyed its Jews in WW2 and gave itself a lobotomy. Europe has been nothing but a cultural and scientific graveyard since. It has invented nothing, made no great scientific discoveries, has produced virtually no art or literature of note (even their acclaimed "art" is just Marxist propaganda, acclaimed as great art by Marxist critics).

Yet, do the Euroepans care? No. Now, they have let their hatred of Jews create an Islamist problem on their soil. They allowed these Islamofascist to create terrorist networks in their midst, because they thought those networks would only be used for the common goal of destroying the Jews. So blinded are Europeans by this hatred, they STILL can't see how this hate is destroying them.

And the average European won't even see the damage this hatred causes as the Jihadist slits his throat.

His last dying gasp will be to blame the "f***ing Jew".

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