Thursday, October 02, 2008

An Interview With Lars Hedegaard

Pamela Geller has posted a two-part video interview with Lars Hedegaard, the chairman and founder of Trykkefrihedsselskabet (the Free Press Society) in Denmark.

Part 1: “Europe is forever changed.”

Part 2: Concerning the USA:

“You can talk and you can talk and you can preach but people, in the final analysis, people have to feel it on their bodies and in their daily lives.

“I doubt that America will wake up for what they are in for in until they’re in for it.

“When I walk around in New York and I was recently in Washington, I see the signs. The best indication of the level of Islamisation in the country will always be the number of veiled women in the streets. Once you see veiled women in the streets, you know what’s going to happen”.

For those who can read Danish, both videos are presented in their Danish context at Snaphanen.

[Post ends here]


Gregory said...

Those videos are tacky. That Pamela reports some good stuff but her video work needs much work.

Western Initiatives said...

What's the point of this? I fear a lot of this talk is fatalistic nonsense. Nothing is irreversible.

The Muslim invasion of Europe, like the Hispanic & Asian invasion of the US, is not a force of nature. It was deliberately engineered. So, it can be reversed, when (or if) Nationalists regain power in our own countries. However, this course of action would result in civil war and massive bloodshed, so I can understand the reluctance to talk about it.

What is missing from these presentations is a call to action. I suspect it won't happen until it's too late, until civil war, gun battles, AK-47s, terrorist bombs, RPGs, etc., become a daily feature of our lives in Europe and North America.

Henrik R Clausen said...

Lars Hedegaard also misses the quite significant number of conversions taking place. In Iran, 6-digit numbers are mentioned for conversion to Christianity. The regime, of course, reacts with repression.

From what I heard, churches in Denmark are also working hard, yet discreetly, to bring Muslims a sensible and useful faith. Islam isn't hardcoded in anyone's genes, and apostacy might become a rather significant embarrassment for the Islamic clergy.

Task #1: Keep inslting islam. Its own scripture, the Sirat in particular, does a wonderful job for this.

Unknown said...

Western Initiatives said...

"What's the point of this? I fear a lot of this talk is fatalistic nonsense. Nothing is irreversible. "

Death is irreversabel. When someone dies they usualy stay dead, even if their death was deliberately engineered. Cultures are organic entities that can be killed, just as people can be.

Henrik R Clausen said...

"Lars Hedegaard also misses the quite significant number of conversions taking place. In Iran, 6-digit numbers are mentioned for conversion to Christianity. The regime, of course, reacts with repression."

The attack agaist the nationstates has been planen for many many years. It can be found discribed by the founders of the UN.

And now we are seeing the tragedy unfoalding.

Converting Muslims to Cristianety, will not stop the UNs plans to dismantle all national states and all national cultures.

Lars HedegÄrd seems to know whats going on. I disagree, that he is missing something.

Maybe you should see the video again to understand his point.

Western Initiatives said...

Don't despair, Sort. We're not talking about a person here. We're talking about a civilisation. In the realm of politics and culture, obviously, nothing is irreversible. If the death is being deliberately engineered, the solution is to remove the engineer (even if doing so provokes cries of racismn, anti-semitism, islamophobia, or whatever) and let the victim live.

Unknown said...

Can you restore the Cristian Civilisations where there is now Islam ?

No you cant.

But maybe something else can be made in time that is better then the mess, we now see in the middleeast. But those Civilisations are lost now.

The Budists that lived in Afganistan are lost, the Zaratostra-followers of Persia are lost.

The library of Alexadria was burned and is now lost to us.

These things are no less lost, becouse they where removed deliberately.

The destruktion of the National cultures is a project that has been going on at least since ww2. And many things have been lost.

And I dont see anyone being even close to removing the engineer. Only rarely is the engineer, even identified.

Unknown said...

Sorry for dobbel posting. But I thought of something more to say about this:

Blogger Western Initiatives said...

"Don't despair, Sort. We're not talking about a person here. We're talking about a civilisation. In the realm of politics and culture, obviously, nothing is irreversible. If the death is being deliberately engineered, the solution is to remove the engineer (even if doing so provokes cries of racismn, anti-semitism, islamophobia, or whatever) and let the victim live."

Culture is not like a computer progran that you can simply reinstal.

High culture can come into being over many generations. It is not something you can remove and put back as you like.

But I do think that this is how "the engineer" sees things. I think this is something that you and "the engineer" can agree about.

The destruction of national and religios cultures is very much justified by the idea that if it turs out to be a mistake, we can simply recreate them. But this is not true. We cannot recreate what we destroy.

But the idea that we can recreate it, comes from the idea that education is much more important then culture.

Some think that; "If children can be removed early enough from their parents, then all will be good. Then it can be dicidet from a central level what culture we should have."

They forget or ignore that culture is organic.

Culture is not data that can simply be loaded og reloadet. When its gone its gone. You can honor its memory, but its still gone.

And it dosnt return by converting Iranians to cristianety. Even if that is a very good thing, and it is.

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