Friday, October 10, 2008

Exchanging the Swastika for the Star and Crescent

European neo-Nazis are truly a fringe group. They are repugnant and/or a joke to the average European. They exist, but they are marginal, and will remain marginal. They are not going to take power in any European country, not even Austria.

But if one believes the hysteria surrounding the recent Austrian elections and the Pro-Köln movement, Hitler’s legions are about to rise from the grave. They’re on the verge of assuming power in Austria and Germany, propelled into office by a resurgent Nazi-sympathetic nationalism. This leaves decent progressive public officials no choice but to call out the Antifa goon squads demonstrators and suppress the “fascists” by main force.

This “narrative” fits in perfectly with the goals of the neo-Marxist architects of Eurabia. In order for a supra-national totalitarian state to function, all national identities and aspirations must be demonized and eradicated. Whenever a surge of national feeling appears, it must be beaten down with shouts of “Racist! Xenophobe! Fascist! NEO-NAZI!!”

This is not to say that various people with previous neo-Nazi associations or inclinations aren’t involved in some European right-wing movements. They are, but they can only be electorally successful if they jettison their erstwhile allies and ideologies and embrace positions that resonate with a larger percentage of the population.

A Nazi revival is a fantasy. Those who believe in it are chasing a phantom.

It’s a Leftist fairy tale spun out of pure gossamer to frighten people away from conservative parties that support the right to a national identity. Those who echo the “Nazi!” alarm are — wittingly or otherwise — aiding the cause of the Eurabian Marxists.

Real Nazis almost invariably end up aligning with radical Islam. Their initial “whites only” stance eventually gives way in the face of their Jew-hatred, the all-consuming preoccupation of both the neo-Nazis and the Muslims. In Muslims they find their natural allies.

Take, for example, the Jew-hating British Nazi formerly known as David Myatt. The Times Online reports on his conversion to Islam (in prison, naturally):

David Myatt, a founder of the hardline British National Socialist Movement (NSM) who has been jailed for racist attacks, has changed his name to Abdul Aziz ibn Myatt. David Copeland, who is serving six life sentences after three people died in his Soho bomb attacks, was a member of the NSM.

Myatt is reportedly the author of a fascist terrorist handbook and a former leader of the violent far-right group Combat 18. But now — in his mid-50s and sporting a red, bushy beard — he subscribes to radical Islamist views.

In an internet essay entitled From Neo-Nazi to Muslim, Myatt asks: “How was it that I, a Westerner with a history of over 25 years of political involvement in extreme right-wing organisations, a former leader of the political wing of the neo-Nazi group Combat 18, came to be standing outside a mosque with a sincere desire to go inside and convert to Islam? “These were the people who I had been fighting on the streets, I had swore (sic) at and had used violence against — indeed, one of my terms of imprisonment was a result of me leading a gang of skinheads in a fight against ‘Pakis’.”

Mr. Myatt spent some time with Muslims in prison and came to realize that Islam must be the only true religion, since it raises violent Jew-hatred to the level of a scripturally-required divine mandate. He discovered that not only was he not obligated to repent his murderous fanaticism, his new god actually approved of it.

Consider also this article by John Rosenthal, which demonstrates the hostility of German neo-Nazis to the Pro-Köln movement:
- - - - - - - - -
German Neo-Nazis View Islamists as Allies

When protesters in Cologne last month managed, with the blessing of the city government, to prevent the holding of an “Anti-Islamification Congress,” the cancellation of the event was widely hailed in the German and international media as a victory against “right-wing extremists” or, more simply put, “Nazis.” (See here, for instance, from the English-language site of the German weekly Der Spiegel.)

A new report from the domestic intelligence service of the German city-state of Hamburg shows, however, that actual neo-Nazi groups in Germany — i.e., groups that themselves embrace this description — in fact likewise opposed the “Anti-Islamification Congress” and are notably hostile to its sponsor, the “citizens’ movement” Pro-Cologne [Pro-Köln].

While the neo-Nazis agitate against what they describe as Germany’s “flooding by foreigners” — or “Überfremdung“ — they take precautions against criticizing Islamic influences or Islam as such, since the latter is rather “to be seen as an ally.”

The report of the Hamburg intelligence service — known as the Office for the Protection of the Constitution [Verfassungsschutz] — points in particular to the hostility of the neo-Nazi North German Action Office to Pro-Cologne’s “Anti-Islamification” campaign.

As the report notes, for the North German Action Office [Aktionsbüro Norddeutschland], Islam, “globally considered,” is to be regarded as “an ally against the mammonistic dominance of the American east coast.” Allusions to the American “east coast” are commonplace in Nazi discourse, with the expression meant to connote “Jewish” domination of America and, by extension, the world.

Now that we know that the real Nazis loathe Pro-Köln and Vlaams Belang, will the Western press — including writers holding both liberal and conservative viewpoints — change its mind about the Austrian elections and what happened in Cologne?

Don’t count on it.

The obsession with the imminent resurrection of the Nazis meets a deep emotional need. It is an irrational phobia, the expression of which keeps its proponents ideologically pure and vaccinates them against any accusations of racism and intolerance. Holding up the “Nazis raus!” talisman keeps the demons from entering one’s soul and corrupting it.

The PC spell holds its victims in thrall. It’s doubtful that such superstitions will be abandoned even when the mujahideen break down the gates and hold a knife to the throats of the true believers.

The liberal Jews who join the “anti-fascist” chorus are the most puzzling. Will piles of bodies have to be bulldozed into mass graves yet again before they change their minds?

Hat tips: For the PJM article, Andrew Bostom; for the Times Online article, LN.


Arius said...

There is one successful Nazi revival in Europe, in Croatia in the 1990's supported by the US and EU (especially Germany).

We should not be too surprised to see the Neo-Nazis alliance with the Islamists. In the 1930's the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt was actively coordinating with the Nazis until the end of the war. After the war Nazis fled to Egypt and Syria, converted to Islam, and worked for those governments to promote Jew hatred.

It initially shocked me to see the Socialist Left in Europe in alliance with Islamists. One of Fjordman's articles on this weird alliance suggests that the Left sees the alliance as temporary until the Islamists can be modernized. That may be the conscious intent of the Left, but from the perspective of depth psychology it is more akin to 'like is attracted to like', that is, the psychological shadow of the Left is very similar to the shadow of the Islamists. This revelation has left me with a feeling of dread for the future.

Western Initiatives said...

Baron, wonderful piece! I agree with every word.

Real Nazis, the guys who idolise Hitler in their bedroom and dream about resurrecting the Third Reich, are nutcases and mental defects. As such, they are hardly worth writing about. They are not in any way a threat. But it serves the Left's purpose to label anyone to the right a "nazi."

Far right nationalism, which is not synonymous with national socialism, is a threat to Leftist hegemony in Europe. Hence, the hysteria about "nazis".

Conservative Swede said...

Western Initiatives,

Real Nazis, the guys who idolise Hitler in their bedroom and dream about resurrecting the Third Reich, are nutcases and mental defects.

If you truly feel so, the question is then why you link to the Aryan Wear website which is all about idolizing the Third Reich, by selling t-shirts and hoodies with SS-symbols.


Conservative Swede said...

Great article, Baron B.

Charles Johnson ends up on the same side as the Nazis, in condemning Pro-Köln. But who's surprised? He's already regularly and infallibly end up on the side of the Leftists and Islamists.

While the neo-Nazis agitate against what they describe as Germany’s “flooding by foreigners” — or “Überfremdung“ — they take precautions against criticizing Islamic influences or Islam as such, since the latter is rather “to be seen as an ally.”

Well we have discussed this sort of "patriotism" before. In our discussions of David Duke. (links here and here).

We have a couple of David Duke fans hanging around here, e.g. Diamed, Limpet and Pasta. I have tried to point out to them what a traitor David Duke is. He allies himself with the Muslims. He and his Stormfronters join the rallies of Cindy Sheehan. He declares his admiration for Ken Livingstone, etc. (see here for references, videos).

David Duke and the Stromfronters are completely obsessed by the Jews and are genocidally anti-Semitic -- the Jews have no right to exist neither in the West nor in Israel. They simply have no right to exist, period (compare it to anti-white racism).

Along with that comes a Nazi style white supremacism, which is nothing but silly since he allies himself with Islamists and Leftists. The only difference between him and above neo-Nazis is that he does not call himself a neo-Nazi.

But according to Diamed, Limpet and Pasta, David Duke is a great defender of the West, since he opposes immigration. So are above mentioned neo-Nazis great defenders of the West too? They also oppose immigration.

The position of the neo-Nazis and David Duke are identical here -- who's surprised? Verbally opposing immigration, while allying with Islam. David Duke also allies himself with the worst sort of Leftists. The Jews are seen as the enemy, Islam as an ally. So much for opposing Islamization...

Some people are so obsessed about the Jews that they do not see a vicious tratior when they are looking right at him.

However, credit should be given where credit is due, and Le Pen attended Pro-Köln, which shows that he's got his heart in the right place after all (in spite of the many truly deranged things he's said).

spackle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
spackle said...

Con Swede-

"If you truly feel so, the question is then why you link to the Aryan Wear website which is all about idolizing the Third Reich, by selling t-shirts and hoodies with SS-symbols."

That left me scratching my head as well. Sort of.

Zenster said...

European neo-Nazis are truly a fringe group. They are repugnant and/or a joke to the average European. They exist, but they are marginal, and will remain marginal. They are not going to take power in any European country, not even Austria ...

A Nazi revival is a fantasy. Those who believe in it are chasing a phantom.

Having just spent an entire month in Germany along with excursions into Austria and Poland, I could not agree with this more.

Germany deserves great praise for having undergone the staggering financial burden of reunification. The German people and their culture are the better for it and all of Europe as well. While most European nations are turning themselves into tourist destinations with service-based economies, Germany is manufacturing goods and retaining its industrial base.

The Continent desperately needs a militarily strong Germany and a resurgent German culture that will help preserve Europe's historical traditions. Sadly, quite the opposite is true. Germany is so gun shy and still burdened with shame over World War II that the very notion of a strong military continues to be seen as a threat to European stability.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. Our world needs to stop belaboring Germany over its Nazi past and begin supporting it as a vital ally in the war on terrorism. Unfortunately, Germany’s socialist traitors will continue their attempts to submerge it into the EU and perpetuate every worst phobia about the regeneration of German national pride.

Germany, along with Poland, the Czech Republic and other traditionally Christian European nations, needs to begin playing a more significant role in reasserting its cultural roots and resisting the onslaught of Multiculturalist globalism that is so rapidly poisoning Western civilization.

pasta said...

We have a couple of David Duke fans hanging around here, e.g. Diamed, Limpet and Pasta.

I am not a fan of David Duke, I hardly know him and I don't take an interest in him. I can speak only for myself, but given that this is not the first time that CS is slandering other people, I advise everybody not to believe blindly his smears against Diamed and Limpet, either, but to check the facts on ones own.

However, credit should be given where credit is due, and Le Pen attended Pro-Köln...

CS probably means Pro-Köln's anti-Islamization congress here. CS is wrong, Le Pen did not attend the congress.

Sorry for this digression, and I am not interested in picking up a fight with CS. I just thought it was better for me to set these matters clear lest anybody holds my silence against me.

Western Initiatives said...

Conservative Swede ~ No need for you to be confused. has some wonderful shirts, especially the Sparta '300' shirt (which my wife loves!). They used to sell an hilarious anti-Obama t-shirt. At any rate, I'm not responsible for anything on that site.

Anonymous said...

Obsession is an incredibly important film, and I urge all of you to watch it. The historical comparisons of this radical Islam movement and the Nazi movement is scary and real; go to to check out more clips and even order a copy. It's a critical battle that we MUST win!

Afonso Henriques said...

Oh boy...

Anonymous said...

Excellent post, Baron. I couldn't agree with you more.

Western Initiatives, obviously I would love an anti-Obama shirt... but, there are many places that are less objectionable than that Aryan Wear place. Obviously you're not responsible for anything on that site, but having a link to it in your blog does make it look like you support them. I mean, the name of it alone just doesn't sound good.

Charlemagne said...

@ Zenster said.."and resisting the onslaught of Multiculturalist globalism"

I agree completely but am coming to believe that Europe will not begin to fight back on a scale large enough to protect themselves and reassert their historical identities until one of them falls to Islam and that sacrificial nation descends into chaos.

Maybe that is what is needed, a horrible death that results in a Phoenix like rise from the ashes.

It seems we never learn the lessons history teaches us.

Conservative Swede said...


this is not the first time that CS is slandering other people

Well, unless you come up with an example, you are the only one slandering anyone here.

I advise everybody not to believe blindly his smears against Diamed and Limpet, either, but to check the facts on ones own.

Well, I already provided the link, duh! Diamed and Limpet expressed their support for David Duke and even took me to task for not doing so. (see e.g. comments here and here).

So you will need to take back what you said about "smears" (yes that one bounces back onto you too). OK?

Regarding you, however, I remembered it incorrectly. You didn't express support for David Duke (you are right about that), you expressed your support for Diamed and Limpet (including for Diamed's infamous post about the Jews).

So I drop the question regarding David Duke for you, but it obviously stays for Limpet and Diamed (if that is OK with you?)

And regarding Le Pen you are right, he wasn't in Köln. I don't know where I got that from. So obviously I have to retract what I said about Le Pen above. But nevertheless it shows how generous I am in forgiving and coming to terms with someone once they show the right attitude. I'm a friendly fellow, but I have my principles.

Conservative Swede said...

WI, has some wonderful shirts, especially the Sparta '300' shirt (which my wife loves!). They used to sell an hilarious anti-Obama t-shirt. At any rate, I'm not responsible for anything on that site.

And I read Playboy only for the good articles.

Darrin Hodges said...

@ Conservative Swede - you are right about Duke, he is a charlatan and a fraud. On one of his radio programs, he openly praised Islamic society in the way the segregate males and females. He has stolen money from various organisations he has been involved with, tried to sell their membership lists to the media - he is a huckster and the idiots keep giving him money.

Zenster said...

Charlemagne: I agree completely but am coming to believe that Europe will not begin to fight back on a scale large enough to protect themselves and reassert their historical identities until one of them falls to Islam and that sacrificial nation descends into chaos.

While a distinct possibility, the only problem with the above scenario is; Which nation? The most likely candidate is France and the prospect of its nuclear arsenal falling into Muslim hands is not just uninviting but altogether intolerable. So, what about the Netherlands? Shall we sit by as Muslims heap Van Gogh's and Rembrant's portraits onto crackling bonfires? Or shall it be Britain, so that St. Paul’s dome can taste the wrecking ball and Stonehenge be turned into so much gravel?

This remains the central problem with such an otherwise incontrovertible object lesson. It is also the overall core dilemma with respect to Islam. Any lesson of worth regarding Islam's unsuitability to govern in Europe (or anywhere else), involves the irretrievable loss of so much human achievement that the price is simply exorbitant. Even as it stands, the cost of Islam’s continued existence is way too high, both in human suffering and the destruction of world heritage.

It is not just the Bamiyan Buddhas that we have lost, so far. Who knows what priceless artifacts and relics are being unearthed from beneath Jerusalem's Temple Mount only to be destroyed by Waqf Muslims eager to eradicate any trace of prior Jewish occupation? The ongoing vandalism of European churches continues apace as well. None of the foregoing even begins to account for the vast legacy of historical works of art and literature that have already perished in Islam’s withering embrace.

This is why I continue to underscore the urgency of crushing Islam with all possible haste. Unbeknownst to a majority of people, our world already has reached the tipping point where it is more trouble to live with Islam than to live without it. Any welcome that humanity may have had for Islam was worn out long, long ago.

While it may have once done so, Islam no longer brings anything of worth to the table of international affairs. Of late, its most dramatic contributions have been the 9-11 atrocity and those in Bali, Beslan, Madrid and London along with a resurgence of polio plus countless avoidable birth defects associated with consanguineous marriage and, finally, the continued destruction of cultural patrimony around the world.

Clearly, this is not acceptable. Even as the rest of human civilization struggles to advance and modernize, Islam seeks only to impose its outmoded and Neanderthal global caliphate upon an unwilling world. The fact remains that shari'a law is a gross violation of human rights just as Islam is an ongoing crime against humanity. Capping all of this is that Islam remains without a single redeeming feature. How much longer are we to charitably tolerate the intolerable, even as it desecrates and despoils all that falls in its path? Islam’s date with the scrap heap of failed ideologies is long overdue.

Morgan said...

The link titled A Here' was a goofup on my part, so disregard it. I accidentally published before I finished my post. If you want to see it, it's titled Nazis and Islamists: Bad Blood Brothers.

By the way, Baron, thanks for articulating the very opinions I hold concerning Nazis and Islamists. They are indeed blood brothers united by their pure hate for the Jewish people.

Zenster said...

At the risk of re-posting previous comments, I'm hoping participants here at Gates of Vienna might gain more ammunition from the following list of similarities between Islam and Nazism: (in its entirety)

A Tool to Fight Islamofacism – The Nazi Similarities

I have been working on how to convincingly argue against the rise of jihadist Islam with less informed people that I know. The rise of Islamist terrorism represents such a virulent threat to our world’s stability that I have resolved to devise a tool whereby moral relativism and multiculturalism can be put paid. The single most persuasive feature whereby Islamism can be isolated as the pathological meme it has become is by showing the immense commonality shared by it and Nazism.

I invite all readers to participate in this assessment. There is a wealth of historical and political expertise residing here that can very ably assist in proving or disproving this idea, and I’d really enjoy developing such a concept if it is of worth. What follows are a dozen of the principal similarities and shared beliefs that I find these two murderous ideologies have in common:

Foremost among them is the pursuit of genocide, no other single feature should overshadow the menace connoted by this filthy goal.

1) The way Islamists seek to recreate Hitler’s “final solution” and routinely speak of “finishing the job” begun by the Nazis as reflected in connections between the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin el-Husseini, Yasser Arafat and Adolph Hitler. This vile goal and its counterpart, Holocaust Denial, represent a central feature of these evil ideologies.

2) To this day, Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” remains among one of the best-selling books in the Middle East. The popularity of Hitler’s book is a direct reflection of its shared content with the qur’an.

3) Restoration of lost glory with respect to the Caliphate or the reconstruction of post-WWI Germany’s Reich both represent similar goals whose attainment would mean death on a massive scale for the globe’s population.

4) Assigning blame to the Jews for lack of success is used as a misdirection and scapegoat with regard to the actual faults of poor leadership or failed military adventurism.

5) Cultural purity as a dominant theme of philosophical chauvinism to elevate existing ideology above any possible dissent or questioning as personified by German “übermensch” or Islamic jihadist mentality.

6) The tacit approval shown by both moderate Muslims and WWII Germans for absolutism and the atrocities committed in its name despite any infrequent outward condemnation made by either of them.

7) The impossibility of negotiating with Nazis or Islamists due to their ideological mandates and pursuit of global dominance.

8) An absolute prohibition of apostasy under penalty of death similar in nature to rigidly enforced ideological purity within Nazi ranks.

9) The use of atrocities and crimes against humanity as legitimate tools of war.

10) Commingling religious tenets and fascist doctrine with the intent of disguising political ideology as theistic creed.

11) The imperative aspect of totally eliminating such a dire threat to world peace. Both Nazism and Islamism are wholly incompatible with modern civilization.

12) The totally unacceptable nature of appeasing or coexisting with such a dangerous mindset.

If those who are interested could please condense, clarify or correct any of the above points, I’d be grateful. I seek to establish an undeniable construct whereby average people can both recognize the threat posed by Islamists and argue against them to their fellow citizen. Unfortunately, the collective memory of WWII is fading rapidly from global consciousness but memory of the Holocaust itself is just strong enough to remain in service of this cause.

If the tide of Islamist fascism is to be stemmed, we will need to develop tools like the one I am mentioning here. I make no claim of inventing this notion, but seek to solidify it such that ordinary people can gain a better understanding of the threat and share it more clearly with others around them.

awake said...

In the willful intent of staying clear of the extracurricular activities contained in this thread, I will simply laud the Baron for this most excellently accurate post, and say that I concur 100%.

darrinh said...

For those who might be interested, you can read "The influence of Islam on the Third Reich." and also "Hitler was a socialist."

pela68 said...

It is hard to understand that people refere to immigration policy politicians as "nazis" or "facists" and then call them "right wing extremists".

I just can't bend my mind around that they (leftists), don't understand or realize that these are all socialistic fractions. They are extreme leftists!
That goes for islamists too. Their political agenda are nothing but a communist's weat dream.

What would be even funnier- if it were not for the violence and carnage- is the antifada, afa and attac organisations who call themselves "anti-fascist" but uses excactly the same methodes that their brother in arms do- namely fascists!
BLARGH! said...

as an interesting sort of 'official' confirmation, When Obama was selected as the Democratic choice he became under the protection of the Secret Service, the US organization which specifically protects the president as well as (now) anyone in a position to become president. The first thing they did according to (arguably the best geopolitical think tank with public access) was search all the racist organizations web sites to look for threats to Obama.
To their surprise, Most of them supported Obama as they felt McCain and Clinton where in the pockets of the Jews. So yes it turns out that so called far right or racist orgs. tend to side with Islamacists as natural allies.
Also, I just ordered 'The Third Jihad' which looks like an excellent film as well. The makers of Islam, what the west needs to know where kind enough to allow me to stream it in it's entirety from my blog should anyone wish to see it. 'Islam what the west needs to know' is a very powerful tool.

Afonso Henriques said...

"the name of it alone just doesn't sound good."

Oh Natalie... we so desperately need to free our civilisation from those ghosts...


To all the others: Oh boy again...

Conservative Swede said...


At any rate, I'm not responsible for anything on that site.

That's such a creative motivation for having a link to a site.

"I have a link to that site, because I'm not responsible for anything on that site."


Forget my old excuse: "I read Playboy only for the good articles". Now I will put up links to hardcore porn sites at the sidebar of my blog, while claiming "I'm not responsible for anything on those sites and I put up these links exactly because of that". And anyone suggesting that I'm into porn is just "smearing" and "slandering". No, I just like those little plastic gadgets they sell. I make art installations from them.


So what do I want to illustrate here? Credibility! WI, you are not credible. If there is no one else than you and your wife who think that you are credible, then you are not credible. And the fact is, my friend, you are very far from credible. In your case, I think your mind is in denial, and you need to sort out things, to step out of your confusion.

Conservative Swede said...


One more thing.

You wrote:
Far right nationalism, which is not synonymous with national socialism, is a threat to Leftist hegemony in Europe. Hence, the hysteria about "nazis".

Anyone who describe themselves as a "far right nationalist" has either fallen for the image painted by the leftist/liberal hysteria, or holds some weird (and most probably objectionable) values to start with.

What we need is nationalism, simple and pure. And no weirdo "far right" version of it (read some of Diamed's articles linked above for a definition of "weirdo"). However, the liberals and the neocons (like McCain etc.) paint even nationalism-pure-and-simple as evil "far right", of course. To self-identify as "far right" is helping their case, not ours!!!

Conservative Swede said...

I'd like to quote a part of John Rosenthal's article that makes the identity of the neo-Nazi position and the David Duke / Stormfront position even clearer. The neo-Nazi "North German Action Office" writes:

"“Pro-Cologne’s” superficial populism against Islam sends a completely wrong signal, about which only pro-Israeli circles could be happy. Whoever thinks things out more completely than the niche-populists of Pro-Cologne will clearly differentiate between the “Anti-Islamism” that is fostered by the establishment parties at the behest of the USA and the necessary fight against the policy of flooding Germany with foreigners [Überfremdungspolitik], whose authors are likewise the establishment parties. Islam is not the cause of the flood of foreigners, but only a particularly visible symptom. … The problem is the system, not the mosques.

Inasmuch as it is a determined opponent of the western-plutocratic one-world policy, we regard Islam, globally considered, as an ally against the mammonistic dominance of the American east coast. The freedom of nations is not threatened by Islam, but rather by the imperialism of the USA and its vassals from Jerusalem to Berlin."

Surely talk about the necessity to "fight against" mass immigration. But married with a global alliance with Islam, what becomes the effect?

A global alliance means everywhere, i.e. also locally. So the local fight against Islamization is strongly opposed. Mosques are not considered as a problem, etc.

Anyone with any connection to reality and facts, know that Islamization is the most malevolent and by far fastest spreading aspect of mass immigration. But to the Nazis this is not at all a problem. It's the Jews that is the problem.

David Duke is chasing the same ghosts, and expressing himself in the same way. Allying himself with Islam, praising the Islamic society, etc.

Last time around we have a handful of people here supporting and defending David Duke. This time nobody is.

Conservative Swede said...

Compare it to feminists and liberals who claim to stand for the interest of women, when their policy in effect leads to rape epidemics of innocent women.

Quite the same the neo-Nazis and David Duke claim to stand for a certain thing, but the result is something different.

In both cases since they are disconnected from reality and cling to ideology and chasing ghosts.

Western Initiatives said...

Conservative Swede -- You are more than a little confused about what are after all just t-shirts. Calm down, my friend, and have another drink. It sounds as if you need it.

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