Thursday, December 15, 2011


This MEMRI clip features a lecture by Sheik Abu Imran, the leader of Shariah4Belgium, about the coming abolition of “idolatry” in Belgium. He says that all “idols” — including the famous Atomium monument — will be destroyed when Belgium comes under Islamic control.

When Islam rules our lands, all forms of idolatry — art, science, music, public festivals, all non-Islamic rituals — will be ground down under the iron heel of shariah. There will be no room for compromise. We will all live in perfect freedom forever as slaves of Allah.

Interestingly enough, this diatribe was posted online just two days before Nordine Amrani went on his murderous rampage in downtown Liège.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:

See also Vlad’s essay about this video and related topics.


X said...

But they just want to live peacefully amongst us! They aren't going to impose their regressive and restricted world view on us! There's lots of art in islam! Why, they have all that calligraphy.

I wish I was making all that up, but I've actually heard people say all these things. Blind fools who think it's so fascinating to have an alien, destructive culture planted in our midst. They call beautiful that which wants to destroy beauty.

joe six-pack said...

The war is comming. We are not winning right now. It may still be some time off, but either we surrender or else a violent confrotation can't be avoided. Sooner or later.....

Lawrence said...

When Islam rules our lands, all forms of idolatry — art, science, music, public festivals, all non-Islamic rituals — will be ground down under the iron heel of shariah.

Oh? According to my "modern" history class, Muslims invented all that stuff, art, music, science, and especially Mathematics...

... or did they?


babs said...

The religion of peace, the religion of tolerance? At the risk of being banal, if this man wants to live in a perfect Islamic state why doesn't he move to KSA?????

Blow up monuments because of a perceived idolatry? So, so sick and, why isn't he being cited for incitement against another ethnic culture namely the natives of Belgium? That really is the rub.

Anonymous said...

I rather have Western culture that bring advanced knowledge to the world and one that is aware of the danger of islamisation and multiculturalism rather than those mixed asian/black/african/middle eastern cultures that not only caused extreme hardships, confusion and divisiveness but also don't benefit me.


Findalis said...

If you are a slave you are NOT free.

Thus a slave of Allah is not a free man or woman.

Anonymous said...

He seems more like a deeply misguided and somewhat naive true cult believer than a psychopath.

goethechosemercy said...

Oh? According to my "modern" history class, Muslims invented all that stuff, art, music, science, and especially Mathematics...

Study the ancient Ionian Greeks.
Their contribution is far more significant.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! the usual retarded rubbish from the religion of peace's adherents...don't forget, the earth is flat, the mountains are just there to stop it floating away into space (!), and the sun revolves around the earth. At least that what it says in the koran, so you'd better believe it...

Anonymous said...

all that calligraphy.


Professor L said...

He says he wants to destroy tourist attractions in order to attract tourists. And that the money that would otherwise be used to maintain the attractions (whatever they may be) could then be used to provide free water and electricity and so on. Provided for by the economy that relies in part on the tourism that is attracted by the attraction that has just been destroyed.

Right. Good luck to you on that. You'll need it to get around logic.

St.George said...

Geneticists tell me that inbreeding causes serious mental and physical defects. How many generations in 1400 years?

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