Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fighting Sharia at the Ballot Box

This press conference announcement arrived in our mailbox a little while ago. It is a push-back against a Sharia Republican primary candidate for the Virginia State Assembly.

You’ll notice the date for the meeting is today, in Leesburg, Virginia. For any of our readers in the 87th District, please follow this carefully.

Press Conference
Government Center
1 Harrison Street S.E., Leesburg Virginia
August 10, 2011
5:30 p.m.

The background, relationships and beliefs of Imad Afif “David” Ramadan, a candidate seeking the Republican nomination for the Virginia House of Delegates seat in the new 87th district in Loudon County, have lately become a matter of increasing controversy. To explore what is known — and as yet unknown — about Mr. Ramadan’s character and caliber, a group of local and national figures will hold a press conference at the Government Center in Leesburg, Virginia at 5:30 on Wednesday, August 10.

Among those participating in the press conference will be:

  • Frank Gaffney is the President of the Center for Security Policy, a Washington Times columnist and host of the nationally syndicated talk-radio program, Secure Freedom Radio (heard locally on the Salem Radio Network’s WRC 1260 AM at 9:00 p.m.) Mr. Gaffney was the publisher and co-author of the Amazon best-seller, Sharia: The Threat to America.

  • Kent Clizbe was a covert Central Intelligence Agency officer specializing in counter-terrorism operations in Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East in the 1990s. Following the attacks on 9/11, Mr. Clizbe returned to work for the Agency as counter-terrorism operations officer, for which service he was awarded the Intelligence Community Seal Medallion, its highest decoration for contractors. He is a Muslim convert who formerly served on the Loudoun County Republican Committee. He is also the author of Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness, and a recent article at about his interview with, and research on, David Ramadan.

  • Kerry Patton is a former intelligence officer who has specialized on network-centric warfare and served in South America, Africa, Middle East, Asia and Europe. He is an internationally recognized expert on security, terrorism and intelligence-related issues and is a national security commentator for Fox News. Mr. Patton has advised domestic government agencies and international organizations on these issues. He is author of Sociocultural Intelligence: The New Discipline of Intelligence Studies.

  • Nagi N. Najjar is a Lebanese Orthodox Christian born in Beirut. He was an officer in the Lebanese Armed Forces specializing in intelligence. He has advised the U.S. government on issues regarding Islamic terrorism in Lebanon and the Middle East. And, since 2000, Mr. Najjar has been the Executive Director of the Government of Free Lebanon in Exile. He is also the publisher of From Israel to Damascus and Cobra.

  • James Lafferty is the founder and chairman of the Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force and a member of the board of Stop the Islamization of America. He operates a political and public relations consulting firm with offices in Washington, DC and New York.

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Immediately following the press conference, “Friends of David Ramadan” are hosting a fundraiser headlined by former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese at Tuscarora Mill, a restaurant adjacent to the Government Center complex. Curiously, a spokesman for Mr. Meese has said he is not endorsing Mr. Ramadan. Unless and until questions are fully and accurately addressed about who Imad Afif Ramadan is, no one else should either.

For those who follow Virginia politics, this is a crucial moment in our battle against the incursions of sharia law. In fact, it is vital not just to Virginians, but to all Americans who are concerned about people like Ramadan, and even more so, the cluelessness of the Republican Party...

Mr. Ramadan is taking advantage of the redistricting chaos which always follows a Census-based district re-alignment. This process confuses most people and they resort to going online to find out what their new district may be. That is, if they even notice there will be a primary vote in their district.

Mr. Ramadan’s opponent in this Republican primary is Jo-Ann Chase. I’ve looked at a few leftist Virginia blogs and she’s being demonized as a — gasp — Tea Party “extremist”. In Leftist terms that means she supports small government and the Second Amendment. You can see her endorsements on that page, above.

Her Republican primary opponent, Mr. Ramadan, is endorsed by Senator John McCain and our Democrat Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. He also has the blessing of al-Jazeera, as you can see at this essay.

Grover Norquist endorses him, as he does any Muslim Brotherhood candidate. You can read about Grover’s sharia ties here. As that essay states (a point I have often considered myself) calling Norquist out in this political climate is much akin to what the witness/martyrs like Whittaker Chambers had to endure when the leftists and closet Communists were exposing Alger Hiss’ perfidy.

Mr. Gaffney’s courage in being willing to name Norquist and point credibly to his terrorist ties is quite remarkable, especially given Norquist’s position as the ultimate influential insider in Washington, D.C. Republican politics.

Thus, the RINOs like McCain line up when told to do so. Let’s see if Mr. Meese comes to his senses.


1389 said...

The actions of Grover Norquist, IMO, fit the definition of treason under the US Constitution.

urah2222 said...

The chances of me voting for someone named Daoud Ramadan are about ZERO unless vouched for by someone like Zhudi Jasser.
The endorsement of Grover Norquist does not rise to that level.

Dr. Shalit

Anonymous said...

I never heard of a Muslim Republican. Then again, they did invade CPAC. I hope the good folks of Virginia see through this.

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