Sunday, May 08, 2011

The Place of Women in Expansionist Islam

As reported here last week, Lars Hedegaard was recently convicted of “hate speech” in Denmark for his statements about the prevalence of rape within Muslim families.

The machinations of Danish “justice” have not dissuaded Mr. Hedegaard from speaking out on these issues. Earlier today (May 8, 2011), he gave a talk at the Danish Free Press Society in Copenhagen about the status of women under Islam.

From the notes to the video of the lecture:

Lars Hedegaard, recently convicted for “hate speech” in Danish court, explains how the subjugation of women is essential for Islam to uphold its expansionist agenda, and how setting the women free would cause Islam to collapse.

Born 1942 in Denmark, Lars Hedegaard is a historian, journalist and author of several books, including I krigens Hus, 1400 års Krigen and the recently published Muhammeds piger: Vold, mord og voldtægter i Islams Hus. Hedegaard is the president of the Danish Free Press Society, as well as the International Free Press Society.

Mr. Hedegaard’s talk was recorded by Henrik Ræder Clausen, and edited and YouTubed by Kitman. The video has been placed below the jump to avoid the “Blogger bug”:


Hesperado said...

"...and how setting the women free would cause Islam to collapse."

This is a wildly thoughtless and reckless pipe dream. The phrase "easier said than done" doesn't even begin to capture what's wrong with it.

First, it is more reasonable than not to suppose that most Muslim women are in deep Stockholm-Syndrome denial, and fervently support their own oppression in Islam.

Secondly, how would we go about "setting free" all those hundreds of millions of women all around the globe? Through military interventions? Or by hopeful osmosis over the airwaves?

Thirdly, this would trigger Mohammed-cartoon-like-riots to the 100th power around the world and more attacks than normal (probably including an escalation of female suicide bombers). Unless we're militarily and psychoculturally prepared to take on Muslims Gone Wild (which the West is not, yet, obviously), then we shouldn't trigger such wildness.

Henrik Ræder said...

[T]his would trigger Mohammed-cartoon-like-riots to the 100th power around the world and more attacks than normal.

And So What?

I think this is a price worth paying.

Lars didn't address the question "How?", that's left up to the reader. For good reason, for there is a thousandfold different things to do.

What matters is that a way to make Islamism does exist, and it's even a pretty good one, difficult or not.

Zenster said...

Hesperado: Thirdly, this would trigger Mohammed-cartoon-like-riots to the 100th power around the world…

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Who dies the most during any Islamic riots?


Let them riot until the cows come home.

Every last spark the Muslim world ignites we should be pouring gasoline upon. Libya should be the swan song for all benevolent Western intervention in the Islamic world.

Let the Islamic snake devours its tail. Women and all.

Unless we're militarily and psychoculturally prepared to take on Muslims Gone Wild (which the West is not, yet, obviously), then we shouldn't trigger such wildness.

Liberal loons in the West have made it unbearably clear that nothing short of terrorist nuclear attacks will ever even begin to shake their belief that there is a way to pick up the Islamic turd by its clean end.

If there is any means of starting the jihadi firestorm now, while Islam remains terribly deficit in nuclear weapons, THEN GET ON WITH IT.

Another five or ten years of the current status quo could bring about an alternative outcome that would forever mutilate Western culture in ways which are totally beyond conception.

Better to get this pissing contest started in earnest while we have even a glimmer of hope when it comes to strangling the jihadist Islamic baby in its cradle.

There is no "wait and see" about this. "Wait and see" is the epitaph etched on numberless gravestones all throughout dar al Islam.

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