Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The MSM Covers the War Between the States

Siege of Petersburg, 1864-65: ‘The Dictator’

From The Frederick Herald, July 11, 1864:

Petersburg Sources: 4 Kids Hurt in Union Strikes on Lee’s Headquarters

Hopewell, Virginia, 10 July 1864 — Four children were reportedly injured due to a Union mortar shell last night on Petersburg, report Confederate officials.

They were allegedly hit by fragments of glass following explosions in the attack. “Two of the children,” said an official, “were seriously injured and are in the intensive care unit at Squirrel Level Hospital.”

According to witnesses cited by The Baltimore Post, five explosions were heard during the night in New Blandford that can be linked to a possible Union attack in which mortar shells were fired on Gen. Robert E. Lee’s headquarters.

A journalist from The New York Advertiser confirmed that several mortars fired a series of heavy bombardments on the city during the night, a few hours after other witnesses had reported two explosions near the offices of The Petersburg Express.

1 comment:

matism said...

Yeah, as if the MSM would report ANY action against the South in that manner. A more accurate account per the MSM would be:

"Four delinquent Southerners stole a Union artillery round. Fortunately, they were injured in the process. President Lincoln has promised that they will be brought to justice and charged with theft of military secrets, as well as possession and detonation of un-demilitarized munitions, in direct violation of the Gun Control Act. BATFE has announced plans to arrest all Southerners in possession of ANY amount of US military ordnance, no matter how small the pieces are, nor how deeply they are imbedded in their bodies."

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