Saturday, April 02, 2011

Praying for Deliverance

Cultural Enrichment News

As soon as you read the headline for this Australian article — “Gunshots Prompt Prayers for Peace” — you know you’re in for the usual ride on the multicultural merry-go-round. Everyone knows the script: culture enrichers shoot and batter and threaten and destroy, and then the rest of us pray for peace — or, more accurately, we pray that we won’t be the ones who get shot, stabbed, or set on fire.

What makes this story interesting is that it’s an enricher-on-enricher case, with Muslims dealing out the punishment and Hindus taking it. This is similar to the behavior of Jamaat ul-Fuqra terrorists here in the USA, who consider Hindus their greatest enemies. Back in the 1980s they staged a series of attacks on Hindus and firebombed their temples.

The Australian case reported in The Sydney Morning Herald is so shot through with politically correct mumbo-jumbo that it’s worth taking it apart to examine the components:

IT BEGAN with minor acts of vandalism, including egg throwing and smashed windows, but instead of remaining periodic footnotes in the night log at Auburn police station, the incidents have grown so violent — and the issue so culturally sensitive — that even authorities are reluctant to speak about them publicly.

The authorities are reluctant to speak about such a “sensitive” issue because it involves brown people doing harm to brown people, and therefore doesn’t fit the mandatory narrative. The white man can’t be blamed in this case — except, of course, that white people are to blame for all bad things, and should somehow have put a stop to all the nastiness before it happened.

Australia’s oldest Hindu temple, the Sri Mandir in Auburn, is under siege and its devotees gripped by fear.

Note: this is a specific fear. It is a non-phobic, rational fear that Muslims will do violent harm to Hindus because of their religion. This is not about some generic form of “violence”, like getting mugged or car-jacked. This is about violent jihad.

The article continues:
On March 19, two men in balaclavas stood at the intersection of a nearby road, spraying the front of the prayer hall with eight rounds of bullets. The building was unoccupied at the time.

The busy Hindu temple opened in 1977. It is surrounded by a predominantly Muslim population and it is no secret among locals that tensions have been simmering in recent years, caused by concerns about noise and parking problems at Sri Mandir.

“There is no excuse [for the gun attack],” the editor of Sydney newspaper The Indian, Rohit Revo, said.

If we weren’t used to this sort of equivocal phrasing, the sentence beginning with “There is no excuse…” would seem somewhat strange. Is it possible that there could have been an excuse? Is there ever a set of circumstances that would provide an “excuse” for attacking a house of worship with automatic gunfire?

Why, yes, there is. If the Hindus had made a joke about Mohammed, or put their feet on a copy of the Koran, then the violent anger of the attackers would be understandable. In that sense, there would be an “excuse” — even if their actions technically broke the law, one could understand their feelings, and everyone would agree that Hindus should not have provoked the righteous anger of Muslims in such an insensitive fashion.

“This was not the work of teenagers; neither was it a petty prank. This is part of a sustained and increasingly violent campaign to scare the temple devotees and drive them out. By definition, this latest attack was an act of terrorism.”

Yes, this is exactly true. It’s one of the few statements in this article that dares to confront the reality of what happened. Such actions are not only terrorism, they are terrorism sanctioned by the Koran, and mandated by the Koran. Allah requires believers to destroy the temples and idols of the polytheists.

The attackers are simply fully observant Muslims.
The Sun-Herald is aware the ongoing feud has caused disquiet among some of the most senior police in western Sydney. In a rare move, details of the shooting were deliberately held back from the NSW police media unit through concern that publicity might inflame hostilities.

This is a strange one. If the police actually revealed the full extent of what happened, something even worse might ensue.

Like what? A firebombing of the temple?

Or are the NSW police afraid the Hindus might retaliate in kind?

I’d be interested to find out the details of police thinking on this one.

Auburn City Council claims the first it knew of the incident was when The Sydney Morning Herald published an article on Wednesday. Since then, the chairman of the Community Relations Commission, Stepan Kerkyasharian, has stepped in as an intermediary between Hindus and Muslims.

“Given the enormity and complexity of the issues, this is a classic example where we need to apply the principles of multiculturalism and get people to understand and accept that we are a religiously diverse community … we live together and we respect each other’s religious diversity,” he told The Sun-Herald.

Ah, yes, this is where we respect each other’s diversity. Over here we have people who chant and burn incense, and over there are people who shoot up temples — a very diverse community indeed.

And if we respect it really, really hard, but that doesn’t solve the problem, then what? Why, we apply the principles of multiculturalism some more, and bring in more foreigners with all their wonderful new diversity! That’ll fix it!

Temple priest Jatinkumar Bhatt is praying for a peaceful solution for the sake of his three young children. Bhatt and his family live behind the temple and are too frightened to go outdoors after dark.

“On the night of the shooting, we heard the noise, but every 10 or 15 days we experience the sound of firecrackers being thrown [over the fence], so we thought it must be that again,” Mr Bhatt said.

“Then the police came. They showed me the bullet holes in the walls and asked permission to come in and investigate. I am too afraid to say why I think this is happening.”

In an attack in November, four men wielding iron bars smashed their way through 10-millimetre- thick windows, showering the hall with glass while devotees were praying inside.

The Hindu response so far has been well within the limits set by Orthodox Political Correctness:

The temple recently held a community open day in the hope of brokering fresh ties with the wider community.

A normal, sensible policy would be for the congregants to arm themselves and stock up on plenty of ammunition. But that’s not the way we solve problems in Modern Multicultural Australia.

Unfortunately, some of the Hindus are beginning to doubt that this really is Australia:

“Many of our neighbours are very friendly but sometimes it feels like we are in a different place to Australia,” Mr Bhatt said. “The attacks are now always. It is like in Libya or Afghanistan.”

Mr. Bhatt is quite right. Multiculturalism means that you live in a little enclave of the Ummah, no matter what might be your technical country of residence, provided the local population density of Muslims is high enough.

It’s not Australia. It’s the Caliphate.

And now it’s time to trot out Keysar Trad, the famous Australian culture enricher and welfare parasite with nine kids, who always speaks for the “Muslim community” at media events:

The founder of the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia, Keysar Trad, said he had given a speech at the open day, in which he stressed the need to “respect religious places of all faiths”.

“I am convinced these problems are not being caused by people who are religious and would urge the Muslim community to show support and solidarity to their neighbours at this time,” he said.

The function of the Keysars of the multicultural world is to lull everybody back to sleep with nonsense phrases like these while the Ummah goes about its customary work. Everything bad done by Muslims is said to be the work of a Tiny Minority, and real Muslims have nothing to do with it and cannot stop it.

Then it becomes an ordinary law-enforcement matter, and the police must enter the no-go zones and somehow find the perpetrators — who look like all the other residents of the neighborhood — and bring them to justice.

Flemington local area commander Superintendent Phillip Rogerson said police were trying to identify the attackers. Auburn Labor MP Barbara Perry said: “I’ve got every sympathy for the Hindu community. This type of behaviour should not be tolerated.”

Who should not do the tolerating? The police? The Hindus? Or the Muslims themselves?

It’s important to remember that “moderate” Muslims pray to the same god, read the same Koran, and even worship at the same mosque. Yet they are somehow unable to identify the “extremists” and turn them over to the police.

Again: Who should not tolerate this type of behavior?

Coincidentally, the Gillard Government has just figured out a way to solve the problem: throw more money at it. The Australian taxpayer has been asked to supply fresh suitcases of hundred-dollar bills that will be delivered to “community groups” to prevent “extremism”.

According to The Daily Telegraph:

COMMUNITY groups will be given money to develop programs that tackle violent extremism at the grassroots.

The Gillard Government will award grants worth up to $100,000 to not-for-profit community groups -- which could include youth groups in western Sydney and the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils -- to roll out programs that build resilience [NB — the reporter has chosen the wrong word; she means “resistance”] to violent extremism.

Attorney-General Robert McClelland, who will make the announcement today, said the new program was part of the Government’s $9.7 million investment in supporting individuals away from intolerant and radical ideologies and encouraging positive participation in the community.

“Effective community engagement is a key component of the Government’s approach to building a stronger and more resilient community that can resist violent extremism,” he said.

Under the new program, grants from $5,000 to $20,000, and from $20,000 to $100,000, will be awarded to local initiatives that actively address intolerant or extremist messages and discourage extremism.

The Australian Multicultural Foundation and the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils welcomed the Government’s support.

Notice that the article talks about “extremism”, but never identifies which doctrine has an “extreme” version. Yes, everyone knows the real story — after all, the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils is mentioned, and not the Hindu League or the Christian Youth of Australia — but PC rules require that Islam not be mentioned in the same sentence as “violent extremism”.

It’s the same all over the world. In the United States, the FBI, the Pentagon, and the Department of Homeland Security follow exactly the same set of rules. These rules were laid down by the agents of the Muslim Brotherhood who have penetrated our government at all levels.

Who do you think might have carried the exact same rules to Australia?

Pray to be delivered from them. That’s all you can do.

For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.

Hat tips: DB3 and Nilk.


Anonymous said...

This pattern of behavior seems to fit with Moslem behavior over the centuries- if you can't conquer, move in and harrass the kafirs into submission- but as a modern legal and government matter it comes directly from the American black radicalism that started in the 60's. The pattern was established then and copied by Moslems, just as Islamic fascism is patterned after the European fascism and irredentism of the 30's.

goethechosemercy said...

“Many of our neighbours are very friendly but sometimes it feels like we are in a different place to Australia,” Mr Bhatt said. “The attacks are now always. It is like in Libya or Afghanistan.”
end quote.

This is heart-rending and as a nation of laws, where the rule of law is supposed to be supreme over the rule of the informal community, Australia's nationhood is severely insulted.
The "surrounding Muslims" should all be deported straight to Saudi.
A "holy place" for the truly self-righteous.
Let the chickens go home to roost.

sheik yer'mami said...

The PC speak is infuriating.

Its not an "ongoing feud", its a jihad attack against Hindus who offend Muslims by worshipping freely in a free country. The PC tarts imply, that they are somehow -how exactly?- guilty of causing a 'feud', which means two sides are to blame.

This is the real bad crazyness behind the story.

Then there is Keysar Trad, catmeat sheik al-Hilali's waterboy who sings the obligatory kumbaya hymn:

the need to ”respect religious places of all faiths”.

But Keysar is lying, as usual. Aussie from Aussie News & views kept track, and this is what Trad wrote back then:

Extract below from the Islamic Friendship Associations, Keysar Trad where he describes Hindu’s as “these cow worshippers” in his now famous Koran inspired article “Racism an Islamic Response “

This article was published in the 16th issue of Nida’ul Islam magazine (, December – January 1996-97]

“India, the Asian country which is dominated by the lowest of the low amongst
racists, the class society which divides its own people into four classes and
places people of other faiths, and Muslims in particular as the lowest of the low.
The policies of these cow worshippers, and their extermination of Muslims in their
countries and inside Kashmir (to the silence of Western countries) is one more
example of how this feeling of elitism is not restricted to the colour of the
elitist, it is a lifestyle of those idiots who have intoxicated themselves with a
false feeling of power, and who actively exercise this power against others.”

Professor L said...

Just on the last point Baron, I really can't say I'm surprised. Whenever a problem has arisen, the Federal Government's solution has always been "throw more money at it". After forty years of doing this to the Aborigines, one can only say that Africans do a better job of looking after their own than we do.

And frankly, I'd like to take Keyser Trad to task myself. Maybe I could sneak in on Q&A one day (on the ABC no less!).

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