Monday, April 04, 2011

The Manifesto of an Evil Totalitarian Political System

A young woman in Colorado named Ann Barnhardt watched Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) holding forth on television yesterday about the necessity for rolling back the First Amendment in order not to anger Muslims. This did not sit well with her, and she made a two-part video for YouTube expressing her outrage, and vigorously affirming her right to patriotic dissent.

She declares herself strongly at the beginning of the first video:

Hello, my name is Ann Barnhardt, and I am apparently one of the very, very last people left in Western Civilization who possesses any quantity of brains and balls simultaneously.

And it gets even better after that. The second video shows her tearing out pages — bookmarked with strips of bacon — from the Koran, and burning them one by one.

I don’t always regard Koran-burning as an effective tactic, although I fully support anyone who decides to do it. However, in this case I heartily approve of Ms. Barnhardt’s actions, because she does the job properly: she reads a relevant verse from the page before tearing it out and consigning it to hellfire. The verses she recites include 4:34 (beating your wife), the Sword Surah, some of the “smite their necks” ayats, and all those promises of sweet young boys like clear pearls for the believers who make it to paradise.

This is great stuff. Both videos have been placed below the jump to outwit the Blogger bug:

Part 1

Part 2

After watching this delightful young woman in action and listening to her excellent commentary, I was reminded of an old Robert Hunter lyric (from “Wild Bill”):

She was not just the girl of his dreams.
He was not only fond of her charms:
She could knock down a man at ninety paces
While he rolled her around in his arms.

Hat tip: Fausta.


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NewTestamentMan said...

Kudos to Zenster and deDeurs for the stimulating verbal exchange. I applaud both individuals for freely expressing themselves as this is exactly the type of exchange that some can engage in only in non-Islamic environments.

I especially applaud Zenster for your clear and concise discussion of what Islam promotes and the dangers inherent with this ideology. While acknowledging that the Christian faith has opposing tenets when compared to Islam. Your formable prowess with the English language combined with your ability to keep the discussion focused on the facts made this exchange most enjoyable. A great mind indeed!

I suggest that deDeurs (and others who would desire enlightenment regarding true Islamic history and the radical development of this faith) revisit some historical evidence regarding the Crusades within Robert Spencer's book, “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)". Mr. Spencer (of Arab descent and director of "Jihad Watch" ) knows the Qur'an intimately, true history of how Mohammed came to be regarded as a so-called prophet, and violent nature of Islam that no one wants to reveal. Zenster – you won the debate, hands down! Truth and facts are hard to defeat in any debate. I look forward to reading more from you in the future and I pray that you and others may come to know God in a truly intimate way through Christ and the Christian Faith.

dedeurs said...

"most Muslim boys are *n*lly and orally r*ped before they reach puberty. And most men in Muslim society are h*m*s*x**l p*d*ph*les"
- Ann Barnhardt

...Phew, I almost ran out of asterisks!

I now regret I initially didn't dare mentioning this example of urban legendary. But Ann's fans would have been FURIOUS, she's telling the world the ultimate truth!

However, I do wish there were more concrete figures on this phenomenon. Unfortunately muslims excel in clamming up on family & mosque matters. Anyway, the rate in p*d*ph*lia in muslim environments is higher than those in christian's simply because of the even tighter moral rules for unwed males and females. In Pakistan and Egypt but in particular in Afghanistan this specific kind of abuse goes through the roof. A small consolation: most of these boys think it is normal. Even if their imam condemns it. And the somewhat more rational thinking imams do. But if you are a simple adolescent, it's all quite confusing, don't you think? In the western world teens are in therapy for lesser problems, like 'my parents hate my Gothic dressing style' and 'the prettiest girl in the class doesn't notice me'.

But do you really think that christians behave any better? Are you ignoring today's catholic atrocities? (going on for centuries, actually) Committed not only by priests, but by bishops and cardinals and papal secretaries and nuns.
However, what do we know about s*x*al abuse among the Mormons? The Amish? The Buddhist monks? Nothing. As yet.

"As this is a very pro-Israelite web site, please feel free to elaborate upon your own feelings about the strong Catholic orientation of Ms. Barnhardt's oratory."

Ah yes...the Hebrew civilisation, the Chosen.
And how do you like your flayed p*n*s, Israelites and also White Catholic Americans? Clever invention, this 'Covenant with God', which in America was changed into 'for civilized reasons of sanity'. US doctors helped to numb the sensitivity of the member whereas it helped priests elsewhere to obtain a firm hold over their God-fearing communities. Oh well, it isn't even a Jewish invention, like tattooing it goes back tens of thousands of years. But there was always some god waving a 'Covenant' around and promising fire and brimstone if he was not obeyed.

Nevertheless, google for rabbi suspected of or found guilty of and you'll find lots of juicy court case stories. Great kiddie lovers, these specimens of JHWH's lovingly Chosen.

And ah yes...the strong orientation of Ms Barnhardt. The catholics. The church that boards the hardiest liars, the worst hypocrites, it's the faith harbouring the most unbelieving believers also. Like the guys in the Vatican. They are way, way too smart to believe in fairy tales for the commons. On the other hand, Pope Joseph I is quite stupid to profile himself as an openly dictator.

But a catholic easily lapses. His sins are easily absolved, after all. It's like paying a fine for bad behaviour on the road. Do you have any idea how crazy this system of washing and dry-spinning of conscience laundry is for a non-believer? It's such a useless form of self-deceiving. It's also unfair. It's even insulting.

-2b continued-

dedeurs said...

- 2 -

We are talking religiously based abuse? Dragging a child along to church/synagogue/mosque and forcing it to listen for hours on end to incomprehensible or quite frightening stories told by a man who addresses his words to adults, not kids; now that's a kind of abuse too. No kid of healthy mind and spirit wants this brain rape. Santa Claus and Ronald McDonald are often already more than it can handle.

The fact (and it really is a fact): the moment the stern variety of Religion steps in, s*xual abuse steps up. Because religion is basically a matter of mental and physical repression.
'God forbids you to',
'it hurts/angers God when you',
'm*st*rb*ting is a Sin',
'w*t dreaming is a Sin',
'a woman must never refuse her husband',
'a marriage vow before God cannot be broken',
'don't insult God by exposing your n*kedness to Him',
The Ten Commandments themselves are actually quite rational; they depict rules we need for at least some sort of civilisation. They contain social laws. But otherwise, come on, get a life!

"please don't let it stop you from appreciating how predatory Islam has always been against Christians, not to mention Atheists"
(sorry. can't retrace the writer at the moment)

'Predatory', I wholeheartedly agree. But is this a hint for christians and atheists to bond? It's true that even die-hard atheists may 'find God' (when they serve long time in jail or get in life-threatening circumstances), but in general the twain shall never meet. There's not much in it, for us heathens.

What all this has got to do with going to war against Islam? By all means do; Islam is evil and smelly and dirty. But it would be nice if you, neo-Crusaders, cleaned out your own stables first.

Zenster said...

Gregory C.: It's difficult to choose but i'll take that sweeping statement from 9:30 - 10:00 about "most Muslim boys are anally and orally raped before they reach puberty. And most men in Muslim society are homosexual pedophiles." i'd like to see some factual backup on that one.

I'm sure that all of us would also like to obtain exact statistics on governmental and commercial corruption for this world's various nations.

How, then, do we set about gathering those facts? Do any of the malefactors involved openly publish their "second set of books"? Do they have some sort of international guild or fraternal order whose membership roles we can use as a basis for judgment?

We are confronted with many of the same issues when searching for the truth about Islamic pedophilia. The difficulty in obtaining factual information is magnified by how frequently clerical figures of authority are involved as perpetrators along with the way that shari'a-based courts of Islamic law are eminently corruptible and exhibit a clear tendency to ignore the rights or veracity of children or young adults.

While one might be tempted to draw some sort of equivalence between the Catholic Church's recent pederasty scandals and those being discussed with respect to Islam, there is little commonality shared by them.

Catholic priests do not posses anything resembling the legal and judicial authority of Islamic clerics. This one fact alone totally distorts any attempt at making a valid comparison. Furthermore, shari'a law is so completely skewed towards maintenance of Islam's status quo, complete with institutionalized pedophilia, misogyny and rape, that expecting any honest publicity, much less aggressive prosecution, borders on the absurd.

Imagine how difficult it would be to pursue such crimes if it was the lawgivers themselves who were foremost among practitioners of these activities. When Islam's congenital male chauvinism is overlaid onto this criminal template, the hope for any accurate reporting about or legal action against those responsible evaporates like dew in the Sahara.

If one also factors in the way that accusations of "impurity" often require the death of an involved party, be it accuser of accused, then the reason for any reluctance to press charges, (despite their actuality), becomes even more obvious.

Consider that a woman's legal testimony is worth half of a man's and that she must provide four male witnesses in order to press charges. The case of Mukhtar Mai tells the entire story.

Note: I had to search through almost a dozen articles before finding even one that reported all of the fraud involved. An excerpt:

Ms. Mukhtar was allegedly gang raped in 2002 on the orders of the village council in Meerwala, a dusty farming village in the backwaters of Punjab Province. The case jolted the country and ignited international outrage.

The rape was a punishment for her younger brother's alleged illicit relations with a woman from a rival tribe, the Mastoi. Later investigations revealed that the boy had been molested by three Mastoi tribesmen, and the accusation against him had been a cover-up.

Clearly, Ms. Mai fell victim, not only to her rapists, but also to the ghastly shari'a mandate that she produce four males witness who would substantiate her charges.

None of this even addresses the fact that it was accusations of pederasty brought by her younger brother that precipitated the notorious and illegitimately punitive gang rape against Ms. Mai.

[To be Continued]

Zenster said...

Now, try to imagine what sort of credibility a molested child would enjoy in any sort of Islamic court.

I think it is safe to say that there is no possible way to accurately ascertain exactly how pervasive pedophilia is in Islamic cultures. The practice of purdah (female confinement), alone points towards a more frequent incidence of pedophilia and pederasty.

There are other issues which compound this problem. From my previous comments about Islamic child molestation and Muslim homosexuality:

This is not quite accurate in that bacha bazi was so commonly practiced by Taliban commanders that a set of 30 Rules contained the following listing:

19) Mujahideen are not allowed to take young boys with no facial hair onto the battlefield or into their private quarters.

It is significant to note that even the Taliban have difficulty suppressing the practice of bacha bazi within their own ranks. This is especially telling as the Taliban are supposedly very puritanical extremists.

Of key importance is the mention of facial hair. In the Islamic world of incessant doctrinal hair-splitting, it is widely perceived that a boy without facial hair is not a man and, therefore, penetrating such an individual cannot be construed as definitive homosexual relations.

There is much to be said about a culture that swallows down whole the camel of sexual child abuse whilst straining on gnats of facial hair.

Given this, if pederasty is so predominant among the same Afghanis which spawned the supposedly ultra-puritanical Taliban, just how much more extensive must it be in even more permissive (or less observant), Muslim societies?

For an excellently constructed analysis of Arab sexual child abuse, please read, ShrinkWrapped: The Arab Mind: Part III and its following essays. These articles do much to illuminate why child abuse and pedophilia are so prevalent throughout Muslim culture.

For further reading on this, please examine the work of Phyllis Chesler.

Zenster said...

NewTestamentMan: Zenster – you won the debate, hands down! Truth and facts are hard to defeat in any debate. I look forward to reading more from you in the future and I pray that you and others may come to know God in a truly intimate way through Christ and the Christian Faith.

Thank you very much for the kind words. It is nice to be appreciated. I am especially grateful that you acknowledge the unbridgeable differences between Islam and Christianity.

While Christianity most certainly is not perfect, Islam is wholly irredeemable such that the mere notion of its continued existence is sufficient to alarm any thinking mind. The entire Muslim credo is so totally dependent upon enslavement, bigotry and violent coercion that it defies imagination as to how anyone thinks that Islam can ever become a functional part of the civilized world.

Unknown said...

Is it the job of a Christian to deliberately provoke people, to go out of their way to offend them, to throw curses at them?

Of course, that might be a naive question to ask, if we consider what we're told in the bible naive, that is.

It doesn't help us, if people see our faith in terms of an attack on theirs. It doesn't help if people see our hostility, and come to believe that hostility is all they can expect from us.

We are not told to reserve our love to just those around us. We are not told to be arrogant, or to pick fights with others.

We are told to be the people who make the positive difference, who get people to lower, rather than raise, their defense before God's grace. This is not naivete, in my opinion, but the deepest level of truth about human beings: they will not open their hearts, or kindle their faith in the presence of an enemy.

We are told not to be stumbling blocks. A person who deliberately provokes those of another religion neither spreads Christ's love, nor spreads his good news. Would you trust yourselves in the hands of somebody who defiled a cross in front of you, who tore pages out of the bible to use as toilet paper?

Zenster said...

Stephen Daugherty: It doesn't help us, if people see our faith in terms of an attack on theirs.

What if even the most peaceable and unobtrusive practice of your Christian faith is still regarded as an unendurable provocation against Islam?

Please try to understand that there are radical imams who would rather see every last man, woman and child on earth exterminated ― with Muslims basking in their paradise and the kufr rotting in eternal Hell ― than have to share this planet with even a single unbeliever.

Many less radical clerics continue to view the sheer existence of other religions as an unbearable affront to Islam. While Christian charity dictates love for one's enemy, what happens when even the slightest humanity and decency is weaponized and turned back against you?

What then? Throughout Islam's entire history, a routine Muslim tactic has been to employ ultra-violence in such an egregious manner whereby any foes are reluctant to match such barbarity much less exceed it. Thus is our own compunction against savagery turned against us.

How shall Christianity survive such a no-win situation without placing its own self-preservation over that of an enemy who would exterminate ― not just Christianity and Judaism ― but every other legitimate faith on earth?

Much to modern Christianity's enduring credit, it is capable of coexistence with other faiths. Nothing of the sort can be said for Islam. How then shall Christ's followers extend Christian amity to those will abuse it at every turn?

Will you throw yourselves upon Islam's swords and hope to clog their blades with human flesh so that they can stab no others?

Or will you learn to strike down those who will not tolerate sharing this green earth with any who differ in faith?

Unknown said...

Hi, I wanted to thank you for posting this, its inspirational and your quite the fighter.

Unknown said...

I wish you well.

There are far too many of our 'representatives' that try to appear politically correct to everyone, it seems, except Christians.

Good for you!

mediacopp said...

...What a humongous waste of time!!! The MAIN POINT is words are words, actions are actions; book burning does not equate to beheading; oh, and Lindsay Graham is a tool. Ann is just wasting her time with her own interpretation of various passages in the Quran...who cares...

Unknown said...

Please don't insult all the jack asses and jenny asses in the world. Remember that Jesus was carried by an ass (as far as I know there is no record if it was a jenny or a jack.)

I much prefer to use the word 'Idiot'.

Except for that one term, I do agree with you and thank you for saying it.

rwp123 said...

Look at this Huffington site on L. Graham: <a href=""


Bianca said...

Worth watching! Islam is pure evil. Islam is a religion of domination, enslavement and murder in the name of Alah. Bianca

Digital Dig said...

Permit me to point out a few inconsistencies.

We are not at war with the Muslims. The present privatized government referred to as the U.S does not participate in authorized, moral or lawful warfare. It is contrived pillage in the name of corporate greed.

The "first amendment" was designed to limit government not the people. They have no jurisdiction at all. There is no such thing as "first amendment rights".

The actions of militant Muslims are no indication of the entirety of the Muslim people. If that were so, Chrisianity would be the enemy.

The words of a historical document (Quaran) do not determine the present policy of a society or culture. There exists many peace loving Muslims. Present Christians do not follow verbatim the ideas in the Bible by a long shot.

Burning the Koran seems inconsistent with "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

Shall I continue with the inconsistencies...

The women has balls but lacks true knowledge...

Zenster said...

Digital Dig: Permit me to point out a few inconsistencies.

Go right ahead!

We are not at war with the Muslims.

Bzzzzzt! WRONG. Who are we fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, if they are not Muslims? Leprechauns? Esquimaux?

Both countries are Muslim majority nations and we are most certainly fighting a portion of their inhabitants who routinely declare and identify themselves as Muslims. Those yells of "Allahu akbar!" aren't just meaningless slogans.

The present privatized government referred to as the U.S does not participate in authorized, moral or lawful warfare.

Bzzzzzt! WRONG. Go back and read your Constitutional law.

It is contrived pillage in the name of corporate greed.

While there is some minor truth to this tidbit of blatant conspiracy theory, you are really over the top already.

The "first amendment" was designed to limit government not the people.

Finally, a glimmer of reason. On this you are absolutely right.

They have no jurisdiction at all. There is no such thing as "first amendment rights".

You got some splainin' to do.

The actions of militant Muslims are no indication of the entirety of the Muslim people.

Bzzzzzt! WRONG. Except, unless those "militant Muslims" are following dictates as are explicitly expressed in the Qur'an, which they are.

If that were so, Chrisianity would be the enemy.

Have you checked out Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria and a host of other nations where Muslims are constantly raping and killing Christians per the dictates of the Qur'an? Islam has been at perpetual war with Christianity since its inception. Just in case you hadn't noticed.

The words of a historical document (Quaran) do not determine the present policy of a society or culture.

Bzzzzzt! WRONG. Muslims who do not blindly follow (taqlid) the Qur'an are quickly declared takfir (impure) and often promptly put to death by their more pious brethren.

There exists many peace loving Muslims.

Bzzzzzt! WRONG. One cannot simultaneously be an avowed supporter of jihad, which all true Muslims are, and be defined as "peace loving". Muslims who do not support jihad are takfir and subject to immediate execution.

Present Christians do not follow verbatim the ideas in the Bible by a long shot.

Thank goodness for that. Unfortunately, far too many Muslims do follow the Qur'an verbatim and it is the cause of much of this world's boundless grief.

Burning the Koran seems inconsistent with "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

Exercising one's Constitutional right to Free Expression is a clear signal to others that they should do the same. The Golden Rule is successfully applied. Do Christians riot and kill when Bibles are burned?


All of which goes a long way towards defining the vast divide between barbaric Islam and civilized (sometimes too civilized), Christianity.

You're down by five points, Digital Dig. Maybe you should stop "digging" lest all the billboards start reading in Chinese.

Unknown said...

I think I'm in love.

I once had students who loved muttering under their breathes abut how Islam would destroy the USA. Due to PC, I was unable to really respond the way my high school teachers would have back in the day, much as I would have liked to, without losing my job.

Bacon bookmarks forever!!!

Patty Bonds said...

You took the words right out of my mouth. You added a few of your own, but that's OK. I don't mind. I have a Jerusalem cross tattooed on my wrist for the same reason you burn pages. I refuse to bow to their aggression. If American's don't stand up for what is right, Obama will sell us out in a second term. It is imperative that we fire his hide and all of his cronies and take America back.

jack_foote said...

Ann Barnhardt has just placed herself in the same league as Thomas Paine, author of "Common Sense". She has just become the Voice of the Age.

Well, done, Ms Barnhardt. It is ABOUT DAMN TIME that some said this, and ABOUT DAMN TIME that someone said it EXACTLY this way.

Lindsey Graham, you are TRULY a complete jackass. May your chains set lightly upon you, as you crouch down to lick the hand that feeds you, and may Posterity forget that you were ever one of our Countrymen.

My friends and I will be barbecueing a Koran on our grill, while there is still pork fat on it, in Florence, Arizona on 11 June 2011. If you any of you boy-lover Muslim sons of whores want to see Allah, come look us up, and we will make sure that you get sent to whatever god you wish.

God Bless America!

Tony Ruiz said...

Screw you Lindsay "pantywaist" Graham. Change parties, stupid. You're not in MY party!

Tony Ruiz said...

I am in love again, but I'm 71 so you shall remain forever in my love and admiration.

And Lindsey Graham, you are now the poster boy for Dhimmitude (sp) and everything we don't want to be as Republicans! Get the hell out!

Doug said...

She is right on, but should not use the bad words,if she is a Christian

worried 70 said...


Van-Go said...

Best thing I've heard since Stormin Norman retired in 91 when they tried tying both hands behind his back.
Speaking of BACKS, I've got your back
and I'm ready to give every last one of them huge aneurisms one at a time.
One shot, one kill. That's our motto.
Besides, paper doesn't bleed freedom!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Koran Toilet paper is for sale on the market yet. Or does anyone kno were one can get it made?

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