Saturday, April 09, 2011

The Counterjihad is Marching in Melbourne

Aussie header

Thousands and thousands of Australians are fed up with Multiculturalism and the resulting Islamization of their country. An umbrella group of Counterjihad-minded people Down Under has decided to let their feelings be known with a march in Melbourne on May 15th.

Here’s the word from the International Civil Liberties Alliance:

Counterjihad Demonstration Approved For Melbourne Australia On Sunday 15 May 2011

Our Liberties Alliance agents in Australia inform us of positive developments down under as the Australians begin to wake up to Islamisation and sharia evil.

A Counterjihad march has been approved for Sunday 15 May 2011 that will begin at 12pm and finish at 2pm. The march will begin in Federation Square and move forward to Parliament House. People shouldassemble in Federation Square just across the road from Flinders Street Station from 10.30am.

The organisers say:

“Bring your banners and bring your flags be loud and proud and let the Islamic extremists know we aren’t gonna be another Europe. This is Australia and no one will take that from us!!!!!”

Join Australian Defence League Free Forums to get more details, and tell the organisers if you are going so they can give the local police an idea of numbers so that they can help facilitate a peaceful demonstration.

If you’re in Melbourne or within a few hours travelling distance, get yourself down there for the demo on 15 May. It is time to pull yourself away from your keyboard and take to the streets. That is the only way to make your Government get real. The EDL have done it in England, Aussies can do it too! Aussies have steel in their veins just like the English. It is time to stand up and be counted!

Do your bit for the global Counterjihad! The time is now and the person is you!


Anonymous said...

Right on Aussies!

Zenster said...

I truly relish the thought of our Oz friends getting into this kerfuffle. They tend to take far less of this rubbish to begin with and also have a particularly nasty habit of paying it back ten-fold whenever anyone is stupid enough to give them the piss.

Best wishes to Down Under from all of us Up Over.

EJGB said...

I will be there in spirit.

Shirl in Oz said...'s been a long time coming and still only the minority unfortuntely

Professor L said...

Being in Sydney, its obviously a no-go for me. But a note in the diary I shall make.

And Shirl, while we may only be in the minority, our condition is still so early that we stand a good chance at reversing it, especially when Europe descends into civil strife, if not outright civil war. This is a sign of the times, as it were.

Unknown said...

I love what you are doing....just hope you get the press that we all need for this worthy cause AND would love to see this happen in the USA...

Nilk said...

There's actually another demo on at the same time in another part of town, but we won't let that stop us.


Speaking only for myself, I'd be happy to have our demo and then march up to the other demo and add our support.

I rather like Hinch. Always have, which for aussie readers will no doubt add to their impression of me as some rabid bogan lol.

Raoul Machal said...

Fairdinkum Australians need to keep in perspective this opportunity to join together and show the MSM and our dearest mates in Canberra one united front against Islamisation does not come along every week. So perhaps ditch that long-planned fishing trip, put of the new decking for another week and have your birthday cake in Centenary Square. Just get off that bloody couch of yours and show your face on 15 May.

John Sobieski said...


I tend to agree with Nilk on that. I also like Hinch, and his crowd might also benefit from what we have to say.. gee..who knows..they might join US next time :)

But the Lefty/commie counter rally could be a problem. I've asked police to put them somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, this attitude is indicative of a country which will, if everything you espouse comes to fruition, ultimately become a 'gated community' and a target of resentment and exclusion by your immediate neighbours (and Aussie relations with Indonesia has never been good...).

Not a forward thinking idea.

BTW Australia is a constitutional country with the Queen of Australia as your head of State who is simultaneously the Head of the Anglican church. Therefore you are a Christian country.

Unless you become a republic and leave the Commonwealth...

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