Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Murder in Frankfurt

A culturally enriched gunman has killed at least two people, one of them an American soldier, at Frankfurt Airport.

It’s important to remember that this:

(a) is the act of a deranged loner,
(b) reflects the extremist ideology of only a tiny minority of the world’s Muslims, and
(c) has no connection with terrorism.

If the U.S. government hasn’t already issued a statement to that effect, it will shortly.

Here’s the breaking news story from the Grauniad:

Two shot dead at Frankfurt airport, reports say

US soldier and bus driver killed in shooting incident on military bus which also wounded two others

Two men have been shot dead, including a US soldier, at Frankfurt Airport, German media are reporting.

The gunman, believed to be a 21-year-old from Kosovo, opened fire on a bus containing US troops on Wednesday afternoon.

Two men are reportedly dead — a soldier and the bus driver, according to German news channel N-TV.

Two others, also thought to be soldiers, were seriously hurt in the attack.

An airport spokesman Wednesday’s shooting took place in front of Terminal 2 of what is continental Europe’s second-biggest hub.

The US Army Europe said it had no immediate information on the incident but was looking into it.

The shooting on the US military bus happened at 15:20 local time. “It all appears to have taken place on the bus,” said police spokesman Jürgen Linker. It was too early to discuss possible motives, he added.


Armance said...

Isn't it ironic to see how the same American soldiers who "liberated" Kosovo are now killed by Kosovans? Not by Serbs - even if the Serbs would have all the reasons in the world to be outraged - but by the same people who owe their independence and their new state to NATO, the US and the EU.

This is the Muslim gratitude for you, Western leaders. Now continue to appease and protect the killers of your soldiers.

Anonymous said...

You're not wrong. The German police are calling it a "homicide, not a terror attack". They say it was just a "bus dispute". Unreal.

Armance said...

The guy has already been identified as Arif Uka - a Muslim name. Probably the MSM hoped until the last moment that he might be an ethnic Serb, but I knew he wasn't, because otherwise the police would have delivered the name and the picture in 10 minutes. When the police and the media still say "We don't know yet if it's a terrorist attack" and "the reasons are unclear" 3 hours after the killings, you can be almost 100% sure that a Muslim is involved. If it's a non-Muslim, they "know" it's a terrorist attack almost instantly.

Alan in Kansas said...

Multiculturalism + Mohammedans: deadly

Armance said...

They say it was just a "bus dispute". Unreal.

Probably the headlines in tomorrow's newspapers will be "A Bus Dispute Gone Wrong".
And no, I'm not kidding. :)

Anonymous said...

On the N-TV web page, right under the story about the shooting is another that says "Flight Passenger Stigmatisation - Police Against Profiling". You couldn't make it up.

Armance said...

On the N-TV web page, right under the story about the shooting is another that says "Flight Passenger Stigmatisation - Police Against Profiling". You couldn't make it up.

My sides are splitting with laughter.
CNN has just closed the comments section under the news of the Frankfurt shootings. As far as I could see before it was closed, too many people asked themselves "This is how we're repaid for supporting Kosovo?".

AmPowerBlog said...

Linked: 'U.S. Troops Murdered by Kosovar Muslim at Frankfurt Airport'.

banned said...

This was glibly reported on BBC Radio 2 News as "Two American servicemen have been reported to have been shot dead on a bus in Munich". End of.

Anonymous said...

But how can this be? Kosovo is part of Europe!
Sarcasm off.
Or better yet:

Where the Hell is Kosovo?

The other day a 26 year old college graduate told me she thought Argentina was in Europe and its capital was Barcelona. HOw does one fight the counter Jihad with....that!?

Armance said...

It seems the guy shouted "Allahu Akbar!" before shooting.

This is another reason for the MSM to deny it was a terrorist attack. Remember Fort Hood? When it was found out that the killer had shouted Islamic slogans, suddenly the MSM went into the "let's not jump to conclusions" mood.

Anonymous said...

Bild is reporting this:

"Angeblich hat der Täter beim Angriff auf den Bus islamistische Parolen gebrüllt."

"Apparently during the attack the perpetrator shouted islamistic slogans."

Baron Bodissey said...

Vlad says he needs links for the "Allahu Akhbar" shouts and the "islamist slogans".

Does anyone have any? In any language.

Brutus said...

Bild is not the most reliable source of information, to say the least. We can infer on the authority of the Bild report that: There is (probably) a perpetrator, there is (probably) such a thing as an islamic slogan.

According to the FAZ, '[hessische Innenminister Boris] Rhein sagte weiter, derzeit gingen die Sicherheitsbehörden dem Hinweis nach, dass der Schütze „Allahu Akbar“ gerufen habe. Dies sei gerüchteweise kolportiert worden.'

'The interior minister of Hesse, Boris Rhein, said further, the authorities are investigating whether the shooter shouted "Allahu Akbar." This is being circulated as a rumor.'

I tend to suspect that the "rumor" is true, but Bild's standards of journalism are nowhere near as high those of the FAZ.

Armance said...

This is the link to the Bild article with the Islamic slogans (the second sentence of the article):

When they said "Islamic slogans", I supposed it might be something like Allahu Akbar, what else?

filthykafir said...

When they said "Islamic slogans", I supposed it might be something like Allahu Akbar, what else?

Oh, Armance, you are such an inveterate skeptic. Could he not, just as easily, have cried out: "Love your neighbor as yourself?" Or, "Peace to all the world?" All religions being equal and all, ya know. :)

Avery Bullard said...

Michael Totten over at Pajamas is quiet about this. He must be scrambling right now to come up for an excuse for the "pro-American Muslims" or "Israel of the Balkans" or whatever he describes the Kosovo Muslims these days.

Armance said...

Oh, Armance, you are such an inveterate skeptic. Could he not, just as easily, have cried out: "Love your neighbor as yourself?" Or, "Peace to all the world?" All religions being equal and all, ya know. :)

Someone suggested on a blog that maybe he shouted "Islam is a religion of peace!".

Hesperado said...

Angeblich hat der Täter beim Angriff auf den Bus islamistische Parolen gebrüllt.

"islamistische", eh? I guess that's the German version of "Islamist" -- not "Islamic".

Perhaps the "Islamist slogans" he shouted whilst shooting included "Islam is peace!" and "Islam is an Abrahamic religion!" and "You took that out of context!"

At any rate, who wants to bet that this "German" who murdered two (and probably tried to murder more) whilst shouting islamistische Parolen won't be out on parole soon?

Baron Bodissey said...

Thanks to both of you! Just what I needed.

Anonymous said...

"At any rate, who wants to bet that this "German" who murdered two (and probably tried to murder more)"

Fired at least nine times according to Bild, and apart from the two who were killed, at least two others were badly injured.

Armance said...

Michael Totten over at Pajamas is quiet about this. He must be scrambling right now to come up for an excuse for the "pro-American Muslims" or "Israel of the Balkans" or whatever he describes the Kosovo Muslims these days.

Meanwhile, the MSM is busy interviewing the prime-minister of Kosova who assures his Western counterparts that his country remains a democratic, secular state, dedicated to the fight against terrorism. This is the same guy involved in the organ-trafficking scandal.

goethechosemercy said...

In Islam, the life of the Westerner is trash.
The life of the soldier representing the West, whether in principles or interest, is worth nothing.

Anonymous said...

Over at Jihad Watch there's a quote from the NY Times to the effect that the shooter shouted 'God is great' before shooting.

Anonymous said...

"Meanwhile, the MSM is busy interviewing the prime-minister of Kosova who assures his Western counterparts that his country remains a democratic, secular state, dedicated to the fight against terrorism. This is the same guy involved in the organ-trafficking scandal."

I recently posted a video on my blog about Wahhabism being on the rise in Kosovo thanks to Saudi Arabia funding lots of looney tune mosques.

ole said...

If these were Iraeli soldiers in a bus in not-so-friendly territories , peoble here would naturally ask why the soldiers didn't shoot the bastard FIRST , or at least tried to somehow...

rjog said...

maybe not all hope is lost. article in the guardian

"Patrick Meehan, a member of the US homeland security committee, said it looked like a terrorist attack."

Armance said...

Over at Jihad Watch there's a quote from the NY Times to the effect that the shooter shouted 'God is great' before shooting.

Yeap, Pravda-on-the-Hudson itself acknowledges that something is fishy with the story (but in the last paragraph of the article):

A man whose office is near the site of the shooting said it was an area where buses load arriving passengers. Speaking on condition of anonymity to protect his business, he said witnesses told him that the gunman first talked to the military personnel to find out who they were and then opened fire, shouting “God is great” in Arabic.

Yet the funniest quotation is this, from president Obama:

“We will spare no effort in learning how this outrageous act took place”

I bet.

Anonymous said...

Der Spiegel says it has learnt from sources inside the investigation that they are working on the assumption that it was a deliberate attack on US forces and that the perpetrator had a large amount of ammunition with him.

Michael Servetus said...

All these vain hopes and confidence put into doctrinaire slogans of multicultural theory coupled with disdain for the suspected narrow-mindedness of those from the past. Is this the price we have to pay to prove ourselves ideologically pure? We must be willing to sacrifice a few at the altar of the multiculturalist Baal worship to prove our loyalty and devotion. I have an idea why don't we agree that a politician must be offered once a year instead as a burnt offering to the third wielders, to assure them of our pure intentions. But seriously its not that those who went before us were so prejudiced its that they understood loyalties and the power of such loyalties. They would have easily understood that a Muslims first loyalty is to Islam by definition. It's not a matter of judging harshly but of simply taking people seriously and words seriously.
I don't know for certain why people today don't understand the power and role loyalties but I can guess it is because they don't have any serious meanings in their lives and traitorous people don't relate to loyal ones.

Homophobic Horse said...

When the true object of aggression is unassailable a scapegoat is required.


Arif Uka Pictures?

Hesperado said...

That picture to my untrained eye could just as well be a Mexican, El Salvadoran, Guatemalan, or Cuban.

Anonymous said...

Hesperado: you're lucky to have an untrained eye, no joke. As someone who is surrounded in everyday life by latinos, I would immediately know that the fellow in the picture isn't mestizo, latino, hispanic or anything similar. It's the bone structure.

1389 said...

@In Hoc Signo Vinces:

There was a serious factual error in the article at your link to Arif Uka Pictures?.

Here is my answer to that:

Prejudice against Serbs keeps coming up everywhere

Anonymous said...

to all english native speakers:

I just want to inform all of you (but you probably are already aware of this) that german mainstream media is about 70-90% leftist. With spiegel you have to be careful too. The worst is, german articels and english versions differ sometimes.

Like in the "good" old communist times ;-)

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