Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/9/2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/9/2011Delegates from an organization called the Coordinating Committee of European Muslim and Jewish Leaders met in Paris to discuss the threat to Europe from extreme right-wing racist and xenophobic parties. The group is concerned lest such parties be made part of the political mainstream.

In other news, in Egypt the death toll from clashes between Coptic Christians and Muslims has risen to at least ten after clashes between Christian demonstrators and their Muslim opponents on the streets of Cairo. Homes and businesses belonging to Copts were torched by the Muslim mob.

Meanwhile, North African refugees continue to arrive on the Italian island of Lampedusa. Marine Le Pen, the leader of the National Front in France, is planning a visit to Lampedusa to assess the situation there for herself.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, DS, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, KGS, Kitman, Mary Abdelmassih, Zenster, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.


sulber nick said...

"Delegates from an organization called the Coordinating Committee of European Muslim and Jewish Leaders met in Paris to discuss the threat to Europe from extreme right-wing racist and xenophobic parties. The group is concerned lest such parties be made part of the political mainstream." Oh the irony!!

Armance said...

Delegates from an organization called the Coordinating Committee of European Muslim and Jewish Leaders met in Paris to discuss the threat to Europe from extreme right-wing racist and xenophobic parties.

Nothing new under the sun and history repeats itself. Last time when it happened, the backlash was called La Reconquista.

Zenster said...

Delegates from an organization called the Coordinating Committee of European Muslim and Jewish Leaders met in Paris to discuss the threat to Europe from extreme right-wing racist and xenophobic parties. The group is concerned lest such parties be made part of the political mainstream.

This isn't just ironic, it's insane. If European Jews persist in propping up this pro-Islamic PC MC madness then they will step straight into the crosshairs. There is already sufficient unjustified Antisemitism wandering the dark alley ways of native Europe to such an extent where providing any reasons that justify it becomes a serious flash point.

It goes beyond all reason that, just as Judaism is emerging from the shadow of centuries of "blood libel" and being smeared as the "killers of Christ", modern Jews should seek some lunatic "alliance" with their own very worst enemy solely for the sake of reinforcing the PC MC umbrella beneath which, pretty much, Jews alone once sheltered.

There is already enough residual anger, justifiable or not, over Jewish contributions to the formulation of Communism and the more recently emerging movement for "Social Justice". This is tikkun olam run amok.

At present, Europe's overall head-in-the-sand attitude regarding Islam's stealth and not-so-stealth jihad is leading straight towards Muslims being herded into boxcars when everything finally slides over the edge. If European Jews are stupid enough to meddle and interfere in this process, they themselves may will find their own selves riders on those same trains.

Europe's very survival depends upon ridding itself of its Muslim immigrants. European Jews will only buy themselves some richly deserved grief should they choose to complicate that process.

babs said...

Have you heard the expression "Too smart by half?" That is what I think of western Jews...
They will intellectualize themselves to death and, that will be a great loss for the world.

Hesperado said...


I appreciate many of your formulations I have been reading over the months, but I think you are being excessive, and erroneous, with this particular one:

At present, Europe's overall head-in-the-sand attitude regarding Islam's stealth and not-so-stealth jihad is leading straight towards Muslims being herded into boxcars when everything finally slides over the edge. If European Jews are stupid enough to meddle and interfere in this process, they themselves may will find their own selves riders on those same trains.

We've aired our difference on this matter before -- to wit, I don't think the West is ever going to treat Muslims the way Hitler treated innocent Jews and other Untermenschen. After all (though this isn't the only reason why I say this), the current West is heir to the West that fought against Hitler, not for him. In fact, in this particular reguard, you are purveying precisely the same meme which PC MCs and Leftists purvey -- which is why they fear bringing the full truth about Muslims to the light: they irrationally fear if the West fully aired out the truth about Muslims, we the West would have no choice but to go all Hitler on them. This is a silly fear, for there are many ways to fight an enemy successfully without going all Hitler on them (like, um, the way we successfully defeated Hitler and his allies, for example).

As exceedingly improbable as it is that the current West would ever become Hitlerian with regard to anyone, it's even more unlikely with regard to Jews seen as abetting Muslims.

We need to break down that erroneous meme, not reinforce it, for God's sake.

Zenster said...

Hesperado: …the current West is heir to the West that fought against Hitler, not for him…

Yours is a good point but one which does not address that, during the final stages of defeating the Nazis, European Allied forces relied heavily upon American troops and, therefore, acted in correspondence with much more of their military doctrine.

Europe, taken as a separate entity from America, has a long history of pogroms and mass murder. While many think that regression to such a primitive mean is an impossibility, I continue to remain concerned that Political Correctness' resistance to more sane solutions will precipitate retaliation against European Muslims that is orders of magnitude beyond what it might otherwise have to be.

In fact, in this particular reguard, you are purveying precisely the same meme which PC MCs and Leftists purvey -- which is why they fear bringing the full truth about Muslims to the light: they irrationally fear if the West fully aired out the truth about Muslims, we the West would have no choice but to go all Hitler on them.

Have you paused to consider that even Europe's PC MC leadership might suffer from the "stopped clock" syndrome and somehow manage to be correct just this once or twice? These pantywaist Nancy boys might be right for the first time in their sorry collective lives because they have concealed so much that is heinous and barbaric about Islam that any sudden public awareness of it could just as easily spark an inferno of outrage.

This is a silly fear, for there are many ways to fight an enemy successfully without going all Hitler on them (like, um, the way we successfully defeated Hitler and his allies, for example).

One of the only reasons why Hitler's Germany didn't experience nuclear attacks was due to the proximity of Allied countries. Had that not been so, things might have been quite different. Islam continues to deliberately provoke retaliation of the most unrestrained kind. The sort of physical or military restraint shown by Israel, India and, yes, even America continue to defy belief.

You also neglect to consider that post-war Europe has been stripped of much of its private firearms. That single fact narrows the avenues of response rather dramatically.

As exceedingly improbable as it is that the current West would ever become Hitlerian with regard to anyone, it's even more unlikely with regard to Jews seen as abetting Muslims.

Again, you neglect to note that I am not speaking of the "West". My points are totally within the context of Europe and Europe alone. The re-emergence of Antisemitism in Europe is a stark reminder of how — like dogs are two missed meals from being wolves — that Continent could too easily revert to its old ways.

I welcome such an admittedly hideous meme being broken down but only so long as a more actionable and practicable one is substituted for it. Please also remember that my polemics are meant to serve in a cautionary role and not one of inspiration. It is far better that Muslims and Jews read these words and suddenly entertain second thoughts than for things to continue apace without any reflection.

Between a resurgence of undying ancient Antisemitism and idiotic "Social Justice" Jews who are needlessly aggravating the entire European Muslim debacle, there remains a lot of room for concern over exactly how all of this is going to turn out.

whitney said...

In the US, the discussion has begun. Kings bravery is commendable. He has stuck his neck out to name what cannot be named. Anyone is welcome to moan and wail and protest but we will exercise our 1st amendment rights to discuss islam, warts and all.


You are right. We are the heirs to the powers that fought Hitler, so, we are not going to become "hitlerian". We are also the heirs to Greek Philosophy, so, we will use reason to help solve our problems. We will take the Roman efficiency and the Protestant work ethic and Jesus too. We will take the best of what made us and use it to defend ourselves, and we will win. Eventually.

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