Thursday, March 03, 2011

Call For a Total Jihad

Doku Umarov is the Chechen Islamic leader who was responsible for both the Domodedovo airport bombing and last year’s terrorist attacks on the Moscow metro. He has just released a video calling for all mujahideen to join him in a total war against the Russian state.

Here’s the news story from Breitbart:

Islamist Rebel Urges ‘Total War’ With Russia

The Chechen Islamist rebel leader who is Russia’s most wanted man has issued an appeal for recruits for a “total war” against the Russian state, in a new video message posted on Thursday. “A total war is in progress, fight the enemy where ever you can,” Doku Umarov said standing alongside two other militants in a snow-covered forest in a video posted on militant website

As well as repeating calls for women to join the rebellion, Umarov called on Russian Muslims from outside the Caucasus like the Volga regions of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan to join the insurgency.

Umarov, whose Caucasus Emirate group aims to impose Islamic rule throughout the Northern Caucasus, has claimed responsibility for the Moscow airport attack in January that killed 37 and the 2010 metro attacks that killed 40.

Below the jump is a subtitled version of the video described in the article above, plus some additional material about the Chechen terrorists who launched these jihad attacks.

Many thanks to Danish Great Dane for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Hat tip for the article: DF.


Ex-Dissident said...

I think maybe we should take them up on this offer and go jihad all over them and everyone in their circle.

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said...

In hoc signo vinces

Will David "loose talk" Cameron call for a Russian no-fly zone over the 'Greater Caucasian Emirate' while William Hague claims Vladimir Putin is en route to Venezuela.

"I have seen some information that suggests he is on his way there at the moment."

British officials indicated the Foreign Secretary was not referring to any media speculation but other sources - several of Doku Umarov's cousins whom are Foreign office SIS officials.

Zenster said...

One would have thought that bin Laden and his 9-11 atrocity was enough to put Islam in the crosshairs.

Perhaps Doku Umarov will actually achieve what bin Laden and Shamil Basayev somehow managed not to.

Namely, getting Russia to glass and Windex™ the entire MME (Muslim Middle East).

The nuclear superpowers will only put up with this jihadist nonsense for so long before one of them finally pulls the plug on this incessant Islamic horse pucky.

Joe Diaz said...

I think that Russia will be just like the rest of Europe and puts it head in the sand. How many more people will the Rus government let die and mimed before they wake up and realize that they're also in this dealing with a huge problem in islam?

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