Friday, January 07, 2011

The Challenge That We Have

Rep. Allen West (R-FL) — oh, how satisfying to type those words! — gave a memorable speech last month in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, when he was still the congressman-elect.

When Col. West speaks out about Islam, he sounds exactly like one of the contributors to this blog. To have him in the halls of Congress is a real boost for the Counterjihad.

Many thanks to Kitman for YouTubing this video:


William Stout said...

Representative West speaks the truth. Israel has been under siege since 1948 and the West is in real danger of falling to Islamism. The blade is at Europe's throat and has drawn blood. Islam seeks to do the same to the United States. Everywhere I look, I see the West retreating before an inferior enemy. I see citizens of the West raped and beaten my Muslims. I see Western girls groomed for prostitution by the Muslims and I see Western culture abandoned to appease Islam. I see Western police in retreat from Islamic mobs and I have seen France in flames from Islamic vandals. When will we respond? When will we stop this madness?

When indeed.

kloutlichter said...

Give that man a ceegarr!
Most sense from a politician that Ive seen.No doubt he will be branded a racist,islamaphobic baby killing,white mans lackey.Good to see a man who has been on the frontline give his opinion instead of some closeted liberal who reaches his opinions from the apologetic media of the west.If I was a yank I'd vote for him!

Van Grungy said...

I would serve as that man's personal bullet absorber...

Van Grungy said...

He mentions the inquisition...

I could be said that Christians were justified in rooting out Jews in that place and time because of Jewish/muslim collaboration...

Is it not prudent to make sure muslim sympathizing non-Christians are removed from taking possible sabotage actions against the newly established Christian Kingdoms?

I'd say the lesson for Jews to take from the history of the original inquisitions is to side with Christians (even though they are annoying) over muslims in the now and future...

Just think of people like Bloomberg and Kagan, maybe you might understand the viewpoint of Spanish Christians who had just reversed what America is experiencing the beginnings of...

Of course, those 1492 Spanish inquisitors didn't have a nuanced understanding of things... For example, if they were more knowledgeable, the Inquisition would have correctly identified Jewish collaborators with muslims as JINO...

I'll take a real Jew like David Yerushalmi over a JINO like Bloomberg any day...

That's the sort of nuance not available in Christian thought due to ignorance during inquisition times...

Of course, it didn't help matters that the Catholic Church held the position that Jews killed Jesus.. Knowing full well that that wasn't true at all..

That's what happens when the Bible is a controlled information resource kept from the general public eye by the covetous Catholic Church...

That 'Jews killed Jesus' meme was used to influence Jew hating Romans to convert to Christianity based on making Jesus into an underdog rejected by his own.. Romans lapped that up and the story stuck becoming a Catholic Dogma of hate...

With the prism of JINO understanding, Jews did not kill Jesus, corrupted JINOs did...

But that was "all part of His plan"

imnokuffar said...

What a man, what a speech !

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