Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Col. Allen West’s Victory Speech

The voters of Florida’s 22nd District have elected LTC (ret.) Allen West to represent them in Congress.

As regular readers know, Col. West is a staunch Counterjihad activist with up-close and personal experience of the Iraqi variant of the Great Jihad. When he arrives in Congress, he will ably represent what this blog and others like it stand for.

Col. West also supports other positions that Dymphna and I happen to approve of: fiscal restraint, small government, and a return to Constitutional governance. If only he lived in the 5th District of Virginia!

Below is a video of Allen West’s victory speech in Florida last night. You can barely see the Congressman-elect, but the audio is mostly clear:

These were the sentences with the greatest resonance for me:

I know who the enemy is out there, and I am not afraid of confronting that enemy.

And I am not afraid to make sure that this enemy knows that the United States of America believes [in] peace through strength. Peace through might.

We will no longer have a policy of compromise, negotiation, and appeasement with the enemy.


We will secure our borders…

Hat tip: Vlad Tepes.


. said...

I am glad to see that patriots like Colonel West will stop all that ridiculous cooperation with evil regimes like Saudi Arabia, so that we can stop sharing intelligence with such evil regimes regarding subjects like, oh, perhaps, the placement of explosives in printer toner cartridges fedexed from Yemen to the U.S.

Quite Rightly said...

Try and get through that with a dry eye!

Colonel West has leadership written all over him.

Linked at Bread upon the Waters.

Shirl in Oz said...

What can I say but "PHEW"

I watched that in Australia,with a huge lump in my throat, knowing the path that the land of my birth, England, has gone down

I have been watching this man from afar for a while and he is great.

G-d bless all democracies

n said...

God bless this great American patriot.

Contemplationist said...

Why, oh why can't we get someone who understands the Islam threat and is also against the Iraq war?

EscapeVelocity said...

Heard on the Democratic Underground...

Marco Rubio is my new senator. And, in all likelihood, Rick Scott is my new governor.
No one in the country has been as bitch-slapped as the people of Florida's 22nd.

Zenster said...
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Zenster said...

A glimmer of hope for America. We need a thousand more politicians like our brave Congressman Allen West. Not that the last presidential race was about color, no matter how much Obama tried to make it so and no matter how much it ended up being about color, but it truly can be said that:


Allen West for US President!

spackle said...

I particularly liked his closing song choice. A class act.

Unknown said...

Wow, Look at all those conservative, racist, right wing extremists in that crowd. ;~)

Anonymous said...

The Poster Formerly Known as Gordon said..."I am glad to see that patriots like Colonel West will stop all that ridiculous cooperation with evil regimes like Saudi Arabia, so that we can stop sharing intelligence with such evil regimes regarding subjects like, oh, perhaps, the placement of explosives in printer toner cartridges fedexed from Yemen to the U.S."

Gordon, did it ever occur to you that the reason that Saudi Arabia knew about the bombs was because Saudi Arabia planted the bombs? Hmmm.

After all, Saudi Arabia has been busily planting violent radical mosques, schools, imams, and terrorists around the world for a long time now.

Saudi Arabia is responsible for generating WAY more terror than Saudi Arabia is stopping - here and there.

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