Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Vast Canyon of Gas and Dust — Progressive Progress Report

Takuan Seiyo returns with a meditation on the Husseinization of NASA, which was so poignantly revealed the other day by Administrator Charles Bolden.

Nebula of the Ummah

Vast Canyon of Gas and Dust — Progressive Progress Report
by Takuan Seiyo

What do you do when you are a Cloward-Pivnick shogun of the United States? Let me count the ways…

The ways, the means and the facts are too many for such a forum as this, but if Aaron Klein knows what’s good for the country he’ll reissue an update of his book “The Manchurian President” every four months. One tiny slice of the vast tableau, NASA, will serve us well here.

As we iterated in April in “Vast Canyon of Gas and Dust, Inshallah”, under President Obama, NASA had turned from a space-exploration agency to a global warming fraud propaganda tool and a Muslim outreach program. It came therefore as no surprise that in a recent interview with Al-Jazeera TV, NASA chief Charles Bolden said that NASA’s “foremost” mission is to improve relations with Muslim world as well as to help them “feel good” about their “historic” contribution to science, math and engineering.

It’s redundant to comment on the latter twaddle, the fraud in claims of Muslims’ “historic contributions” having been exposed numerous times, e.g. Fjordman here, here, here, and here, and Hugh Fitzgerald here. As to NASA’s “foremost mission,” perhaps Andrew Bostom summarized it best as “[Muslim theologian] Al-Faruqi and [NASA Director] Bolden—Allah’s Space Cadets, Muslim and Infidel, Alike.”

What I find more worrisome is the pattern embedded in NASA Administrator Bolden’s subsidiary marching order from Comandante Obama, also revealed in his Al-Jazeera interview: “He wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science.”

A close text reader will have already deciphered that in his September 2009 speech Charles Bolden signaled that, for NASA too, “children,” like “social justice,” had become a cover word for Big Brother racial minority social engineering. Bolden said:
- - - - - - - - -
“By linking our agency with nonprofits, industry, community groups, and educators, we are finding new ways to inspire the next generation to study challenging STEM subjects and prepare to follow their own dreams of exploration. We will identify and develop the critical skills that are needed in aeronautics, Earth and space science, space operations, and exploration in order to ensure we can carry out our agency’s many missions.”

“Nonprofits” and “community groups” are of course euphemisms for ACORN, Color of Change, Rainbow PUSH Coalition and other such race-hustling commando squads raiding the public’s pocketbook with back artillery cover of Neue-Marxist outfits like Daily Kos, Move On and Center for American Progress. NASA can no more motivate “children” to take up science careers via nonprofits and community organizations than it can by placing recruitment ads in the MTV Video Music Awards young imbecile fest.

Bolden continued:

“We must also work to include the under represented and minority communities. Our Minority University Research and Education program seeks to engage these underrepresented populations through a series of initiatives that include multiyear grants, which are awarded to assist minority institutions, their faculty and students, in conducting research that we can employ in future NASA missions.”

No, we must not work to include the under-represented and the minority communities. We have done enough damage through the lowering of standards for the sake of racial bean counting in law schools, government appointments and public and corporate hiring. To introduce the same into American science research is to drive the lethal spike of malignant lunacy into the realm of empirical inquiry.

There is no “Minority University Research.” There is research. There is no “under-representation” in science except of those who lack the requisite talents and mental equipment to acquire the relevant training.

There is no “under-representation” in the NBA either. Science and basketball are the only two remaining areas of American life not kneecapped yet by the race maniacs. All that counts is how high you can jump. But that is apparently going to change, with NASA killing off the Constellation rocket program so that it can sprinkle funding onto global affirmative legerdemain, whether of the “Muslim science” kind or the “Minority Research” kind.

If the Obama government really wanted to motivate more qualified young people to go into science and space research, it could have killed two birds with one stone by better guarding the national interest versus the vampire squids of Wall Street. For more scientists may be found not through some community kolkhoz or disaffected racial minority cell, but by drawing to careers in science those already equipped brain- and education-wise. As it stands now, one so equipped can make $500k a year as a quant justifying with fancy formulas the leveraged insanity of the TBTF (“too-big-to-fail”) looters, or $50k as a scientist with NASA.

If Obama & Co were truly concerned about the long-term effect of racial disparities in the scientific professions, instead of phony voter-bribing and science-killing programs “to engage underrepresented populations” they would have induced the U.S. Congress to outlaw as a matter of national emergency the rap and gangsta culture mega-industry. If the Washington lootocracy were interested in growing more American engineers and scientists overall, it would have prohibited the “social promotion” of lazy free riders in the K-12 and college systems and banned MTV a long time ago as a threat to national survival. All that takes 20 years for results to show, but the results are at least real.

In the same Bolden speech, one learns that Dr. John Holdren provides co-guidance to NASA relative to President Obama’s “evolving vision for space exploration.” Holdren is Obama’s Science and Technology “czar” and a longtime proponent of “de-developing” the United States and the rest of the West, redistributing wealth both within and among nations, developing the Third World with that transferred wealth… and reckoning with sea levels worldwide rising by 13 feet.

The Muslim feel-good mission of Charles Bolden is a good butt for jokes and snickers, but it rests on a much larger vision of very unfunny consequences for the United States. People had better start thinking what B.H. Obama may have meant when he said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”


Dr.D said...

The true technical types at NASA and among the NASA contractors will be looking to bail out just as fast as possible. They worked for NASA for one reason only -- their commitment to the space program. They will have zero interest in being social workers for muzlims, of that I can promise you. They will be looking for any opportunity to continue their careers, doing the work that they want to do, for the US for someone else. This was a damn foolish thing to do.

Prospero said...

Al-gebra, Al-gorithm, Al-imony??? How about the concept of zero, apparently the great Islamic thinkers pre-saged the wisdom of BHO and Bolden.

I am not flippant to capitalize on the "humour" of the situation, there is none. This act of false contrition and genuine capitulation is horrifying.

Svartwulf said...

Interestingly enough, our numerals and the number zero came from India, not Arabia.

I have a minor rant about this very subject:

Islam comes knocking again

Professor L said...

As a physicist (though of Australian persuasion), I admit, I had some aspirations to aeronautical engineering (before I decided the pure sciences was where I wanted to be.

One doesn't become a physicist for the money - you do it because you want to make a lasting contribution to society (Einstein, Bohr, Thomson, Rutherford, Galileo, Newton, and on the list goes). While in the past, they were certainly better paid than they are now, it is a love of the idea and the work that is the ultimate motivation.

Dr D is right - if NASA won't build and launch rockets, then its best and brightest engineers and scientists will leave it in droves and join up with private interests or other countries. America is squandering its leadership in space exploration, to its great detriment, for where else is there to go but up?

ole said...

This kind of muslimization of NASA is a PERSONAL INSULT to all amerikans and to all the rest of us ,who admires amerikas sense of purpose and leadership in the world.
I am perfektly sure that no amerikans worth counting is going to take this lying down . Time has come to stop being so nice and fair-minded in relation Obama and his gang.
In Holland a new kind of Right has arisen ,who is not afraid to call things with their right name, and time has come for amerikans to do the same and stop being so afraid being labelled af "racist".
Muslims are not a race , and if Obama behaves as an UNDERCOVER MUSLIM ,then this should be said openly ,and eventualy a case for "EMPEACHMENT" should be made in congres.

Zenster said...

A close text reader will have already deciphered that in his September 2009 speech Charles Bolden signaled that, for NASA too, “children,” like “social justice,” had become a cover word for Big Brother racial minority social engineering.

"The Simpsons" creator, Matt Groening, already makes ample comedic fodder out of this new Liberal meme whenever Reverend Lovejoy's wife screeches out, "Won't someone please think of the children!"

The new policy of Social Promotion and even rumblings of eliminating the grading system altogether, are all precursors of a new generation that will have their sense of self-esteem and entitlement grafted onto them at cortical levels.

As one semi-serious wag put it:


NASA can no more motivate “children” to take up science careers via nonprofits and community organizations than it can by placing recruitment ads in the MTV Video Music Awards young imbecile fest.

Clearly, both NASA and MTV (properly pronounced “Empty-V”), now have nothing to do with their putative titles. NASA has joined the minority feel-good business while steadily being outstripped by truly innovative and dedicated space exploration pioneers like Ansari X-Prize winner Dick Rutan. In a similar fashion, if there has ever been a more deleterious and deadening vehicle to poison musical excellence, it is MTV.

Zenster said...

Like any art, the pinnacle of musical expression lies in its ability to evoke sincere human emotive force and a sense of beauty through the skillful manipulation of complex or subtle phrasing and instrumental tone control. As can be witnessed, beauty and tonality now have rather little to do with most en vogue musical forms. (C)rap music and modern “classical” formats being foremost among these current musical imposters. Simultaneously pathetic and hilarious was a law suit contesting the originality of supposedly “musical” works that consisted merely of varying lengths of total silence.

Now, consider what the chances of succeeding on MTV are for a supremely talented but overweight, balding and short-statured … pardon me, “vertically challenged” lead vocalist. Less-than-zero is a number that springs to mind. MTV’s obsession with photogenic looks and celebrity worship has done more to destroy music than just about any other entertainment institution other than (C)rap music itself (almost a subset of MTV in some ways). Not even the music industry payola that sees talentless boy-band agglomerations like Back Street Boys or vacuous pseudo-divas like Britney Spears has done the level of damage wrought by MTV and its ultimate triumph of style over substance.

There is no “Minority University Research.” There is research. There is no “under-representation” in science except of those who lack the requisite talents and mental equipment to acquire the relevant training.

The significance of such a patently clear statement is all but lost on this most recent flock of political leadership who’s most masterful achievement is, indeed, assuring that style once again triumphs over substance. One may as well talk about the “under-representation” of birds missing a certain speckle on their left-most tail feather in a flock of loons. Only the fittest belong in space. Ever see any 300 pound astronauts?

(C)rap music has lent an even more perverted meaning to “survival of the fittest” with its incessant drive-by killings and drug-fuelled mayhem. As if guns could ever be a worthwhile determining factor in real music. That they are in the “music” industry is a searing indictment of how far afield art in general has strayed from the realm of masterful expression of beauty.

As it stands now, one so equipped can make $500k a year as a quant justifying with fancy formulas the leveraged insanity of the TBTF (“too-big-to-fail”) looters …

Am I the only one who has had the phrase “public executions” spring to mind when considering the ultimate destiny of these Wall Street and government-based socioeconomic parasites?

If Obama & Co were truly concerned about the long-term effect of racial disparities in the scientific professions, instead of phony voter-bribing and science-killing programs “to engage underrepresented populations” they would have induced the U.S. Congress to outlaw as a matter of national emergency the rap and gangsta culture mega-industry. If the Washington lootocracy were interested in growing more American engineers and scientists overall, it would have prohibited the “social promotion” of lazy free riders in the K-12 and college systems and banned MTV a long time ago as a threat to national survival. All that takes 20 years for results to show, but the results are at least real.

A neat encapsulation of my own foregoing comments.

Arius said...

With every passing day America is looking more like an insane asylum of marching morons. NASA has joined the march.

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