Tuesday, July 06, 2010

No Comment

UPDATE: The comment problem seems to have been at least partially resolved. Now all the comments appear on their posts, but the number of comments as listed by Blogger is generally wrong.

Thanks to all the people who emailed, I now know that the problem was the same using Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer, on Windows and Linux systems, and even on the Dreaded Mac.

So business can return more or less to normal.

Something is wrong with Blogger comments. At least one reader is experiencing the same thing that we are — no comments are showing up on posts where there had previously been comments.

I know that people did manage to comment, because their comments have been sent to the designated email account. Yet these comments don’t appear on the post. Affected posts include Fjordman’s latest, the news feed, and “The Three-Pronged Islamic Pitchfork”. Comments were posted on all three of these during the night, but no comments are showing now.

If you are NOT experiencing the same problem — if, for example, you can see at least a few comments on “The Three-Pronged Islamic Pitchfork” after refreshing the page — please send an email to unspiek(at)chromatism.net and tell me what operating system and browser you are using. This may at least identify the scope of the issue.

[Post ends here]


The Filthy Engineer said...

I'm not seeing comments either.

Zenster said...

The problem may have been resolved in the last hour or so. I have now seen my comments post correctly for the first time since late last night.

Zenster said...

Just got another hiccough from the comments page so all is not well yet.

1389 said...

I've had trouble posting comments on other Blogger blogs recently.

1389 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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