Tuesday, July 06, 2010

My Warning to America

Below of the text of the speech given by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff at the ACT! For America conference in Alexandria, Virginia, on June 28, 2010.

My Warning to America
by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff at ACT! For AmericaLet me begin by thanking Brigitte, Guy [Rodgers], and Kelly [Cook] for the opportunity to speak here this afternoon. I truly appreciate your kindness and I salute your efforts to preserve the values of the [United States] Constitution. Thank you also to [the Citizens’ Movement] Pax Europa, Germany’s foremost and most successful human rights organization I am privileged to represent. Without their financial support I would not be here in this wonderful country to speak to you and work with you.

Before I start, let me tell you three stories:

I grew up in Chicago, where I attended junior high school. In order to graduate I had to study the Constitution. At the time, I did not understand why I, as an Austrian citizen, had to study a constitution that was not my own. However, I studied hard and managed to pass with a “C”.

A couple of weeks ago I spoke before a group of college seniors about my life experiences, especially those concerning Islam, and how I came to do what I do now. I was shocked about the kids’ severe indoctrination, i.e. the Christians are bad because of the Crusades, we are to blame about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States is evil. I told them that they must stop blaming themselves for historical events. The answer here would be: We must learn from history and not blame ourselves for something we cannot change.

One student, seething with anger and arguing that Christians and just as bad and evil as Muslims, got up and left the room when I spoke about the incompatibility of Sharia and the Constitution, western values, and equality of the sexes.

Finally, Kitty Werthmann, an 84-year-old Austrian émigré to the United States, recently wrote an eyewitness account about the way Austria succumbed to Hitler in the 1930s.
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She mentioned that Hitler did not just roll into the country with tanks. There was high unemployment and many bankruptcies in Austria. Political parties fought each other in a civil war. As a result, Austrians naturally looked to their neighbor to the north and found that there was no crime, full employment, and a high standard of living. Hitler had made promises and kept them.

When Hitler’s time came in Austria, the population voted him into office with 98% of the vote. The country was then annexed to Germany and Hitler was made its ruler.

Austria now experienced: law and order; full employment; nationalization of education without any religious education; political indoctrination among youth; restructuring the family through day care. However, the quality of health care suffered, as did small businesses. Hitler instituted consumer protection, in which consumers were told what to buy and how to shop. Industrial capitalism was frozen. More and more “agencies appeared, many of them to watch over business endeavors.

And finally — and most importantly — there was no more freedom of speech. Anyone who said something against the government was taken away.

Ms. Werthmann observes that totalitarianism did not come quickly; it took five years, from 1938 to 1943 [for full-fledged dictatorship to appear, and for people to realize it]. If it had come overnight, she is sure, her countrymen would have fought. Instead, there was creeping gradualism [and the state eroded little by little, and with it freedom].

So why am I telling you this story?

Ms. Werthmann could also be describing the situation in Europe, and Austria in particular. We are witnessing history all over again.

High unemployment? Check.

Civil war among political parties? Certainly in a verbal sense. There is a distinct lack of classical discourse nowadays. As Melanie Phillips brilliantly argues in her new book The World turned Upside Down, “Dissent is labeled as pathology — homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia — with phobia, or irrational fear, used as a synonym for prejudice. There are even outright accusations of insanity, a weapon used by totalitarian movements […]. Any fact that challenges the worldview of the left is ignored, denied or explained away, because to admit even a scintilla of such a truth would bring the entire utopian house of cards crashing down […]. Anyone who objects to the falsehoods of the left and points out the truth must be right-wing and thus “fascist”. In this way, truth itself is demonized — and the bigger the truth that is told, the more demonized the teller becomes.” Check.

In 1994, a whopping 66.6% of Austrians voted for Austria’s accession to the European Union after a never-before-seen campaign brainwashing the population into believing that there is no alternative to the EU. For instance, Austrian voters were told that the EU would create a high number of jobs, i.e. full employment. There would no longer be any discrimination at all; multiculturalism would make sure that everyone and everything would be equal. Public schools would no longer have to offer religious instruction (except to those of the Muslim faith). Pro-EU political indoctrination was and is extremely successful, especially among youth and university students, who are taught that the EU is great, the savior of all problems, and without it there would be disaster and war. Politicians, such as former Italian president Giorgio Napolitano [in German only] or the former Austrian parliamentary president Andreas Khol, even label EU critics as “terrorists”. The EU is also instrumental in introducing a new concept of family, including new German words for the concept of “parents” so as not to discriminate against men and women.

But most importantly, there is no longer any freedom of speech. If anyone says something against the mainstream opinion, careers and reputations are destroyed with the help of slander and the accusations of fascism and Nazism. Melanie Phillips explains this phenomenon in her books, “J.L. Talmon identified back in 1952 [the concept of] ‘totalitarian democracy’, which he characterized as ‘a dictatorship based on ideology and the enthusiasm of the masses.’“ In addition, “Medieval Christianity — like contemporary Islamism — stamped out dissent by killing or conversion; Western liberals do it by social ostracism and legal discrimination. It is a kind of secular Inquisition. And the grand inquisitors are to be found within the intelligentsia — in the universities, the media, the law, the political and professional classes — who not only have systematically undermined the foundation of Western society but are heavily engaged in attempting to suppress any challenge or protest.” And later, “It is hard to overstate the influence on our culture that is wielded by the doctrines of anti-imperialism, multiculturalism, feminism, environmentalism and the like. They form the unchallengeable orthodoxy within the academia, the base camp for their ‘long march through the institutions,’ which they have colonized with stunning success. The center of political gravity has been shifted so that anyone who does not share these values is defined as extreme.” Phillips adds that, “In the cause of freedom, those who seek to limit anarchic behavior in order to prevent harm are to be denied the freedom to do so.”

Vienna is not a city of jackboots and swastikas, as Herb London recently observed firsthand. It is prosperous, peaceful and civilized. At first glance only, though. There is another Vienna, one that includes areas populated by a Muslim majority, with resentment that breeds high crime rates, and with high unemployment, which is the result of Muslim youth unwilling or unable to finish compulsory schooling.

The establishment prefers to look the other way, constantly criticizing those who dare to uphold democratic values and ideals.

I am one of these people. And I am being labeled a right-wing fanatic because I speak out against Muslim practices and the establishment of Sharia in Europe, both of which are incompatible with secular and liberal values of Western societies. I am facing possible prosecution for public incitement because I tell people in closed door seminars about Islam by quoting from the Quran. I have been, in Herb London’s words, marginalized extremist by the Austrian authorities.

To close the circle, I implore you to defend the Constitution and its principles, especially the right to freedom of speech, the separation of church and state, the Bill of Rights. I did not appreciate all of this back in the 1980s, but I do now. We must deprogram our indoctrinated youth, teach them to respect themselves and their history, instead of being ashamed.

And never forget that, according to Ms. Werthmann, “Because of its Constitution, America is (one of) the greatest countries in the world.

Do not let freedom slip away.

“Because: After America, there is no place to go!”


In Hoc Signo Vinces† said...

In hoc signo vinces

"Anyone who objects to the falsehoods of the left and points out the truth must be right-wing and thus “fascist”."

There must be a move away from the language of left and right it does not fit the paradigm and confuses the audience, this is a political phenomenon that has infected all parts of body politic - left and right albeit that for some political commentators its start point and origins my may lie with the left.

The descriptive I use for this paradigm and political phenomenon is neoliberalism.

mriggs said...

"we are to blame about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan..."

This is a point which deserves some attention. I believe the antijihadist cause has been dealt a tremendous blow through the prosecution of those ridiculous wars of the last decade, in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some like to see them as part of a global war on Islam, but unfortunately those people are deluding themselves. First of all there is no global war on Islam; secondly, and more to the point, those wars have contributed nothing to the cause of preserving western societies in the face of the islamization onslaught, but have created tremendous guilt among westerners, guilt which the left and islamists constantly play on. Thirdly, these wars have created a flood of islamic refugees heading to the west, which is bad news indeed.

Zenster said...

mriggs: I believe the antijihadist cause has been dealt a tremendous blow through the prosecution of those ridiculous wars of the last decade, in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some like to see them as part of a global war on Islam, but unfortunately those people are deluding themselves. First of all there is no global war on Islam; secondly, and more to the point, those wars have contributed nothing to the cause of preserving western societies in the face of the islamization onslaught, but have created tremendous guilt among westerners, guilt which the left and islamists constantly play on. Thirdly, these wars have created a flood of islamic refugees heading to the west, which is bad news indeed.

I am obliged to reluctantly concur. Taken in order:

Political leadership in Europe and America alike remain in near-total denial about the global nature of Islam's war upon civilization. Given this refusal to admit the patently obvious, otherwise appropriate Western offensives are too easily twisted into pseudo-Imperialst aggression with which Liberals and Muslims continue to further paint dar al-harb in a negative cast.

It is not just that these wars have "contributed nothing to the cause of preserving western societies", they have in fact only strengthened Islam's grip upon the nations involved by installing shari'a based government with thorough acquiescence and assistance from Western forces.

This is, perhaps, the greatest disgrace of all. Upon the departure of Western forces, Afghanistan and Iraq will immediately revert to being terrorist manufactories just as they were before. Worse yet, they will do so under the aegis of being "liberated" Muslim "democracies" despite the fact that democratically installed theocracies are total anathema to liberty and human rights.

The ultimate insult is that these conflicts have only served to unleash another tidal wave of illiterate Muslim goons into Western societies. A prime example is the asylum granted by America for Palestinian enforcers recruited by Saddam Hussein. These are the worst of the very worst Islamic scum bags. Roundly hated by the Iraqis and the penultimate of Palestinian gangster culture we have, nonetheless, welcomed these terrorist wolves into the Western fold.

If one thing is crystal clear, insofar as the MME (Muslim Middle East) is concerned, the era of nation-building is well and truly dead. There must be no further boots-on-the-ground in fighting Islam. Our motto must become, “Break the bad boys’ toys AND LEAVE.” If anything, send them a bill later and take it out of their hide by appropriating the requisite amount of petroleum shipments or production sites. And be sure to put all of these utopian Islamic pest holes on notice that a single fart let slip sideways will see us return in even greater force and destructive power.

hadley said...

So how do we "fight for freedom" and still protect Jews from the rabid and genocidal Xtians that roam Europe (and especially Austria!)

If I followed your advice, Austria and all the other European countries who have anti-racism and Holocaust Denial statutes would disappear and we could no longer throw people like David Irving in prison for a few years for that talk he gave on that Austrian campus.

Evil racist thinkers and talkers can be put into prison for ten years in Austria. Tell me that's not a good thing! You want racists running around loose in Austria?

You really want to give that incredible power to suppress bad racial and religious thought away?

Abe Foxman has been fighting for years to criminalize hate speech in America. The Wiesenthal Center pushes for hate crime legislation around the world. You want to throw all that effort away?

I heard a Jewish activist explain how he and others pressured Slovakia, the Czech Republic and other Balkan countries to pass the laws criminalizing racism (actually anti-Semitism). Do you know how long it took? Over a decade! And now you want to throw it away?

Isn't there some middle ground, some way we can carve out Muslims as an allowable target for racist speech and still throw people into prison for saying anti-Jewish things or denying the Holocaust?

Unless you can figure out a way to amend the laws to specially protect Jews I don't think they will EVER let those laws be repealed.

hadley said...

Its not "indoctrination" the students have undergone, it is teaching and education. In my state, Illinois, all the students are required to have Holocaust education. See


In my town the local Temple arranges to have a Holocaust survivor come and sit down with the Christian kids and tell them all the evil things that the European Christians did in the Holocaust, and, yes, before the Holocaust.

That is not indoctrination, that is education. And the reason it is taught every year, by law, is because without it there is a chance that those Christian kids would go on to kill Jews or vandalize the local Temple, or deface tombstones. Why do you think Jews got the law passed in Illinois, anyway? It was because Christian kids were doing those very things!

Anti-Semitism is like a sickness, a disease that lurks in the hearts of all Christians. And that is why the state of Illinois requires them to get an education.

And yeah, some of the more sensitive kids cry, and yeah, some of the more sensitive kids feel guilty, but that's just the way it has to be.

Oh, after 15 years of this, some crybabies said the law had to be expanded to cover other "genocides" generally like Rwanda and Armenia. Fortunately the Jewish survivors are still able to get to the kids, they just have to mention the other genocides in passing. I don't know, though. The Armenians might be going to the Muslim schools to work on their kids.

Zenster said...

hadley: You really want to give that incredible power to suppress bad racial and religious thought away?

Quite frankly, yes. Hate speech laws were a Bozo the Clown sized foot-in-the-door for Politically Correct limitations upon truly Free Speech.

Far better to enforce already existing laws against incitement to violence and other forms of illegal agitation than to provide selective and unequal protection under the law for gays, Jews and, now, Muslims (with blasphemy and Islamophobia statutes).

Abe Foxman has been fighting for years to criminalize hate speech in America. The Wiesenthal Center pushes for hate crime legislation around the world. You want to throw all that effort away?

Again, quite frankly, yes. The Jews aren't always right. I refer you to the invention of Communism, the election of pro-Muslim B.H. Obama by America's Liberal Jews and Israel's constant sale of advanced military technology to their own and America's worst enemies.

Isn't there some middle ground, some way we can carve out Muslims as an allowable target for racist speech and still throw people into prison for saying anti-Jewish things or denying the Holocaust?

Quite frankly, yes. Declare Islam to be the flagrantly seditious anti-Constitutional political ideology that it really is and be done with it. No more speech protections, no more tax exemptions and no more immigration of Muslims with their usually tacit and alarmingly frequent overt support for international terrorism. Then go about fighting Holocaust deniers with truth and anti-Semites with existing incitement laws. Capiche?

Using hate speech laws to combat Islamic dawah and jihad is like fighting a fire by pouring gasoline on it.

Anti-Semitism is like a sickness, a disease that lurks in the hearts of all Christians. And that is why the state of Illinois requires them to get an education.

Oh, and please do all of us a big favor by dropping the moral relativism. Genocidal Islamic doctrine is a far greater threat to the Jews than the sold out political elite of Europe. Once Muslims have been properly spanked for their megalomaniacal anti-Semitism, chastising Europe's dhimmified snot bags will be just that much easier. At best, you are putting the Euro-Nazi cart before the genocidal jihadist horse.

EscapeVelocity said...

I concur with Zenster.

The hate speech laws the Jews fought to have enforced are now being used against them to dissallow free association. Also they are now being prosecuted for Hate Speech against Muslims!

Just deserts, Id say. Cant say we didnt warn you so. But alas...as long as it was anti white Euro Christian...it was all good.

EscapeVelocity said...

PS - I think that European Christian nations should look to Israel for sane immigration policies and cultural and religious heritage protection policies. And while their at it, they can move to put their own Yisrael Beiteinu Party's into governing coalitions with Center Right parties, just like the Israeli's. Albeit the cordon saintaire on the PVV, Geert Wilders Party....which will lead to radicalized politics.

sheik yer'mami said...


take it up with Ezra Levant. He has done tremendous work to get rid of these ridiculous Yuman Rites perverters and institutionalized hate crime manufacturers.

These commissions are run by the people who use these laws against us, often by Nazis and Stormfront members like Warman, who used the Canadian human rights tribunals to give Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn a lot of grief.


sheik yer'mami said...


take it up with Ezra Levant. He has done tremendous work to get rid of these ridiculous Yuman Rites perverters and institutionalized hate crime manufacturers.

These commissions are run by the people who use these laws against us, often by Nazis and Stormfront members like Warman, who used the Canadian human rights tribunals to give Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn a lot of grief.


In Hoc Signo Vinces† said...

In hoc signo vinces

I am with Zenster on this.

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