Friday, June 04, 2010

Is America Losing Its Mind?

The latest from Pat Condell, talking about the proposed mosque at Ground Zero:

Hat tip: Steen.

[Post ends here]


Zenster said...

Trust Pat Condell to get it right the first time.

[Video time point − 00:57] It says a lot about the people behind this scheme that they had the bad taste even to propose building a mosque in such a place but to describe it, as they have, as a tribute to the victims is beyond bad taste and shows a profound contempt for those who died.

It would be hard to imagine a more provocative gesture short of standing on their graves and burning the American flag. Yet, how typical of Islam, with its own hair-trigger sensitivity to the slightest imagined insult, to do something so arrogant and so insensitive.

[Video time point − 02:36] Any religion that endorses violence is incapable of delivering spiritual enlightenment. How obvious does that have to be? And it has no right even to call itself a religion. Without the shield of religion to hide behind Islam would be banned in the civilized world as a political ideology of hate and we have no obligation to make allowances for it any more than we do for Nazism.

It’s a bigger threat to our freedom than Nazism ever was. Yes, both are totalitarian and both divide the world unnecessarily into “us” and “them”, the pure and the impure, and both make no secret of their desire to exterminate the Jews. But we were all more of less on the same side against the Nazis whereas the Islamo-Nazis have got plenty of friends among people in the West who ought to know better.
[emphasis added]

I recommend that all Americans who read this please cut and paste the above excerpts into an email with the following URL:

This needs to go viral in the very worst way.

In reality, what the city council and planning commission of New York City have done is laid the groundwork for another Timothy McVeigh. It is impossible to believe that some American citizen will not regard this as an intolerable affront to an already wounded nation.

Please make no mistake of my own personal opposition to that sort of spectacular demonstration of displeasure at the opening of such a monument to Islam's hatred for the United States.

However, should such an undesirable event occur, the only ones who would shoulder any blame are the politicians and civil servants of New York City that made possible this disgraceful insult to those nearly 3,000 innocent people who perished in the 9-11 atrocity.

Should anyone need a refresher course in exactly why this is so important, a single montage of pictures says it all. (WARNING: Graphic Images)

PS: My blood boils and my eyesight dims to even glance at the linked pictures.

Anonymous said...

Right as usual.

Anonymous said...

Well, in the end, who cares? It's part of the non-discriminatory ritual in which the tradition of white people and white people themselves are desecrated and defiled for kicks. I can't even believe idiots support their own defilement though. lol

I don't see why communism isn't banned. It is a political ideology based on hate. And American diversity has been great because it was mostly European.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add something. In that place, I'd build an anti-Islamic museum filled with the European and later, American struggle against Muslims and Islam. Or just rebuild the towers or something.

Svartwulf said...

I agree with him on almost everything. The only issue I have is with his statment about violence having no place in religion. Being a Norse heathen, and having many Gods of war, I feel there is a place for such a thing. However, that violence should never be used to force one's view point on another, but merely to defend the liberty and life of the individual. This is how it is in my religion. Islam, on the other hand, needs to burn since they use violence in an all to well recorded way.

Other than that, this guy is spot on. and I agree with the above poster. All that allowing that mosque to be built will do is show Muslims they can win, and Americans that they have to act as lone wolves and use the same tactics if they want to hold on to anything.

9/11 saw New York burn, but this will see it engulfed in fire and war.

Anonymous said...

NorseAlchemist, actually, I agree with you on this one.

Profitsbeard said...

Islam is a religion like The Black Plague was a civic renewal project.

spackle said...

Zenster said:

"In reality, what the city council and planning commission of New York City have done is laid the groundwork for another Timothy McVeigh."

My thoughts exactly. A cynic might say that a McVeigh moment would be the preferred outcome for the Muslims building this monstrosity. After all, sacrificing their own (along with a few infidels) would just be the cost of doing business in winning the great Jihad. After all it is a win win situation for them. Whether it gets built or destroyed (Disclaimer: I too do not wish to see this happen) Islam comes out smelling like a rose to the global elite. But after the "Peace flotilla" I don't see how anyone not in the know could be cynical about Islam anymore.

Zenster said...

spackle: After all, sacrificing their own (along with a few infidels) would just be the cost of doing business in winning the great Jihad. After all it is a win win situation for them. Whether it gets built or destroyed (Disclaimer: I too do not wish to see this happen) Islam comes out smelling like a rose to the global elite.

This is a really important point. Islamic jihad has always advanced over countless Muslim − much less infidel −corpses. If anything, this is the reason why martyrdom plays such a significant role in the Islamic mythos. It would be very difficult to recruit so much obvious cannon fodder were not a tantalizing vision of paradise folded into the deal.

The totally manufactured “Palestinian” crisis should make it patently clear how little Islam cares for any supposed plight of Muslims in general. If that is insufficient evidence, merely regard how Islamic nations are disproportionately backward cesspits of despotic barbarism.

Does anyone honestly think that Islam’s elite isn’t relishing the prospect of seeing New York’s Cordoba mosque being truck-bombed during a jam-packed Friday evening prayer session? As spackle so astutely notes; What a monumental publicity coup for Islam. It can play the perpetually aggrieved and vulnerable Muslim whose supposedly peaceful death cult is continually beset by violent crusaders even as Islam successfully sows turmoil and internal recrimination among America’s own population in its process of sorting out the guilty and whatever innocent non-Muslim life is claimed by this unfortunate event.

What a stupendous lose-lose situation for Westerners who mourn all loss of human life. Islam’s feckless disregard for collateral death and destruction would again see Muslims dancing in the streets just as they did during the 9-11 atrocity.

As is so often the case − and the Cordoba mosque is no exception − there is never any upside to accommodating Islam.

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