Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Speak up for Geert Wilders

Free Geert banner

Flyboy sends word of this list of all Dutch embassies and consulates abroad, and includes this note:

I strongly recommend that readers who have widespread contact lists urge your friends and acquaintances to look up the relevant embassy in their home country, or in as many countries as they can handle, and write/fax/email the ambassador and/or consular staff about the travesty of Geert Wilders’ upcoming trial on January 20, 2010.

There are fax numbers, addresses and in many cases, email addresses in the above list that can be used with great results.

You may want to mention the main points to be addressed:

  • We note that Holland has always been a staunch ally of the West in its protection of free speech, now however, it seems that the old traditions have been abolished.
  • We abhor the decision of the Dutch Government and Justice Minister E.M.H. Hirsch Ballin to prosecute the Hon. Geert Wilders for hate speech on January 20, 2010.
  • We urge the Government to drop all charges immediately and FREE GEERT WILDERS.

[Post ends here]


CarnackiUK said...

Can't help wondering if the present Dutch administration would have prosecuted Anne Frank for badmouthing the Nazis in her diary.

Chechar said...

Mission accomplished! I am just coming from my nearest post office after sending a letter to the Holland Embassy in Mexico City. Hope they’ll take notice...

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