Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The Motoons Will Out

In the wake of last weekend’s attempted murder of Kurt Westergaard by a Somali mujahid, the Turban Bomb and other Mohammed cartoons are staging a comeback in the European press, especially in Scandinavia. Our Danish correspondent TB has collected some of the Motoon sightings:

They blow up so soon!A Norwegian paper has printed all the cartoons, with the headline: “I am Kurt Westergaard”.

Berlingske Tidende printed the same large photo of the cartoons that it used last winter when the earlier plot to murder Kurt Westergaard was exposed.

It also reports that the Motoons have been reprinted in six papers in Belgium, Portugal, and Slovakia among other places.
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According to Outside24, some the other sources for the cartoons are Diario de Noticias (Portugal, 3 January), Het Nieuwsblad (Belgium, 3 January), Times of Surinam (4 January), SME (Slovakia, 4 January) DNES (Czech Republic, 4 January), and De Standaard (Belgium, 4 January).

The Turban Bomb has also appeared on Denmark’s TV2, although it is in a report about the Norwegian reprint.

In an interesting twist, Steen reports that the attacker’s sister says the police made the perp do it. Steen’s post and the video are in Danish, so I’m not sure of the details, but I think she accuses PET of planting the weapons on her brother.


Zenster said...

In an interesting twist, Steen reports that the attacker’s sister says the police made the perp do it. Steen’s post and the video are in Danish, so I’m not sure of the details, but I think she accuses PET of planting the weapons on her brother.

Yeah, sure thing. It's all clear as mud. The Somali was so overcome by his affectionate feelings for Westergaard that he subsequently broke into Kurt's house in a violent fashion in order to express his regard.

The presence of an axe, hammer or knife were police plants that allowed for this breaking and entering to be totally misconstrued by a gullible public. In fact, Danish police forced the Somali to make his violent entry because they really just needed some live fire target practice.

In other late breaking news: A huge majority of American football fans are switching over to viewing soccer and cricket matches as they find them far more entertaining.

But seriously folks ... this is all really great news. What needs to happen next is an international competition for even more Mohammad cartoons to be held on a weekly basis with huge cash prizes and billboard space awarded to the winning entries.

There needs to be such a steady stream of new and outrageous Motoons that the popping blood vessels of Muslim brain aneurysms sound like strings of firecrackers.

Henrik R Clausen said...

The sister also said that the attacker was a normal and very friendly, well-integrated person. Just like all the other Somalis.


kepiblanc said...

Mr. Axman's sister said on TV: "My brother is a good Muslim" and "if he really wanted to kill Kurt Westergaard, why did he bring an axe and not a handgun?".
Which proves beyond any reasonable doubt, that Muslims actually can 1) speak thrutfully and 2) think logically.

Papa Whiskey said...

... why did he bring an axe and not a handgun?

Because with an axe he could fulfill the Qur'anic mandates to smite at their necks (47:4) and strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them. (8:12)

Henrik Ræder said...

A handgun would probably not have been very effective against the reinforced glass in KW's home.

All humans have the capacity to think logically. It's just those quran-students who are requested to abandon logic in order to comprehend what the book really means.

My brother is a good Muslim.

Quite likely. But a bad person.

kepiblanc said...

Henrik, not but but thus. See? Fixed it for ya...

Henrik Ræder said...



Fortunately most Muslims don't know their religion very well. They just know that they're Muslims, and thus that the imam knows better than themselves.

The fact that the imams try to hide the true nature of Islam is, well, annoying...

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