Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Gang-Raped by Immigrants in Bristol

Cultural Enrichment News

I’m starting to feel like a broken record.

For those readers who are too young to remember what that is: it means that I am repeating myself, saying the same thing over and over again. And indeed all these stories start to sound alike — different countries, different place names, different languages, but the same culturally enriched template wherever you go.

This one just happens to have occurred in England. A woman abducted and raped in a park — Muslim immigrant perps of no fixed abode — asylum-seekers — living on state benefits. You know the drill.

What makes it worse is that it was still daylight, and there were other “persons of English background” in that park, but nobody called the police or came to help.

According to This Is Bristol:

Woman Kidnapped From Bristol Street at 4pm and Gang-Raped, Court Told

A woman was dragged into a car on a busy Bristol street before being driven to a park and raped by five men, a court heard.

Bristol Crown Court was told the 25-year-old victim experienced ‘every woman’s nightmare’ when she was bundled into the car in daylight as she walked to a takeaway in Fishponds.

Crown Prosecutor James Patrick told a jury the attack was “almost the stuff of horror movies” before describing how the woman was pinned down and raped by each of the five strangers on a football pitch in Eastville Park.

The court heard Afghan asylum seeker Ahadullah Khughiani, 19, of no fixed abode, and four other foreign men “laughed and joked” as they forced the woman out of their car and into the park during the late afternoon of November 26 last year. The woman told the court she was distraught when dog walkers failed to notice her struggling with the men as they led her away and pushed her onto the muddy ground to carry out the attack.

Opening the prosecution case, Mr Patrick said the victim had walked alone for 20 minutes from her home in Staple Hill towards KFC in Fishponds Road when she heard a man shouting at her from a car at 4.15pm.

He said: “She heard someone shout ‘10 pounds for all of us?’ She understood that by that he was asking for sex and told them she wasn’t looking for sex.

“She tried to ignore them but the car continued to follow her before it came to a stop. She saw three men get out of the back of the car and they grabbed her and put her in it. She was fighting them and was pushed face down as they drove down towards Eastville Park and she continued to struggle.

“By the time they got there it was dark. Men got out of the car and she was pulled out by her legs and pushed into the park itself. She was struggling and trying to escape and tried to alert passers-by but without success. She was walked some distance into the middle of the park near some goal posts when she was pushed onto the ground and was raped by all five of the men, one by one. When they had finished, they took her coat and mobile phone and ran off.

“She went back to her boyfriend at home and initially was too distraught to tell him what had happened.”

Mr Patrick said the woman, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, contacted the police the next day and swabs were taken from her to check for DNA.

The prosecutor said the DNA found matched the DNA taken from Khughiani when he arrived in Britain in 2008 seeking asylum. Mr Patrick said Khughiani, who was receiving benefits, was arrested on December 2 and the victim’s Nokia mobile phone was found during a search of his home.
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When interviewed by police, Khughiani denied any involvement in the rape but admitted having sex with a prostitute a few days earlier and paying £10.

A jury of nine men and three women heard how Khughiani, who denies rape, kidnap and stealing the victim’s coat and mobile phone, was also picked out by her in an identification procedure as one of the five rapists. Khughiani is the only alleged attacker who has been brought to court.

In the witness box, the victim said she was positioned in a foot well across the passengers’ legs on the back seat as the gang’s car was driven to Eastville Park. She said: “When they parked, they were trying to drag me out. I was trying to stay in the car because I didn’t know what was going to happen.

They were all talking in a foreign language and laughing and joking. I was telling them to get off.

“I had been shouting and screaming and I remember them dragging me out of the car by my legs. Then the two men in the front seats got out and walked along as the three men in the back dragged me along into the park by my arms.

“There were a couple of people out with their dogs in the park. They must have heard me and I was angry no one phoned the police.”

The case continues.

For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.

Hat tip: Fjordman.


lebewohll said...

I suspect that this specific situation is under-reported --
although I have infinite sympathy for this particular victim. I'm sorry to be one one of those who says that is again something that reminds one of "colonialism come home to roost".

I can only hope that at least the attacker's asylum request is denied.

In the US we often are reminded that there is a little too much "due process". I am afraid that in the UK there is even more grossly over-long due process. Despite their other oddities - the perp should be grateful he didn't do this and get caught in Texas or Oklahoma...

EscapeVelocity said...

Im sure its under reported and downplayed.

In the US Black on White rape is pandemic. The reverse is not true. Its a hate crime, but its not reported as such.

A myriad of other crimes Black on White are similar.

That is why you never give up your firearms or rights to keep and bear them, the government has its own interests to maintain. Your personal security isnt necessarily one of them. You can see this inversion in the way that we refuse to profile Middle Eastern Muslim terrorists. Much better to put European Christians in harms way, than impinge on other groups liberities, heh? It's similar to the rage against the so called Apartheid Wall in Israel, much better to have Israeli Jewish children die from suicide bombings, than inconvenience a few Arab Muslims in their daily business.

EscapeVelocity said...

Colonialism come home to roost, just doesnt cut it. Post colonial guilt does indeed exist, however, there is no need to commit cultural suicide and submit your people to rape, crime, murder, and mayhem. The answer to colonialism is to end colonialism, not to change the colonizer. That isnt justice. That's insanity. There is a sane middle ground.

Anonymous said...

It's getting increasing difficult to have any respect for the the British who have allowed this to happen to their country. The society is very, very ill.

Budvar said...

"colonialism come home to roost".????

lebewohll are you on drugs or something?
The woman at 25 yo and the perps at what 19yo? The woman wasn't around to give offence to colonials and the perp weren't around to recieve offence.

thll said...

I don't recall seeing this on national tv. Then again maybe something like this is no longer news...

Unknown said...

This should be no surprise. "There's a woman. She's not a Muslim. Must be a whore" is pretty much what most of them think.
Some here would play this as a race thing.... you only do yourselves a disservice. The Muslims rape EVERY woman who isn't Muslim. Look at what they are doing in Nigeria.
There is an answer. Long tree, short rope. But England won't go back to that. If they were that sort of society, they wouldn't have let these folks in in the first place.

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said...

Can the Government inform its Citizens exactly why Ahadullah Khughiani was in the U.K. maybe this would be a pertinent question for every candidate in the next general election.

* "asylum seeker" note the absence of the word political or any other prefix.

Dag said...

In Toronto, Canada:

Five men wanted for the alleged sexual assault of two women New Year's Day surrendered to police yesterday.

The men went to 51 Division around 6 a.m. after consulting lawyers, Toronto Police said.

Rozbah Bahri, 27, Parvez Bahri, 25, Said Serwary, 23, and Omed Sarwary, 23, all of Toronto and Ahmad Ghafari, 23, of Hamilton, are charged with two counts of gang sexual assault.

Toronto Sun, 7 Jan. 2010

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