Friday, November 06, 2009

The General at Fort Hood and the Koran Kisser

Maj. Gen. Jeffrey HammondI urge you to read Diana West’s essay on the suicidal bent of our American military leaders.

Our unfortunate men are under the command of the terminally politically correct and now this has gotten some more of them killed.

May God have mercy on our soldiers because their generals sure won’t have any. They have demonstrated more than once their willingness to sacrifice our sons and daughters on the bloody altars of their professional careers.

Diana has full and hideous details about the long series of deliberate omissions and kowtowing that led to this most recent evil waste of lives, lives of young men and women who made a sacred contract to fight for their country only to have that covenant trampled in the dirt by those who command them.

Meanwhile, during the course of his life, their totally evil killer took every advantage of his men and his country to advance his own malevolent ends:
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  • He got his free education through ROTC at Virginia Tech.
  • He signed on to get a free medical education through the Army.
  • He worked with injured soldiers daily and obviously wasn’t moved by their plight.
  • His income was lower than it would have been in civilian life — he probably made about 60K a year, plus benefits, but given the scuttlebutt about his lousy personality, his civilian fees probably would’ve been somewhat lower than the average civilian psychiatrist.
  • He tried a Muslim dating service but he couldn’t find anyone who met his standards (lucky women who escaped that one!).

And yet, after all those advantages, this rotten piece of human flesh killed his fellows in cold blood, taking as many as possible.

G-d will have mercy on his soul. Fortunately, being merely human, I am free to be angry that he lived. I wish the remainder of his life to be every single thing he deserves.

And I wish the same for those of his superiors who knew what he was and were content to observe his rantings on internet forums while permitting him to remain an armed military officer responsible for the health of soldiers.

When in heaven’s name will we get a Commander-in-Chief who is willing to hold the military accountable for their weasley, whingey excuses? For too many administrations we have had weak-willed politicians who have refused to speak the truth about the poison in their realm.

It is past time to eliminate the possibility of even one more outbreak of Sudden Jihad against our soldiers within what is supposed to be friendly territory. It is time for our Commander-in-Chief to stop mouthing platitudes and to perform the hard and necessary work of making our military safe at home.

Are there loyal Muslims within the ranks of our military? No doubt. But the incidence of Cowardly Superiors is rising, and for the sake of our men’s morale and welfare, Muslims must be discriminated against by being declared ineligible for active military duty in the service of their country. There are plenty of other ways to serve that don’t involve the risk against other soldiers of cold-blooded “friendly” fire.

Until we have an officers corps worthy of the name, the Muslim soldiers need to go, taking their Muslim chaplains with them. Their going will also obviate all the extra requirements the government has to supply to keep the followers of Allah in accord with his dictates.

I plead with you to read Diana West’s post. Her appalling information will lead you to reach some of the same sad conclusions I have.

Something in the current system has to change and it has to change soon.


Ex-Dissident said...

Wow, what a loathesome person-this general hammond. He is a disgrace to the uniform and the sooner our army is rid of him, the better.

Anonymous said...

Are there loyal Muslims within the ranks of our military?

What assurance can we have that they'll stay that way? That they will reject the "authentic Islam" being peddled by a jihad recruiter or their own imam?

Godffrey said...

During the cold war people would say we had to fight the commies over there so we didn't have to fight them over here. So why the f*** are we fighting the Muslims over there when they're over here?!

WAKE UP said...

The enemy is truly within.

sheik yer'mami said...

Are there loyal Muslims within the ranks of our military?

No doubt.

Why no doubt? A believing Muslim's loyalties must lie with the ummah, not with the infidels or their nation state that pays his bills and trains him.

I have serious doubts that there are loyal Muslims within the ranks of the military.

But I also don't believe that the numbers are as high as 11000, Muslims often inflate their numbers.

Can you imagine the amount of sabotage and deliberate destruction that goes on there?

Anonymous said...

The MSM is making it very difficult for devout Muslims. No matter how hard they try to convince the MSM that they are conducting their acts as devotion to Allah, the MSM refuses to believe them, and worse, willfully and dishonestly ascribes their holy Islamic acts to some liberal fashionable angst.

This really is quite unfair to peaceful surviving Muslims. They will now have to repeat the shootings, bombings and other violent acts, putting themselves in great danger by being shot by some passing police officer, just so that the liberal MSM gets the message, and publicises it as they should.

Why is it that a devout Muslim, conducting holy Jihad to the greater glory of allah, and as an example to the rest of the world, cannot get a fair copy from the MSM? Why?

Independent Accountant said...

While many of our generals are "perfumed princes of the Pentagon" who wouldn't know which end of the rifle the bullets exit from, like Stanley McChrystal, a CFR, Kennedy School fool, the bigger problem is with our CICs. If our generals knew that the way to promotion was following George Patton and "killing the enemy", they would. For now, our generals do what the CIC wants: kiss our enemies rears.

Zenster said...

But the incidence of Cowardly Superiors is rising, and for the sake of our men’s morale and welfare, Muslims must be discriminated against by being declared ineligible for active military duty in the service of their country. There are plenty of other ways to serve that don’t involve the risk against other soldiers of cold-blooded “friendly” fire. [emphasis added]

How refreshing to see something said so directly and unequivocally. This is the bottom line when it comes to halting further jihad within our military's ranks. If needed, simply apply the concept of "linkage" and declare that so long as Muslim majority nations discriminate against Christians and Jews in their militaries, America will do the same with respect to Muslim recruits.

Placing weapons into the hands of a Muslim who is in the midst of our precious fighting men and women is like unleashing a pit bull at a pre-school playground. While nothing might happen, if something does, the results will frequently be catastrophic and irreversible. The analogy bears out in a number of ways in how both our soldiers and some running children can easily be interpreted as prey by either party, be it pit bull or Muslim. The only real difference is that a jihadi will not hesitate to kill both the children and the soldiers.

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said...
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Dymphna said...

I read the whole poem. Fascinating in its depth of martial history. I also saw that the the site expressly and utterly forbids any use of his words at all.Thus, I regretfully take down your snip but I'm leaving the link you provided.

Through a Glass Darkly..


Consul-At-Arms said...

AP reports indicate that he did not attend ROTC at Virginia Tech, nor was he a member of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets.

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