Friday, November 06, 2009

“Allahu Akhbar!”

That’s what Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is reported to have shouted as he began his shooting rampage at Ft. Hood.

Almost all the witnesses to the massacre were members of the military. When they get out of the hospital and have the opportunity to be debriefed in depth, I wonder how many of them will decide that their perceptions were faulty when they thought they heard the jihadi war cry…

In any case, it’s important that we, as tolerant multicultural American citizens, make no judgments about Maj. Hasan’s motives until all the facts are in. And I do mean all the facts, including what happened to Judge Crater, the location of the Elephants’ Graveyard, and a definitive answer about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

I can guess the first thing that passed through President Obama’s mind when he learned the identity of the shooter:

Thank God none of his names was “Hussein”!

All kidding aside — it’s time for the latest Ft. Hood news roundup gleaned from today’s Texas newspapers and TV stations.

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When the topic is Islam, the best TV news reporting (better even than Fox) can be found on CBN. Thanks to Vlad Tepes for YouTubing this Erick Stakelbeck report:

From The Houston Chronicle:

FORT HOOD, Texas — Soldiers who witnessed the shooting rampage at Fort Hood that left 13 people dead reported that the gunman shouted “Allahu Akbar!” — an Arabic phrase for “God is great!” — before opening fire, the base commander said Friday.

Lt. Gen. Robert Cone said officials had not yet confirmed that the suspected shooter, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, made the comment before the rampage Thursday. Hasan was among 30 people wounded in the shooting spree and remained hospitalized on a ventilator.

All but two of the injured were still hospitalized, and all were in stable condition.

Military officials were trying to piece together what may have pushed Hasan, an Army psychiatrist trained to help soldiers in distress, to turn on his comrades. Cone said the 39-year-old Hasan was not known to be a threat or risk.

“I’m not aware of any problems here,” said Col. Steve Braverman, the Fort Hood hospital commander. “We had no problems with his job performance.” [emphasis added]

“I’m not aware of any problems here.”

Was there ever a more damning statement than this?

If it’s true, then our military intelligence services are grossly incompetent and are putting our country at risk. Their cluelessness just killed or wounded more than forty people.

If it’s not true, then our military officials are lying to the American people in the name of political correctness.
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In either case there has been malfeasance and possible treachery at the highest levels.

Maj. Hasan is described as “devout”, but not an extremist:

An imam from a mosque Hasan regularly attended said Hasan, a lifelong Muslim, was a committed soldier, gave no sign of extremist beliefs and regularly wore his uniform at prayers.

The big question, of course, is: Does every “devout” Muslim have within him the seeds of radical extremism and violent jihad?

But you won’t see that question asked by our media or public officials.

From the Star-Telegram:

FORT HOOD — Soldiers who witnessed the shooting rampage at Fort Hood that left 13 people dead reported that the gunman shouted “Allahu Akbar!” — an Arabic phrase for “God is great!” — before opening fire, the base commander said Friday.

Lt. Gen. Robert Cone said officials had not yet confirmed that the suspected shooter, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, made the comment before the rampage Thursday. Hasan was among 30 people wounded in the shooting spree and remained hospitalized on a ventilator.

I may be cynical, but I assume that officials will “confirm” what Maj. Hasan said by visiting privately with the witnesses and helping them remember what really happened.

From the AP:

One of the military officials says Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was in the preparation stage of deployment, which can take months. The official said Hasan had indicated he didn’t want to go to Iraq but was willing to serve in Afghanistan. The official did not have authorization to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

A second military official said Hasan’s family has Palestinian roots. There have been reports that he was harassed for his Muslim religion, but the official says there is no indication Hasan filed a complaint within the military about that.

More on the Palestinian angle from The Daily Mail, quoting Faizul Khan, a former imam at a mosque Hasan attended in Silver Spring:

On a form filled out by those seeking spouses through a programme at the mosque, Hasan listed his birthplace as Arlington, Virginia, but his nationality as Palestinian, Khan said.

‘I don’t know why he listed Palestinian,’ Khan said, ‘He was not born in Palestine.’

On news videos last night I repeatedly heard people say that Maj. Hasan was born in Virginia, and was “100% American”. If that’s true, why did he list his nationality as “Palestinian”?

I was born in Virginia, too, but when I fill out forms I don’t list my nationality as “English” or “Scots” or “French” or “German”. Maybe I should start doing that…

It seems that Maj. Malik had planned in advance for a major rearrangement in his life this week. Was it because he was anticipated being deployed oversees? Or was there another reason?

From FOX Houston, talking about the apartment where Maj Hasan lived:

The Killeen Daily Herald reported that neighbors said Hasan handed Qurans and donated his furniture to anyone who would take it Thursday morning. Neighbors also said that Hasan began wearing “Arabic clothing” in recent weeks.

And from CBS 11:

FORT HOOD, Texas (AP) ? A neighbor says an Army psychiatrist suspected of opening fire on fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas cleaned out his apartment in the days before the rampage.

Neighbor Patricia Villa (VEE’-uh) says Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan came over to her apartment on Wednesday morning and told her he was going to be deployed on Friday.

She says he gave her some frozen broccoli, some spinach, T-shirts, shelves and a new Quran, the Muslim holy book. She says he returned on Thursday morning and gave her his air mattress, several briefcases and a desk lamp.

Villa says Hasan then offered her $60 to clean his apartment Friday morning after he supposedly was to leave.

One other fact I learned from various news reports: the police officer who took down the shooter and was wounded in the process is named Kimberly Munley. She shot him four times.

Now, that’s my kind of woman!

Hat tip for the Mail: JP.


R. Hartman said...

It was just a matter of time. All around the western world muslims get hired into government and the army. Your installing the 5th colonne into the countries policies and defense systems. Nobody should be surprised that this came about; it had to happen and was predicted for quite some time, not only by me, but by most rational people.

This is the beginning , not the end. More and more of this kind of 'incidents'(...) will follow, I'm afraid. My thoughts go out to those who lost their loved ones, but I also want to state that they should have spoken out against incorporating the enemy into their own ranks. Even while I'm aware they probably would have been branded as racists and possibly get fired. But at least then they would still have been alive...

Fjordman said...

These people cannot be allowed to live in our countries. They need to be expelled, plain and simple. Obviously, the main problem is that there are so many of them in Europe now. In the case of the United States, it is difficult to defend US national interests since the USA is no longer a nation in any meaningful sense of the word.

Fellow Peacekeeper said...

BBC political correctness at work again Shooting raises fears for Muslims in US army", fears for muslims! Poor darlings! The beeb and correlated leftist running dogs are predictable but still despressingly dispicable. BBC fears traitors will be outed ... or something.... quite freudian really.

spackle said...

Since we now live in bizarro upside down world expect to see a push for more Muslim recruits to mow down more soldiers. After all, we cant appear to be racist or Islamaphobic now can we? That would be just plain rude.

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said...

Could be the worlds first case of battlefield post traumatic stress disorder by proxy.

This disorder is a figment of my imagination inspired by Susan Rice American UN Ambassador linking the Fort Hood atrocity with battlefield post traumatic stress disorder to a perpetrator whom to the best of my knowledge had no live experience of the battlefield.

The use of said imaginary disorder is forbidden by islamic terrorists, enablers and their apologists.

Papa Whiskey said...

In either case there has been malfeasance and possible treachery at the highest levels.

As witness the case of Stephen Coughlin, the Department of Defense expert whose accurate paper on the doctrines of the Islamic enemy got him muzzled at the behest of a highly placed Muslim DoD official.

Ypp said...

Hassan is just another pronunciation of Hussein.

Anonymous said...

R. Hartman said...It was just a matter of time. All around the western world muslims get hired into government and the army. Your installing the 5th colonne into the countries
What is worse is that both the US and UK intelligence services are going out of their way to hire Muslims.

Worse, much worse. Both the US and UK have a major drive to employ Muslims in the Intelligence and Security services.

Anonymous said...

fjordman, sadly, there aren't any European nations either now considering that the Lisbon treaty de jure made us a federal state. And we won't be much European in a couple of decades either if we don't do something about both. I want my country out of the EU and a ban on non-European immigration. Living in a 97% White Christian nation allowed me to not experience all these crimes associated with multiculturalism and this degenerate culture. I really couldn't believe when I started to read about this how idiotic the Western people are. Here if a politician would say we need to import more Muslims and destroy our heritage, considering there's nothing special about it, he'd commit political suicide. I guess I might get to live when my country was all about centuries ago. Kicking the Ottoman Muslims in the butt. Proud to be a ghia'ur. :P

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