Friday, September 11, 2009

Harrow Demo Called Off, Steve Gash Arrested

Today’s demonstration in front of the central mosque in Harrow has been called off, according to the SIOE website:

SIOE demo called off!

In this moment Stephen Gash is being told by a senior sergent of the police to call off the demonstration in Harrow. He has been arrested to prevent a breach of the peace…

More than 1000 mainly muslims are gathered infront of the SIOE demonstration and they stop people to attend the demonstration.

If you are on your way to the demo, don’t go, it’s being called off right now. The police can’t handle the muslim counter demonstraters. The senior sergent said that he doesn’t want any of his policemen killed.

This is all the information I have for the moment.

[Post ends here]


Rasmus Hochreuter said...

Why am I not surprised?

Anyway, SIOE's point has been successfully proven.

heroyalwhyness said...

Quote: "The police can’t handle the MUSLIM counter demonstraters."

Security, the 2009 edition. How's all that appeasement working out for ya'all?

Jedilson Bonfim said...

I saw the coverage of the mahoundian mobs on al-CNN International a couple of hours ago, described as "muslims and 'anti-fascists' are gathering here to protect a mosque against far-right racist protesters." That was repulsive, but not unexpected.

I'd never written those idiots an e-mail before, but I had to send them one in order to ask what race mahoundianism was, among other things about their shameless pro-mahoundian bias.

WAKE UP said...

Another tipping point reached. Mosley was right.

ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said...

This is really sad. Eurabia is already here and we are all reduced to second rate citizenship called dhimmis. Only war can save Europe now from total mahoundian barbarism.

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said...

"He has been arrested to prevent a breach of the peace…"

Presumably and ultimately the Monarch's peace, a christian peace as defender of the faith.

The time will come when siting on the fence will not be an option as any divided kingdom will fall.

The watchmen have done their duty it is time for the slumbering citizenry to awake or forever be dammed.

Félicie said...

Well, if you can't exercise your right to hold a peaceful demonstration, what's the next logical step?

Something tells me that the leftards are going to regret that they were pushing too much too fast.

Homophobic Horse said...

When they call us racist they are expressing an essential aspect of their outlook. The multiculturalist project that has foisted Islam on us is predicated on the notion that European nations and ethnicities are abnormal and the way to get rid of this abnormality is by inviting a plethora of foreigners into the said countries. When we describe the dangerousness of Islam and it's incompatibility we are, unconsciously, arguing that we are racists because the danger of Islam vindicates the old world.

"Why am I not surprised?

Anyway, SIOE's point has been successfully proven."

No, you're wrong.

Oppression works.

Félicie said...

Let's see what will happen on the 9-12 March in Washington. Hopefully, the Americans are less complacent.

Watchman said...

It's a war scene, once again. According to Sky news there are a dozen SIOE members and a whopping 1,600 muslims/leftists.

I'm glad that the muslims behave like this, it shows everyone just what they're about. Their biggest flaw is their arrogance and this is how it must be fought against. We should ask permissions to anti-islamisation protests every week and simply not show up. The only people there would be muslims throwing rocks at the police.

Anonymous said...

Here's Some footage of the Muslims rioting.

Unknown said...

According to the English Defence League, it was called off by the Police due to "fears of violence by the UAF (United Against Fascism) who seem to have close links to Islamic Fundamentalism": "Muslim Thugs, once again, were incited to violence by the British Government funded militant group (UAF) who are being named "United against Freedom" after recent events."

The EDL continues: "The question is, why are these people funded by us, the taxpayer? We would like a full investigation into this group who are fully backed by members of various "Left-Wing" political parties, including the Labour Party, and the Conservatives.

Anonymous said...

Robin Shadowes said...

This is really sad. Eurabia is already here and we are all reduced to second rate citizenship called dhimmis. Only war can save Europe now from total mahoundian barbarism.

Yes - I have said so for some time now. That is the only solution available. The thing about war is that combatant armies, and their civilian support, self-segregate. Their is therefore no need for repatriation and other such policies that sully our good name. There is nothing like a war that polarises the combatant sides.

What SIOE is doing is the right thing. In addition, we need to step up the war in Afghanistan, and whatever comes next, though support for the war is fading.

Zenster said...

Watchman: Their biggest flaw is their arrogance and this is how it must be fought against. We should ask permissions to anti-islamisation protests every week and simply not show up. The only people there would be muslims throwing rocks at the police. [emphasis added]

This is the perfect response to violent counter-demonstrators. Provoke them into their routine violence at every turn. Keep torquing up their turbans until the lot of them have a collective brain hemorrhage.

We need to publish more cartoons, apply for more protest permits and ridicule Islam on a daily basis until the number of Muslim aneurysms sounds like a long string of firecrackers going off.

Sean O'Brian said...


Their is therefore no need for repatriation and other such policies that sully our good name.

Besides which, if the Lisbon Treaty passes then out-migration policies will effectively be made illegal:

"Collective expulsions are prohibited" (Article 19.1, Charter of Fundamental Rights)

Does anyone know what the PVV stance is on this? If Wilders ever becomes Dutch PM this will be a huge obstacle in his path.

Anonymous said...

Sean O'Brian

Tragically, there comes a time in the life of a nation, when war seems to be the only sensible and humane choice. This is the way we are headed. Such must have been the case in 1939. Churchill, knowing the bloody nature of modern war, still knew, that war was a better alternative then submitting to the Nazis. Now we are in a similar situation - submission to Islam or war.

As for the EU - it is house of cards, quite literally a paper tiger. At the sound of the first shot, it and all its directives, will crumble. In the end, it will be national issues that will decide. In war, the combatants and civilians, self-segregrate - there is no other choice. If we are weak, then it will lead to partition of the nation. Either way, separation from Islam and Muslims is on the cards, despite all the efforts of the politicians and the MSM to delude the people that all is well.

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