Monday, September 07, 2009

Gothenburg is Burning, Part 2

Gothenburg graph

For the second part of his report on Gothenburg, our Swedish correspondent CB has translated two media reports about recent incidents involving violent “youths”.

He includes this introduction:

Here are two articles about the unrest, arson and destruction in Gothenburg since August 10th.

The first is about the suspicion of the police that there are reasons behind the unrest other than those that prompted the routine intervention — and they are right in this. As can be seen by the article, a weapon was found the day after the incident, and the “youths” involved see this as reason enough to destroy and create mayhem.

Backa: car fireThe second article is a short summary of the events so far, and mentions several occasions when the arson is clearly a concerted effort by these criminal thugs.

Note the understanding tone the reporter has for the “youths” in the first article: “The fact remains…”

Why isn’t it a fact that the police had to respond heavily armed, because of all the shootings during 2009 in Backa?

Why is it that so many reporters always take the leftist stance of defending the perpetrator and forgetting the crimes committed against all those who are forced to live in fear?

In this case, that is in Backa. Aren’t their lives worth anything for these touchy feely people?

Making excuses isn’t a sign of compassion for troubled people; it is a sign of a loss of morality and compassion.

The fact that the police seem to view some of this as youthful rebellion (if that’s not just the reporters’ own words) is telling about the PC-boot the police commissioner Klevensparr has to wear, to the detriment of the citizens of Gothenburg.

He’s right in one thing: this is a plague on large parts of the West. But it shouldn’t be! There should be a clear commission from the state to the police to get these “youths” off the streets of Sweden. They are in many instances well-known. Some even got primetime television space past Thursday to air their grievances.

There a is time to talk with youths in these suburbs, but never under duress from arson threats. Those kids having a hard time who stay away from this behavior should get the needed support to reclaim their own lives and become participants in Sweden. While those bent on destroying it should be met with all necessary force until they change or are locked away.

The first article:

Police: Something else is behind the unrest

Eight young men were placed against a wall and searched. A routine intervention, without the slightest violence. “I have a hard time seeing how that, in retrospect, can justify burning cars and throwing stones at the police,” says the assistant squad chief.

Ulf Hallberg, assistant squad chief, thinks that the incident in Backa on August 10th has become an unwarranted cudgel in the debate:

“For us, this was in principle an intervention like any other. We conduct a large number of similar ones every year.”

He adds:

“There could be other things that are reasons for the unrest in the suburbs. But, if you want this to be the igniting spark, then of course it will be that. I’m surprised that they blame it on precisely this, especially since there has been unrest in the area, with alarms about shootings and property damage, as far back as the spring of this year.”

The fact remains.

Youths at Hissingen claim that it was the police squad’s actions that burst the balloon.

19.00 hours a private person called, according to the official incident report, county communications central. The tipster reported seeing “a group of young men, of which one carried a larger military weapon, the equivalent of a rifle. It was wrapped in a piece of cloth or possibly a sweater.”

It concerned four youths dressed in dark clothing about 20-25 years of age.
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“Distinct descriptions of all concerned were given. The information was viewed as very trustworthy,” states Hallberg.

19.08 hours a police checkpoint was established at Tingstavägen, since the group was said to be walking on the right side of Litteraturgatan. A squad patrol, which was already out driving, was ordered to the location. At that point the suspects was outside the store at Blendas gata which had been closed for days.

19.26 hours an identification and search of eight persons was carried out. Non of them over 30 years of age. No women. According to the incident report nothing of substance was found.

The squad, seven men and one group chief, came in from two directions.

“Our initial evaluation was that it concerned a severe weapons crime. We lined up the youths who were close by and fit the description, and controlled them according to the police regulations 19th paragraph,” Ulf Hallberg sums up.

19.28 hours an additional three individuals were inspected in a car, in the same block. That also without results.

Several who were exposed have complained about harsh treatment. What is your view?

“We treat people according to the threat picture. In this case no form of violence occurred at all.”

Normally the squad police don’t carry any heavy support weapons [i.e. machine guns]. Why did you have those in this case?

“We feared that we could be met with serious violence.”

The following day, August 11th, a firearm was recovered from the shrubbery in the immediate surroundings. It was confiscated and a preliminary investigation is ongoing.

In the police authority, there is some disagreement about tactics or work methods, riot-like tendencies in Backa, Tynnered, and Hjällbo.

Those working closely with youth — in the local police and youth division — mediate between angry and resigned youth and police.

On the other side gathered police veterans on intermediate chief’s positions. Many of whom would have appreciated tougher action to remove leading disturbers of the peace.

The county criminal police — with the commission to prevent severe narcotic, violence and weapons crimes — quite often call in the squad force.

Every now and then a discussion arises about what should be viewed as organized crime and what’s youthful rebellion. When should there be talks, and when is there a need for automatic guns to be brought forward?

Lars Klevensparr, police commissioner in greater Gothenburg, is cautious in his assessment of the Backa incident:

“There is a risk that we overreact, that we don’t use the right tool at the right moment. A ready concept is still missing for what we should do when youths attack police, emergency services, and ambulances. It’s a problem the entire Western world has.

— Peter Linné

The second article:

Background: This has happened

Since August 10th there has in principle been unrest every night in certain of Gothenburg’s suburbs.

10 August: The police intervene in Backa, Gothenburg. Youth view the intervention as unwarranted harsh treatment.

18 August: Youth at Blendas gata in Backa set a stolen car on fire. A police car is subjected to stone-throwing. A policeman feels him self cornered and pulls his service weapon, but no shot is fired.

19 August: Disturbance in Backa and Biskopsgården. Two cars are burning at Friskväderstorget and one container for clothes [for poor people — and so goes the myth about these poor kids’ grievances] is set on fire at Selma Lagerlöfs square in Backa.

20 August: Roughly 50 police make an intervention in Hissingen [the larger area which includes Backa, among other places].

21 August: A 22-year-old is booked in Backa. He is viewed as a leading force in the unrest. He’s released on August 24th.

22 August: The unrest spreads to Tynnered and Frölunda. During the night between Friday and Saturday, youths throw stones at emergency services, a field assistance car, and security guards. Vehicles are burning.

23 August: There is unrest in Biskopsgården and Frölunda.

25 August: Fires and stone-throwing continue in several municipal districts.

26 August: A preschool at Vättnedals School in Tynnered burns. The following night a recreation center is partially destroyed in arson [i.e. 27 August].

28 August: Two cars are set on fire at Hissingen. A newspaper box is in flames at Tamburingatan in Västra Frölunda. Firemen arrive at the location and are met by stone-throwing youths. A shed at Rubingatan in Västra Frölunda is on fire and the fire threatens a larger building close by. The police arrest several persons in connections with the unrest.

29 August: A 5.7 kilo stone is dropped from a footbridge on a fire truck which is on its way towards a burning container in Hjällbo. The stone hits the truck’s windshield. The driver is hit on the arm by the stone, and one of the firemen gets glass-splinter in his eye.

2 September: During the night cars are set on fire in four places at Hissingen.

4 September: Within one hour during the night between Thursday and Friday four car fires burn simultaneously along with one basement fire at Selma Lagerlöfs square in Backa, Komettorget in Bergsjön, and in north Biskopsgården at Hissingen.

5 September: During the night before Saturday a car burns in Bergsjön and four in Biskopsgården.

— Udo Sponberg


Anonymous said...

There is absolutely no reason for this kind of unrest. Schooling is free in Sweden (including University) and as such every person has the ability to make themselves into a positive, contributing member of society. There is no excuse for this.

There is growing resentment in the younger population in Sweden. I worked as a teacher for three years in the equivalent to Junior High, (Högstadiet) and in those three years alone, the resentment, and undue animosity towards authority grew exponentially.

It is through the first and second generation immigrant population that this trend has been so much more evident. When the kids play, they play at killing each other, their hands around each others throats with mad wild eyes. When the parents are called to the school, there is only ratification in their words. Schools are powerless to do anything.

Traditional Swedish mentality is that if the authoritarian body says that it is prohibited, then that is the end of the matter. There are no measures in place to take steps further incase people ignore the word of authority. These people know this and proceed accordingly. Parents know the schools can not do anything. Youths know that the Police have very little power. Even if the police exert the power they have, the media reacts with their true socialistic characteristics and defends the poor misunderstood minorities, as is evident here.

Even in normal society, where cultural assimilation in some way is key to prosperity, there is so much rejection and disassociation with the governing body.

Their tribal, militant, dog-eat-dog (literally) mentality is a carry over from their true home. It is something that has not been seen in Sweden since the Viking age.

The Swedes helped out Thomas Jefferson during the First Barbary war against Tripoli, if the Swedish government was to act accordingly today, they would be labelled racists.

laine said...

If you mixed the old Viking blood and the watered down contemporary version, you'd probably get just the right titration, of people who do not let new foreign beserkers (the old term for the most rabid Vikings) walk all over them vandalizing property and raping their women.

However, the damage was done long before the first Muslim set foot on Scandinavian soil. As John Sobeiski indicated:

"Traditional Swedish mentality is that if the authoritarian body says that it is prohibited, then that is the end of the matter. There are no measures in place to take steps further in case people ignore the word of authority".

Swedish socialist leaders who know this characteristic of their people have purposely imported a culture that holds education and work in low esteem and bows to no authority outside Islam. They have purposely set wolves among the sheep.

Wolves are wolves and behave as wolves. What to say about sheep herders who open the gates to the wolves to feast upon the sheep under their "care"?

Skalman said...

Well, gentlemen, remember: "Civilisation is but a thin layer of varnish that´s not very difficult to scratch away".

Dont underestimate the swedes. However the appearance of a docile and peaceloving people it is a people with a very lethal potential.

The explosive mix is not yet reached but believe me, it will come.

Anonymous said...

"A ready concept is still missing for what we should do when youths attack police, emergency services, and ambulances. It’s a problem the entire Western world has."

At last, a Western official spills the beans. And he's a police commissioner. From dhimmified Sweden, no less.

As I commented yesterday :

Body Armor for Firemen

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