Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Bumper Stickers

I often have ideas for bumper stickers, but usually inspiration comes upon me at inconvenient times, and so I never do anything with them.

Last night when I was posting about the latest totalitarian initiative of the Obama administration, I thought up another one, and took the time to make this image:

A Nation of Boneheads

And then, while I was at it, I actualized another idea that has been rattling around in my head for decades, ever since the first “Free Tibet” bumper stickers started appearing on cars:
- - - - - - - - -
Free Tibet

This one sacrifices political coherence on the altar of pure whimsy.


spackle said...

I like, I like!

Zenster said...

Works for me.

Although one of my all-time favorites still remains:


Barry Brummet said...

I made up bumper sticker slogan a while back which never got out of the idea stage. Maybe you'll like it: Free Tibet....but not Iraq

Unknown said...

Yes, a most therapeutic practice, Baron, as I have found as well. Bannermaking is not illegal, immoral, fattening, or expensive. (I suppose it could get your name on a government list of some sort, but, then, we're all probably on that list already anyway.)

Perhaps if you get bored, you could set up a page where we readers could drop off our creations and search for new ones. You know--from each according to his ability, to each according to his need, as our president might put it. I have a few up for grabs on my own site, and you are all most welcome to partake:

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