Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hellish Saviors

The surrender of Vercingetorix to Caesar, 51 B.C.

I’ve been posting quite a bit recently about the “gang wars” in Denmark and the actions taken by the Danish chapter of Hells Angels against the Muslim immigrant gangs.

This is not an easy topic to deal with. The idea that violent, criminal, or marginal people may be the vanguard of the resistance to Islamization — it just doesn’t sit well. Unless our discussion includes a deep-throated and serious disapproval, we risk being labeled “criminals” as well as “racists” and “neo-Nazis”.

But it’s important to discuss the world as it is, and not as we would like it to be.

We would like our political leaders to cease importing of millions of Muslim immigrants. We would like them to show more spine in the face of Islamic intimidation. We would like our fellow voters to educate themselves so that they become aware of what’s happening and elect a new batch of leaders who will take a stand on behalf of their own people.

But in the world as it is, this shows no sign of happening. The existing paradigm — a system of lawfully-constituted democratic governance — has failed us.

If lawfully-constituted national leaders do not act, what happens? Will native Europeans go meekly to their doom?

Or will those who are already lawless act instead?

In the comments on my most recent post about the Danish Hells Angels, Zenster voiced his misgivings:

Hells Angels 5Let’s take a close look at exactly who it is that supposedly stand up to these Jackals.

Notice the skulls, references to Hell and allusions to death in general? Does anyone think that these are the sort of people who will come riding to the rescue of Western civilization in its finest form?

Moreover: It is too dangerous to ride through the city on a Harley with an HA logo on your back.

What does this simple statement tell you about the overall efficacy of Danish Hell’s Angels against the Jackals in general?
- - - - - - - - -

“It is not our responsibility to solve society’s problems. We just react when something bad happens to our friends or families” Horn says.

Pay close attention. None of the above means that these “iron horse crusaders” will come riding to your rescue, Jackals or no.

Much as I might admire Jønke’s open indictment of the Jackals as those who encroach upon the lives of decent Danish people, neither do I look upon the Hell’s Angels as any sort of saviors. They will protect their own and give others the hindmost, much like the Jackals.

Tell me, where’s the advantage in that?

This is a simple question, but it requires a complicated answer.

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Let’s return to the world as it is.

In the eight years since 9-11, there has been no sign that any of the major traditional players in the existing political order “gets it”. George W. Bush fought “terrorism”, and he was the best we could hope for. Most European politicians — whether Left or “Right” — support Multiculturalism and are passive in the face of continued mass immigration. No one who wields power shows the slightest sign of dealing seriously with the coming social and financial catastrophe that the liberal welfare state has brought upon us.

In the world as it is, you can either have the Hells Angels, or you can give up beer and say “La illaha ila Allah, wa Muhammadun rasul Allah!”

It won’t be all that long before those are the only choices for Swedes, or Britons, or the Dutch.

I wrote a few weeks ago about what is likely to happen as the crisis worsens. Under the traditional social contract, in return for maintaining a monopoly on violence, our civil authorities are obligated to protect us from lawlessness and criminal predation. But they have abdicated this duty, and thousands of ordinary citizens are victimized every day as a result. A paralysis brought on by the twin ideologies of Political Correctness and Multiculturalism has immobilized the muscular system of the Western democracies and blocked any response to existential threats, both internal and external.

Or — to switch metaphors — consider cultural Marxism as the HIV of the West. Islam is just a virus of opportunity, a pneumonia that has taken advantage of our immunological deficiencies and ushered in the onset of full-blown AIDS in our culture.

We are trapped in a device of our own making, and there is no way to escape without surrendering the deepest truths and most cherished ideals that have held sway for centuries in Europe and the European diaspora.

But not everybody is stuck in the trap. Millions of ordinary people don’t buy into the PC/MC Weltanschauung. Their opinions are not that different from those of their grandparents and great-grandparents. They don’t agree with what their leaders are doing on their behalf, but they want to get along, to live a quiet life, to keep their jobs and avoid having their kids taken away by the child care authorities.

The average citizen may be angry and deeply resentful of the soft totalitarianism he’s forced to live under, but you can’t expect him to be a hero. He’s got everything to lose.

All that is changing, however. As working-class neighborhoods are overrun by “culturally enriched” crime, as unemployment rises, as governmental fiscal folly erodes the value of what little money people earn, they have less and less to lose. If official paralysis continues, eventually some of them will abandon all those decades of self-restraint and take up violent resistance. At some point people will snap.

And those who go first will be the ones who are already somewhat outside the law and not averse to violence. People who have less to lose, anyway. Roughnecks, misfits, and outsiders of various sorts.

In Denmark that means the Hells Angels.

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Now let’s return to Zenster’s question: Tell me, where’s the advantage in that?

Well, for starters, Hells Angels in Denmark are doing exactly what you recommend: targeting Islamic leaders. In this case the leaders are the young thugs that lead the Muslim gangs, but they are still leaders, and they’re important in the criminal ecosystem of the immigrant underworld in Denmark.

Back in May, during the time I was in Denmark, AK81 — the group associated with Hells Angels — assassinated another immigrant gang leader. I had a discussion with one of the Danes about the situation, and he said, “You know, you can always tell it’s a Dane who does the shooting, because it only takes him one shot. BANG! [pointing to the center of his forehead] and the guy is dead. But when the Muslims shoot somebody, they spray the area with AK-47s and probably don’t even hit the target — just innocent bystanders.”

So even though both groups are criminals, there is a distinction to be made. And the average Dane understands that distinction. Even though he may find the Hells Angels repugnant, he finds the idea that his country might be overrun with immigrant thugs even more repugnant.

This explains the popularity of the Jackal Manifesto, and it explains why there is an explosion in recruitment for Hells Angels. The civil authorities have failed in their responsibilities, and a local alternative is emerging. Everyone would prefer that the police and the courts do their jobs, and that the murderous thugs were hauled into court, given due process of law, and then hanged by the neck until dead.

But that’s not going to happen. There is a void in the officially-sanctioned civil order, and nature abhors a vacuum. Something else is rushing in to fill it.

The process is not going to be the same in every country. The local resistance will take on different forms, based on the politics and culture of the country involved.

In Britain I expect it to be an alliance among various working-class groups, with “football hooligans” playing a prominent role. The stirrings of this development can already be detected, especially in the most “enriched” suburbs of London.

Nobody wants football hooligans as their champions and protectors. But they know how to put the boot in, and the ultra-politically-correct British police don’t. They know how to be culturally inclusive and non-homophobic. They know how to hit people with large fines when they drop fag-ends on the pavement or fail to sort their rubbish for recycling.

But they are unable to protect ordinary citizens from predatory criminals, most of whom are Muslim immigrants.

So what’s the alternative?

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Regular readers are familiar with Zenster’s prescribed solutions, and I generally agree with them:

We need to target the top 2,000 or so radical Islamic leaders and send them to collect their 72 raisins.

We need make sure that the Muslim world feels such an overwhelmingly decisive blow — including glassing and Windexing™ Mecca, Medina, Qom, etc., if necessary — so that they learn what a “strong horse” really is and act accordingly.

We need to prepare the lamp posts, figuratively or literally, for the traitorous Leftists who are leading our countries into this mess.

And so on.

But who are “we”? Who is it that will do these things?

There is no sign, none whatsoever, that any Western leader — not even Geert Wilders, God bless him — will take such actions.

There is no evidence that 9-11 woke anyone up to what needs to be done. And there’s no evidence that a dozen new 9-11s will change the current paradigm.

When the inevitable nuclear or chemical attack against a major Western city occurs, it won’t be enough to incite that kind of response. By then the situation will be so bad that a major terrorist action will simply accelerate the descent into political chaos.

The West is done. You can stick a fork in it.

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But this is no reason to despair. The end of the West is not the end of the world.

There will be an interregnum of uncertain duration, and then something new will form, something built out of leftover pieces of what went before, in the same way Paris, Oxford, and Vienna were built out of the remnants of the Roman Empire.

A lengthy discussion around these ideas has emerged here on a thread that has kept going for the last few days. In the following paragraphs I’ll draw on what was said there, not just by me, but by Conservative Swede, DP111, Chechar, Watching Eagle, Furor Teutonicus, and others.

Conservative Swede often refers to the imminent demise of the reigning paradigm of the liberal West. This belief system could be considered a religious orthodoxy, except that the West has largely abandoned religion in its political systems and public policy. The prevalent Weltanschauung is an article of secular faith, so call it Orthodox Secularism: a set of ideas as rigid and unexamined as anything that a Calvinist could produce.

The liberal paradigm of Western Civilization was a natural outgrowth of Christianity, but once it was fully formed, it abandoned its theological basis. Like the cire perdue in a clay cast, the core of faith melted away, leaving the hollow shell of secular liberalism

But this secular faith is unrestrained by the Christian idea that man is limited and flawed. Under the secular paradigm, humans are inherently good and perfectible, and formerly Christian ethics — unmoored from any limitations — require the secular faithful to create a perfect human society on Earth.

All the murderous totalitarianisms of the 20th century arose from various perversions of this idea. But so did the kinder, gentler socialisms of one form or another that all of us live under now.

All of our societies have created fiscal and social Ponzi schemes which cannot last, which must eventually come crashing down around our ears. Because they have continued for generations, we think they can go on this way forever.

But they can’t. A brief and cold-eyed look at the structure of our political economies shows that they are on their last legs. Even without factoring Islam into the equation, another generation at the most is all we’ll get.

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So, knowing all that, isn’t it possible to take action? Is a collective effort to save Western Civilization even imaginable?

The current paradigm is a psychic structure that prevents our formerly Christian civilization from taking the kind of action that would allow it to save itself. At the moment this paradigm is in the process of slow-motion self-destruction, and the pace may soon accelerate so that the old framework will crumble quite rapidly in the next five years or so. The collapse of the welfare state will be the absolute limiting factor for the liberal paradigm.

That collapse, whether gentle or catastrophic, is unavoidable. In just a few short years we will either discover a different paradigm, or be in the midst of some sort of paradigm-less chaos.

The existing system has an internal logic that prevents it from correcting itself. No politician can get re-elected if he takes the necessary action and begins phasing out the welfare state. No civil servant can take harsh measures to ensure our long-term welfare, because that would be contrary to the deranged altruism of the dominant meme.

The very structure of the system prevents it from correcting itself. This is the Achilles’ heel of liberal social democracy.

We can’t even talk frankly about these issues in any major public forum. This little blog is a haven for cranks and weirdos like us, but there’s no way our voices will ever be heard by a significant number of people — especially those whose hands grasp the levers of political power.

Questioning the sandy foundation on which this immense and ornate castle has been built is simply not done. That’s why all of us here are loners and misfits of one sort or another, and not on government or university payrolls — at least not under the names that are displayed with our posts.

I’m still impelled towards grassroots organizing in an attempt to stave off the worst. I have a family and people I care about, so I have to believe there is still an alternative — I’m not ready to face the War of All Against All.

But if a solution can be found, it is not going to come through government or military means. Those can only come after the change occurs.

And we don’t have much time. In the last three years the polarization has only gotten more extreme. The PC/MC crowd is accelerating the bus towards the precipice. Barack Hussein Obama is at the wheel, and conservatives are hiding under the seats in fear of being labeled “Nazis”. What debate there is among those on the right is more often concerned with doctrinal purity than it is with hammering together a compromise and a coalition that might actually have even a remote chance of making a difference. The infighting will likely continue unabated until the final impact at the foot of the cliff.

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Zenster is right about one thing: the Hells Angels will not be the saviors of Western civilization.

But nothing else is going to save it, either. There’s no alternative: the paradigm has to collapse.

The replacement paradigm — for there must be one; man cannot live without a paradigm — will be something we can’t even imagine now.

Our task is to mitigate as well as we can the period of chaos that lies between now and then. There will be no way to prevent various forms of violence and destruction — you can’t cut off life support to millions of people without lethal results, and there is a distinct possibility of geronticide in our future, whether via Obama’s health care plan or by some other means.

But eventually the chaos will subside, and a new civilization will emerge. As Conservative Swede pointed out, Islam will not survive long after the old paradigm disappears — a reinvigorated immune response in the remnants of Western culture will see to that.

So what will come next?

The current paradigm is based on an antipathy for what preceded it. We are modern; we are smarter and better than those who went before us, and everything prior to 1967 can be safely disregarded.

Part of the modern liberal ideal is the foolish notion that we can simply abolish by fiat millions of years of evolution, thousands of years of culture, and centuries of tradition. Just like that! We wish it all away. We’ll soon find out to our chagrin how mistaken we have been.

These absurd ideas will die with the liberal paradigm, and as a corrective, the successor civilization will reach back into our cultural history to find an alternative to the Enlightenment meme which is about to self-destruct.

The new paradigm and the new civilization will be built out of the fragments of what went before. So what we need to focus on is the construction of a modern version of the monastery at Lindisfarne, a networked sanctuary where what is good and valuable can be stored and kept for use in a future time after the chaos is over.

Grab an ink pot and a quill — we’ve got a lot of books to copy.


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Chechar said...

while completely missing the context and the irony of… - CS

I guess it’s not the first time in this thread that someone misses the irony of a post, CS (cf. your kind words to me way above, not to mention your, ouch!, your kindest e-mails…). That’s why Zenester wisely advised me to use fonts as emoticons. Anyway, I probably better stay away from online debates forever.

…without performing any of the due diligence involved in helping to build a better world that would follow … - Zenster

It may be a little premature to say this, but what I am intending with publishing my psycho-historical book for Gov-ers is, precisely, planting the first seeds of what I believe will be the new paradigm—an apparently preposterous claim that will not make sense until the P.S. for the Gates of Vienna edition is, finally, published here.

Baron Bodissey said...

Congratulations, folks! This is the longest GoV comments thread ever. I thought it was a spent scene, but apparently not.

Zenster, concerning El Ingles, CS was being sarcastic. He was in no way denigrating the man's writings.

Swede, I guess you need to use a sarcasm icon or "/sarc" or something.

Conservative Swede said...


CS: Who is going to do all the things that you are constantly proposing?

Zenster: That's rather easy to answer: Those who intend to survive.

1. Your proposals require armed forces.

2. The ones in control of our armed forces, and those with the consciousness for survival, are completely disjoint sets.

3. Thus, nothing will happen.

4. So given that, are you just going to sit idle, Zenster? Hoping for it to happen somehow anyway. Or are you complacent with just talking about it.

Of course, you continue to dodge the issue of moral responsibility over desiring "a collapse of our current belief system", without making any constructive effort to work beyond that.

Are you out of your mind? I have spent two long threads (the longest in the history of GoV) exactly in working beyond that. That has been the main purpose of what I have been writing! Where have you been?

PS. Zenster, you don't have to write every sentence in such a bombastic style. A normal speaking tone will do just fine.

Conservative Swede said...


Your jokes about Hitlerism, Nürnberg laws, racial purity, etc, etc, are in a different category, where it is inessential whether they are jokes or not. I have been explaining this at length to you, here in this very thread. It's unfortunate that you still do not understand it.

When you make that reference to emails I wrote you create the impression that I wrote some very bad things. Which you know as well as I that I didn't.

Essentially it was about how Chechar thinks that his "funny" Nazi comments are like "hot sauce" (Chechar is Mexican). After 5+ instances of his "Nazi sauce" I had enough and told him that his sauce is made of poop. I also pointed out to him how very strange it is that a Mexican would put his "sauce" on other people's food (always without them asking for it), but never on his own food! So I said that this Mexican obviously thinks that his own "sauce" is a "sh*t sauce".

Zenster said...

What is it about you that feels compelled to abuse and insult people, ConSwede? I challenge your moral authority to advocate "a collapse of our current belief system" without any constructive alternative, and you return with incivility and petty insults.

You are not doing yourself any favors and, additionally, you demean this forum and all the hard work put forth by the Baron and Dymphna. They deserve better than your routine resort to nasty personalities. Shame on you for indulging your weaknesses in such an untoward fashion.

Zenster said...

Baron Bodissey: Swede, I guess you need to use a sarcasm icon or "/sarc" or something.

Sneer quotes or something like it would be useful. Fortunately, Free Hal has already pigeonholed ConSwede far better than I could.

Chechar said...

CS: The single humorous post of mine was the one in which I wished “a People, a Reich and a Führer.” (Since in other GoV threads I have called Hitler a paranoid and labeled his eliminationist anti-Semitism agenda as monstrous and pathological, I should not have been taken too literally on this one.) I still remember I was chuckling well after I posted it. While I doubt it’s “poop” or a really bad sense of humor, I’ll leave others to make their minds about it. But the point is that, unlike my other “nazi” posts, *this one*, clearly humorous, was precisely the one that made you react as if I was caricaturizing your stance (I wasn’t).

What saddens me is that your otherwise fascinating posts in these two threads are somewhat eclipsed by a drive that compels you to incivility.

Anyway, as stated above, I better stop posting in online forums and restrict myself to answer questions, or even criticisms, in the forthcoming threads of the chapters I will be translating from Spanish. And CS, please remember:

People in the counter-jihad movement should avoid fighting with each other.

Conservative Swede said...

Zenster wrote:
You are not doing yourself any favors and, additionally, you demean this forum and all the hard work put forth by the Baron and Dymphna.

Zenster, let's make a deal. Let's ask the Baron and Dymphna about this.

If they agree with you that I'm demeaning their forum and their hard work, then I'll apologize for my wrongdoing and leave this forum. My intention has always been the exact opposite of this, but if I failed so miserably, and read the signals I got from the Baron and Dymphna so upside down, and they truly think that I do harm to their forum, then I will of course leave immediately, since the last thing I would want is to cause harm to GoV.

However, if the Baron and Dymphna disagree with you, then it's your part of the deal to apologize to me for your baseless accusation. That would be the civil thing to do, right?


Conservative Swede said...


If you write a comment to a post of the Baron saying that his post inspires you to join the neo-Nazi party, then it doesn't matter how much inflection and smileys you use, and how funny you think it is. It's utterly damaging for GoV nevertheless, and will be used by their enemies. In fact it would be one of the most effective ways of undermining GoV. Even if you mean it as a joke, even though you mean no harm, even if do not understand the damage that you do, it would in effect be a way of fighting against GoV. So if you want to avoid fighting with your friends, you need to see this point.

I said from the beginning that I know that you meant no harm. It's just the you don't understand the harm you do nevertheless.

Baron Bodissey said...

Conservative Swede, Zenster --

Neither of you is demeaning this forum with your ideas. However, both of you demean it with your personal bickering.

This goes for all the others who spend most of their time attacking each other here.

I'm with Chechar -- fighting with each other is something we should eschew. Avoiding it is a strategic necessity.

I'm closing this thread now; it's too long. If you have (calm and polite) arguments, you can bring them forward to a more recent post.

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