Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Obama Submits in Turkey

On Fox News, Frank Gaffney talks about Barack Hussein Obama, his speech in Turkey, and creeping Sharia:

[Post ends here]


Homophobic Horse said...

American foreign policy has been effectively pro-Islam for decades.

Zenster said...

"(Insert name of country) >here< is not and will never be at war with Islam."

One can only speculate as to how many other nations throughout Islam's blood soaked history have had these words stand as their collective epitaph.

The depths of Obama's ignorance and folly would be hilarious were they not continuously ringing America's death knell.

PatriotUSA said...

So what is next for the mullah obamaham? Kneeling before dear leader of North Korea, sucking
on his hand, or maybe Robert Mughahbe? What a complete and utter failure this trip was. The mullah is very popular and he did not rock the boat on this trip. He was a nice guy, made America look really bad, was an apologist and dhimmi appeaser.

Zenster said:

One can only speculate as to how many other nations throughout Islam's blood soaked history have had these words stand as their collective epitaph.

The depths of Obama's ignorance and folly would be hilarious were they not continuously ringing America's death knell.

Question is: how many more nations and millions of innocents WILL have their blood spilled because of islam from here on out. islam will not change as they are seeing the fruits of jihad, violence and subjection around the globe. Here is news for you, obuma; islam is at war with us and sooner or later we will have to take islam down and out, or end up like England. A nasty and most unpleasant outlook.

Zenster said...

PatriotUSA: Question is: how many more nations and millions of innocents WILL have their blood spilled because of islam from here on out.

Without resistance from the West? As many conquered nations as it takes for Islam to reach the boudaries of those nuclear superpowers which will not tolerate the sort of predatory behavior that Islam is so fond of.

As Wretchard observes in his superb "Three Conjectures":

The most startling result of this analysis is that a catastrophic outcome for Islam is guaranteed whether America retaliates or not. Even if the President decided to let all Americans die to expiate their historical guilt, why would Islamic terrorists stop after that? They would move on to Europe and Asia until finally China, Russia, Japan, India or Israel, none of them squeamish, wrote -1 x 10^9 in the final right hand column. [emphasis added]

Russia and China, among this world's nuclear superpowers, will not endure more than a passing conflict with militant Islam before either of them, or others, simply obliterate the entire MME (Muslim Middle East), from the global map. This beggars the more important question of why Western civilization is so willing to endure extinction when many other cultures will not countenance any such notion.

Most curious of all is how the relatively totalitarian regimes of Russia and communist China have much less to lose (in terms of human liberty), but are most assuredly more willing to retaliate in a massively disproportionate fashion against the threat of Islamic aggression.

islam will not change as they are seeing the fruits of jihad, violence and subjection [subjugation] around the globe.

As is always the case, lack of punishment translates into outright encouragement. One need only look to the current economic bailout of incompetently run American financial and manufacturing institutions to see where this is leading.

Now, imagine the consequences of allowing radical, violent, mass-murdering thugs to experience little, if any, retribution for their malicious conduct.

That the West's political leadership allows this sort of Islamic thuggery to go on without any serious repercussions amounts to a blatant incentive for it to continue.

In days past, this was called TREASON.

Here is news for you, obuma; islam is at war with us and sooner or later we will have to take islam down and out, or end up like England. A nasty and most unpleasant outlook.

Islam has, long ago, declared war upon the entire non-Muslim world. All that remains is for unbelivers to unite against this common threat. The current absence of any such concensus is disheartening in the extreme. All such disunity bodes for is a Muslim holocaust which will include millions of non-Muslims as well.

laine said...

Gaffney got one thing wrong or pulled his punch. Obama is not "misunderstanding" the situation or what his selective obsequiousness is communicating to the Arab and Muslim world. That's one thing he's not doing out of his otherwise vast ignorance. He was raised a Muslim and knows the drill.

At worst, he is a Muslim stalking horse weakening the USA for a takeover as part of the umma in which his "coming out" as a Muslim on the steps of the White House will play a part in mass conversions to Islam under the same hysteria as got him elected (mainly blacks and bearded university professors at first plus eunuch media).

At "best" he is just knocking the country he hates several pegs down the totem pole and abasing it to countries he likes for their totalitarian Islamic and/or marxist regimes. He intends to manufacture a new world order more to his liking where brown people come out on top.

Since he's always running for the next job, he may well envisage himself as King of a socialist and/or Muslim dominated "utopia", Grand Poobah in the One World Government he will help promote. Whether the leftist or Islamic scorpion wins, he belongs to both toxic tribes.

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