Monday, April 06, 2009

Little Timmy Geithner Says: “For Me, But Not For Thee”

The video may never reach Pat Condell levels of fame, but this woman is absolutely Tennessee-wonderful.

Think of a steel magnolia with velvet gloves and a good voice.

The church/garden party hat is a nice touch. Betcha anything she sings in the church choir.

[nothing follows]


Kathy said...

How do you think so many people were able to get away without paying their taxes for so long? Is someone at the IRS bought off? And these are just the ones we know about.

Dymphna said...

Kathy said...
How do you think so many people were able to get away without paying their taxes for so long? Is someone at the IRS bought off?

I don't have the citations, Kathy, but it's an old Dem trick to harass conservatives or conservative foundations via IRS Audit Torture. The Inquisition is not dead, it has just assumed a new face and a new religion.

I believe the Clintons did this to the American Spectator some years ago when it did an exposé of Bill's shenanigans while he was governor of Arkansas.

Here are a few other targets of the IRS (America's KGB) during the Clinton years:

-the NRA

-The Heritage Foundation

-The National Center for Public Policy Research.

-the National Review

-Citizens Against Government Waste.

I'm sure I didn't find all of them. At the time, the head of the IRS was a friend of Hillary's and had campaigned for her.

Rush Limbaugh has mentioned that he was audited every year by the state of New York, which is one reasons he bid the state adieu.

If this Democrat administration is like the Clinton years, Limbaugh is sure to be audited, as will any conservative, libertarian, or Republican group or person who makes the Obamas squirm.

You can google this at the WSJ, but according to the article I read, Obama is supposed to have met with the Dem Caucus in order to bring them into line. He is reported to have said to one of the Democrats present (I forget who), "don't think we're not keeping score, brother".

Arkansas politics, from which the Clintons came, is known to be rough and tough. However, next to Cook County Illinois, they could all sing in the church choir...

Let's see when the audits begin. I guarantee you it will be someone who publicly crosses Obama. I think that's why the head of GM resigned per O's orders. Had he stayed on or fought the move, the first thing on the agenda would have been an IRS audit. And when the IRS gets going, it can ALWAYS find something.

Maybe this Cook County mentality will foment a tax revolt. It's been at the back of the stove for at least a generation now.

But to answer your question: the IRS has long been politicized. Expect that to continue, and expect that the wheeler-dealers on the Left will never face an audit.

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