During that time — as Mr. Hedegaard was writing his email, and as I was posting about it — the International Free Press Society website came under cyber attack, and the server hosting it was brought down.
The previous day the story of the Motoon fundraising sale had made it into the MSM, and worldwide attention was drawn to the IFPS. News services in Indonesia, Jordan, and the Persian Gulf picked up the wire story.
So the attack the following morning was no coincidence. It’s part of the ongoing, widespread, and systematic attempt by Muslims and their allies on the Left to silence any criticism of Islam.
To counter their efforts, I’m asking you, the loyal readers of Gates of Vienna, to help the “Turban Bomb” sale go viral on the internet. To that end, please repost the press release below on your blog, or on any forums you visit, or include it in emails that you send.

Provided that enough people do this, the attempts to silence IFPS will become counterproductive. The enemies of Western civilization have taken aim at a single website, but in its place a thousand, ten thousand, or a hundred thousand copies of the same information will appear.
If we harness the power of the internet to spread the word, a mere cyber attack is not enough to stop us.

International Free Press Society’s Mohammed Cartoon Fundraiser Succeeds Despite Cyber Attack
Washington, DC — April 13, 2009: Just one day after world media reported that the International Free Press Society (IFPS) was raising funds to support its free speech activities by selling prints of the most famous of the Danish Mohammed cartoons, the IFPS website suffered a massive cyber-attack. In the wake of the attack, which began at 6:30 am on Thursday, April 9, 2009, the IFPS created an alternate website which is now in place at www.internationalfreepresssociety.wordpress.com. The main site will be restored in the near future. Prints of the controversial cartoon can be ordered online at the IFPS blog.
Sales for the print of “Turban Bomb,” signed and numbered by the Danish artist Kurt Westergaard, continue uninterrupted, and indeed have exceeded expectations, as orders have been processed via more traditional means and email marketing was expanded.

The IFPS was founded in January, 2009 to defend individuals and organizations under assault for exercising their right to free speech. For taking on this mission, the IFPS is under ongoing cyber-attacks. This aggression only serves to underscore the urgency with which free people must come together to defend free speech.
While the website was offline, the IFPS main office at the Danish Free Press Society in Copenhagen, Denmark received an unexpected increase of email, phone and fax orders for the prints of the controversial and historic Westergaard “Turban Bomb” cartoon, as well as calls of concern about the website outage from across Europe and North American. Information on how to purchase the original signed prints is provided at the temporary website and below. Demand for the cartoon have greatly exceeded expectations, with over 300 orders submitted during the website outage and in the immediate days before. IFPS anticipates that the limited edition of 1000 signed and numbered prints will sell out shortly.
The International Free Press Society provides original research, advocacy and support for authors and artists under attack, and daily news updates on individual cases of repression of free speech particularly in Europe, Canada, and the United States, as well as in India, Africa and Asia. In February, March and April, IFPS helped sponsor speaking tours of major U.S. cities including New York, Boston, Los Angeles, and Miami for Geert Wilders, Dutch Parliamentarian and producer of the controversial film FITNA.
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According to Lars Hedegaard, President of the International Free Press Society, people from around the world appear eager to show public support for artists’ and authors’ right to free expression by purchasing copies of the Westergaard signed print. “Orders are coming in from all over the world. Hong Kong, Canada, the US, Bulgaria, Germany, Austria, Norway, Finland, France — you name it.”
Hedegaard took the temporary outage in stride. “This was an attack against IFPS as an organization, and against our mission to support freedom of expression worldwide. Happily, it had the effect of increasing support for our activities as the word spread that we were being threatened. We encourage everyone to visit our temporary website and soon the restored main site, and to help support artists like Kurt Westergaard by purchasing a signed copy of his cartoon. We have also started a new Phase 2 viral online fundraising campaign, so that bloggers and website owners who want to support free expression can provide links at their own websites to order a print.”
Diana West, Vice President of the International Free Press Society, added: “In addition to increasing demand for the cartoon prints, this crude cyber-assault on free speech has boosted people’s awareness of the urgency of the IFPS mission.”
Kurt Westergaard, creator of the controversial cartoon, stated “The contemptible attempts to close us down will not succeed. The enemies of free speech will soon realize that their hacker attack on the IFPS website has only made us all the more determined to get our messages out. I take great comfort from the fact that so many people have already bought my cartoon. It’s good to know that freedom of expression has defenders all over the world.”
About the “Turban Bomb” Cartoon by Kurt Westergaard
Remember the Danish cartoon crisis? Riots and mayhem, trade boycotts, burnt-down embassies, more than 100 killed in violent demonstrations, death threats against artists and editors. All of it the result of the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten’s decision to publish 12 cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammed on 30 September 2005.
One cartoon in particular stood out as the focus of world-wide Islamic rage and has since acquired the status as the iconic image of our age: Kurt Westergaard’s drawing of the prophet with a bomb in his turban.
This is the picture that won Kurt Westergaard world fame but also meant that he has been forced to live under constant police protection ever since its publication. Despite contracts on his head and determined efforts by Islamists to kill him, Kurt Westergaard has never recanted and never apologized for being a free artist.
Now you can own your exclusive reproduction of this icon, which has never been offered for sale before.
In collaboration with the artist, the Free Press Society in Denmark and the International Free Press Society have printed up a limited edition of 1000 copies.
Each copy is individually numbered and signed by Kurt Westergaard.
The picture is printed in durable colors on fine paper 42 by 29.7 centimeters, suitable for framing. It will be delivered in a solid cardboard tube.
It can be yours for US $ 250 (188 Euros), postage and handing included, but exclusive of customs dues or VAT where applicable.
The proceeds from this offer will go towards the International Free Press Society’s continuous campaign for free speech. Proceeds will support research, public education and legal efforts for individuals and organizations under assault for exercising their right to free expression; and to support efforts to ban hate speech laws and pass laws protecting freedom of expression.
To pay online through Paypal, go to the IFPS blog site:
To pay via bank transfer:
Please go to your bank and ask for a “bank to bank transfer”.
Transfer amount: | US $ 250 | |
Bank name: | Danske Bank | |
Bank address: | Holmens Kanal 2-12 | |
1092 København K | ||
Denmark | ||
Account owner: | Trykkefrihedsselskabet | |
Bank number: | 1551 | |
Account number: | 1032801 | |
IBAN DK9430000001032801 | ||
Swift DABADKKK | ||
Message: | Indicate payer’s name, email address and postal address with payment |
Posted and linked back to you, GoV.
I would perfect the cartoon by stating in Arabic, Urdu, Turkish
a FATWA : "those muslims who have seen it, will land in the halal islamic hell".
Mobomber is now on my Facebook profile.
and the IFPS website is linked via my profile.
I was preparing to post the release and was checking the links to make sure they worked when I got this message:
"This blog is currently under review due to possible Blogger Terms of Service violations.
If you're a regular reader of this blog and are confident that the content is appropriate, feel free to click "Proceed" to proceed to the blog. We apologize for the inconvenience.
If you're an author of this blog, please follow the instructions on your dashboard for removing this warning page."
this was for the IFPS blog site link.
I've run out of time tonight,but will check it again tomorrow.
Mom --
Yes, it's true. I can see it, too.
So far it's just a warning, but it's a sign that someone is complaining to Blogger about the blog, probably the same folks that are behind the cyber-attacks.
Done and linked back to G of V.
I will be adding mobomber to my facebook profile if this old coot can figure out how to do so.
"I would perfect the cartoon by stating in Arabic, Urdu, Turkish
a FATWA : "those muslims who have seen it, will land in the halal islamic hell"."
Don't forget to include farsi as well.
When posting the press release on my blog, am I allowed to post the large-size image of the cartoon in the release as well?
I answered my own question. Now I gotta figure out how to put a graphic link in the sidebar of my own blog.
Holgerdanske is not STIRRING, he is STARING. In English "stirring" is a verb, which means "røre rundt".
Actually, Bjarke, as you can see from our sidebar icon, Holger Danske vågner, which means that he is beginning to wake, that he is still asleep, but is about to come to wakefulness.
I used the English idiom "stirring" to approximate this meaning.
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