Employee Ministry of Justice: Mohammed was a warmonger
Today the Dutch blog GeenStijl published an article on an interesting but brief intervention in the Dutch Wikipedia by an employee of the Ministry of Justice. In 2007 the Ministry immediately blocked access to Wikipedia because of nasty additions to the Theo van Gogh page and the page of a State Secretary. The entry from October last year shows that the blocking has been lifted in the meantime, as has the attitude.
Wikipedia: Mohammed
L: is the last version in the left column; R: is the freshly-edited version by the employee in the right column. Only the changes are translated below. The full (Dutch) page is here.
Line 1 (correction, addition): | ||
L: | In this | |
R: | In this cult he is considered the last prophet and messenger… | |
L: | By muslims he is therefore defined as “the Seal of Prophets”. | |
R: | By muslims he is therefore defined as “the Seal of Prophets”. In reality Mohammed was a warmonger and didn’t shrink from (allowing) the murder of innocent people to steal their property. | |
Line 33 (addition): |
L: | In the thirteen years Mohammed preached in Mecca, about 70 families gathered around him. [Karen Armstrong: “Islam, geschiedenis van een wereldgodsdienst”, 3e druk, 2005, pp. 65-66.] | |
R: | n the thirteen years Mohammed preached in Mecca, about 70 families gathered around him. [Karen Armstrong: “Islam, geschiedenis van een wereldgodsdienst”, 3e druk, 2005, pp. 65-66.] Islam was mostly attractive for people who wanted to steal others’ property and needed an excuse for it. Mohammed therefore promised that every Muslim was allowed to steal and keep everything from non-Muslims, as long as that Muslim would give 10% of the booty to Mohammed. | |
Line 99.101 (addition): | ||
L: | Muslims on the contrary consider the Koran to be revealed to Mohammed by order of God through the angel Gabriel (Jibriel). | |
R: | Muslims on the contrary consider the Koran to be revealed to Mohammed by order of God through the angel Gabriel (Jibriel). In reality, Mohammed was a stargazer. | |
Line 116/118 (correction): | ||
L: | Apostates | |
R: | Apostates had to be murdered without any mercy. | |
Line 155/157 (addition): | ||
L: | Location and time are not only important for those who want to criticize Mohammed, but also for those who adhere to Islam, as tafsir explains. | |
R: | Location and time are not only important for those who want to criticize Mohammed, but also for those who adhere to Islam, as tafsir explains. By most historians Mohammed is considered to be the biggest warmonger of all times. Islam is the most murderous ideology ever. | |
Line 168/170 (addition): | ||
L: | “If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad, Muhammad will go to the mountain”. | |
R: | “If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad, Muhammad will go to the mountain”. Mohammed meant to say with this that if wealth would not come his way, he would go out to others to take away their wealth and make it his own. |
Unfortunately, within a minute the Dutch Wikipedia contributor Lexw, who has as area of attention “hearing” and as a specialty “hardness of hearing”, set it back to the previous version.
Mohammed therefore promised that every Muslim was allowed to steal and keep everything from non-Muslims, as long as that Muslim would give 10% of the booty to Mohammed.
The commenter makes a fairly trivial mistake here, but fortunately to the benefit of Muhammad.
The reality is that the figure is 20%, not 10%. This is known as Khums and is a well known concept in Islamic theology.
Apart from posting an incorrect number, the comment is correct.
10% is the name of Paki PM Zardari.
Mo is 20%, from this I think the money for the clerics derives in Iran. (??)
Mo is a catalogue of crimes, uninterrupted blasphemy, an ultimate God hater (to come closer to the muslim old-speak).
Prophet or Warmonger?
Dessert topping or floor wax? Much like Shimmer, Mohammad is regarded as both. Only his victims know the true answer and by then, it's too late.
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