Monday, December 29, 2008

Ethnic Justice

In recent months Britain has taken several steps towards instituting a sharia court system, a separate and parallel legal structure designed to adjudicate complaints within Britain’s Muslim community. Not only the Archbishop of Canterbury, but also lawyers, judges, and members of the government are openly discussing the implementation of sharia in the UK.

Now comes word that a social anthropologist in Switzerland is proposing the same thing for his country. According to an article entitled “Sharia courts in Switzerland?” in today’s Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Dr. Christian Giordano foresees a Swiss version of sharia. Our Austrian correspondent ESW sent us a working summary of the article:

Christian Giordano, a social anthropologist, demands that Swiss citizens should be tried in different courts according to their origin, their ethnic and religious backgrounds.

He is aware of the fact that his views are provocative. But the time is ripe for debate in Switzerland.

“Those who think people from faraway cultures are able to assimilate completely into Swiss culture are wrong. This is true also for the legal system.”

Giordano also believes that there are already sharia courts in operation in Switzerland, which are not under any sort of control. This shadowy existence must cease, he demands. He asks for sharia courts to be implemented for immigrants. He is primarily thinking in terms of civil court procedures, but also for assault cases.

Hudud punishments would not be accepted, and therefore such cases would be retried under Swiss law. Human rights must of course remain in effect in front of a sharia court. He is thus unsure about polygamous marriages in this regard. This must be investigated in more detail.
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Muslims support Giordano. One Iranian sociologist says that Muslims, Christians, and Jews have been tried under different laws for centuries. The state order does not break down if there are different laws implemented for different groups. He believes that in the long run there is no way around sharia courts. He supports the early institution of sharia courts in Switzerland.

Others believe it’s not the right time for the institution of sharia, although certain parts should be implemented. At the moment it is not politically viable.

Giordano, meanwhile, is confident that there will be much debate regarding his demands. He believes this to be important because the concept of a single law in an immigration country is simply not working, just as the concept of a national state is not working.

“The concept of a national state is not working.” Hmm…

So there will be different sets of laws for different ethnic groups. Each judicial system will respect the origins and traditions of that particular ethno-religious group. Muslims from Pakistan can expect a system of laws that resembles the one they have at home. Somalis will live under the laws of Somalia — which right now, of course, means living without any laws at all.

And what about here in the USA? Does that mean that white Christians of European descent get to live under traditional honkie law?

Nuh-uh! That’s not the way the rules work.

Earlier today Dymphna wrote about the imposition of euthanasia and abortion upon constituencies who do not support these practices, in the face of contrary public opinion and in defiance of democratic procedures that would otherwise have prevented such legal changes. The federal courts are imposing by fiat the practices of a minority, since these results cannot be effected in any other manner.

The same is true of numerous other progressive legal changes. Provisions which were in effect when the states ratified the Constitution in 1787 — and were the law of the land for 200 years afterwards — have suddenly, at the drop of a judicial hat, become unconstitutional. Traditional practices are now forbidden, and previously forbidden practices have become permissible — or even mandatory. Public religious observances, an absence of homosexual marriage, the prohibition of contraception and abortion for minors without their parents’ consent: all of these are traditional “white Christian” legal customs in America, and all have been repealed or enacted by a narrow sliver of the elite without the consent of the populace at large.

So, as usual, the meta-rules for white people are different than those for all other ethnic groups. Unlike the Iranians and the Indonesians, we will not be allowed to keep our traditional customs. Baby, bathwater, and bathtub — all must go!

That’s the shining future that lies ahead for us in the “post-racial” utopia known as Obamaland.


joe six-pack said...

Islam was designed as a nation-state long before they became commonly established.

Attempt to have two legal systems? Lot's of luck guys! The great risk here is that of violence, if not open warfare. The two systems are VERY different.

Richard said...

So, now not only immigrants can take along their personal beliefs and traditions in order enforce these upon his new country and neighbours. Now he will also take along his own law. And this in mass numbers.

Are there really any other words for this besides invasion and colonisation?

Kai - Welf J. Lerche said...

One other word comes to mind: stupidity

Zenster said...

One Iranian sociologist says that Muslims, Christians, and Jews have been tried under different laws for centuries.

I'm quite confident that even a cursory examination of the locations wherein such multiple legal systems were applied would show a majority of them to be the usual two-tier cesspits of inequity, be they Islamic or otherwise.

It continues to defy all reason that Western individuals somehow manage to suggest even the slightest incorporation of Islamic law into civilized legal systems when shari'a continues to be nothing more or less than one massive violation of human rights.

I suppose that is the gist of this issue. Namely, willfully conflating the gross violation of human rights with any notion of justice or legal protection.

blogagog said...

It feels like freedom is slipping away in the world, and the free people don't seem to care. 5 years ago I would have laughed at you if you said that Europe could accept sharia law.

What a fool I was.

Charlemagne said...

Stop the suicidal immigration and there will be no need for parallel justice systems. The Europeans have truly gone mad. Liberalism is a sickness which may have no cure.

Whiskey said...

Why is anyone surprised by this.

The NYT ran a column on Caroline Kennedy's candidacy for the Senate vacancy and the "Gentry" of the elites.

The Elites HATE the average (White Male) person and find many takers. Those who would want to be in the Gentry, and who are in it.

Of course this multi-ethnic system of competing laws is considered great, because it's known it will destroy the Average White Male, who is the enemy of the Elite/Gentry.

Joanne said...

Islam's intents are for Britain, America, etc. to be entirely governed under Sharia Law. Only Muslims being governed under Sharia Law is the first step; the second step is for all to be governed under Sharia Law - baby steps......frog in the boiling water syndrome.

Holger said...

The silver lining is that theft would be punished with amputations among muslims, and since Jizya is theft in a western society it must be tried as a crime. Hence, hands would fly and which would push many muslims to preferring the western system, i.e. away from their own traditions when they've had a taste of it.

filthykafir said...

"the concept of a single law in an immigration country is simply not working, just as the concept of a national state is not working."

Okay. Nation states are under duress, largely because of problems caused by massive immigration. True. But, in response, rather than stopping/rolling back immigration, we should... increase the stress on the national states by adopting multiple incompatible legal systems.

So... when were the rules of logic formally repealed? Did this happen quietly over the holiday while I was at Wal-Mart? But, Congress is not currently in session. C'mon guys; I need a clue here.

Unknown said...

The nation state is not working?? Only in the West. Saudi Arabia and China are very nationalist. The world isn't getting diversified, the West is. And you see it undermines our ability to have cohesion and direction.

Does the West realize now that multiculturalism is false? The West has a core culture. This should be obvious when it is rubbing up against an alien legal tradition that refuses to recognize its 'universal' nature.

The West should also note its allegiance with Israel. The West is not universal. We have a side. When Muslims rise up in solidarity with those who would destroy the West, the West should realize that diversity exists; it is not the world.

We must drop multiculturalism. We have a core culture. We, like China and Saudi Arabia, must protect and promote our culture on our lands. We must stand by our western bretheren as the muslims do for theirs.

My Title

Homophobic Horse said...

"Giordano also believes that there are already sharia courts in operation in Switzerland, which are not under any sort of control. This shadowy existence must cease, he demands. He asks for sharia courts to be implemented for immigrants. He is primarily thinking in terms of civil court procedures, but also for assault cases.

Hudud punishments would not be accepted, and therefore such cases would be retried under Swiss law. Human rights must of course remain in effect in front of a sharia court."

They want to create an ersatz sharia law to supplant the real thing and so de-claw Islam. They will fail of course. Stupid dhimmi fools.

"The NYT ran a column on Caroline Kennedy's candidacy for the Senate vacancy and the "Gentry" of the elites.

The Elites HATE the average (White Male) person and find many takers. Those who would want to be in the Gentry, and who are in it."

It is with anger and contempt that I behold the utter degeneracy of modern politicians. For this particular individual, this Kennedy, the real complexity of politics can now be reduced to a gender conflict. This Kennedy woman is the real gentry, the illegitamate aristocrat, hermetically sealed from the real world, lost in a comatose day dream.

Unknown said...

Homophobic Horse,

Proof of what you say can be seen in Uncle Teddy's 1965 immigration act. It totally undermined the livelihood of the average Joe. If that family had any love of the average man, it would work 24 / 7 to undo the damage it has inflicted.

Piggy Infidel said...

“Those who think people from faraway cultures are able to assimilate completely into Swiss culture are wrong. This is true also for the legal system.”

Someone please buy this man a beer in recognition of his services to the Campaign for Waking Up the Misled and Brainwashed European People Before It Is Too Late. Get that quote from him printed on a tshirt (block capitals only please) and get him on the Swiss six oclock news so that he can proclaim his glad tidings to the people:

"As soon as there are enough Muslims here in Switzerland we will change the laws to suit them. It will start slowly, but as the Muslims gradually accrue more and more demographic & political clout, all laws will be changed in their favour. You, the Swiss people, will suffer. But it won't matter, because you will be out-numbered. You will be powerless. And slowly you will lose your country and your culture"

"And now the weather"

Why has this pr**k broken cover? Does he not know the rules by now? The Recipe for Success that has, to date at least, served the Left/immigrant alliance so well. NEVER discuss openly and honestly the long-term consequences of mass third world immigration to Europe. certainly not in front of the trusting, good natured Europeans, the modern day Eloi. ALWAYS gush soothngly about shared values and oooh all those restaurants! And of course make babies. Three is good, five would be better. Either way, if you can keep that up for the next decade or two, you win.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is also doing a sterling job of waking up the British Eloi here in the UK, vis a vis sharia law. The BNP website went into meltdown in the days after his statement that sharia is unavoidable. Thanks mate! This sort of stuff has Lefties sobbing into their Fairtrade hankies; they have spent the last 30 years carefully selling the line that "immigration will enhance our country, it won't change it" and along comes Rowan Williams, telling - aargh! - the TRUTH.


Gort said...

I have read Dymphna's article on imposed abortion and euthanasia which ends on the depressing note "Do not send out to ask for whom the bell tolls. . . ."

And now I see the Baron saying: "That’s the shining future that lies ahead for us in the “post-racial” utopia known as Obamaland."

Last night I heard Bill O'Reilly say something to the effect that if this sort of thing comes to pass the American people won't stand for it, and to paraphrase his comment, "There will be Hell to Pay."

I must then ask the rhetorical question, "Who will be sending that invoice?"

Shall we all say "baaa" and shuffle along nicely, or are there still vertebrates among us?

Alexis said...

There was once a country that exemplified the principles Dr. Giordano seeks to advance. The country was the Republic of South Africa and its political system was apartheid.

If you look at the history of sharia, it is so congruent with the political principles of apartheid that one could legitimately call opposition to sharia an anti-apartheid movement.

One should not forget that Apartheid South Africa promoted its political system as an exemplar of multiculturalism. Dr. Verwoerd and Dr. Giordano appear to have much in common.

ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said...

Palestinians are now going to practice amputations, lashing and cruscifixion. Bye-bye to civilisation and weelcome to barbarism. Maybe Dr. Giordano should move to Gaza and drink a beer in public...

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