Tuesday, September 02, 2008

A Room Reserved for Veiled Women

A room reserved for veiled womenFrom François at F. Desouche comes this photo of a hair salon in France:

“A Room Reserved for Veiled Women”

For a full-sized version, click here.

[nothing follows]


Anonymous said...

The cultural conquest continues.

Hesperado said...
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Hesperado said...

Had the sign in the window been written by a dyslexic, yet honest, shopkeeper, it would have read:

Salle Réservée

Pour La

Femme Violée.

Anonymous said...

What an excellent photograph, complete with a very pregnant enemy foreigner to dramatize the message. Can anyone read the upper right, where it says Tariff Reduit, etc.? That means discount. Who's getting the discount, mothers of suicide bombers?

Unknown said...

As I recall, Saddam Hussein's repellent rapist son Qusay (Kusai?) had a special room reserved for veiled women too.

BTW did you know that in Japanese Kusai means stinky?

It always added a darkly humorous note to news reports of Kusai Hussein's bloody antics.

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